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78 Cards in this Set

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Great Plains
Where the injuns lived. Midwestern US.
"Crowd Nobody"
Movement that encouraged people who lived in urban areas to move to the uninhabited west.
Indian Country
Where them injuns lived. See also: Great plains.
Chivington Massacre
John Chivington's attack on Chief Black Kettle. He slaughtered men, women, and children, attacking when his opponents were asleep.
Red Cloud
A Sioux chief who was one of the first to succumb to the will of the government and live on a reservation.
Fetterman Massacre
William Fetterman led a command to attack Red Cloud, and Red Cloud ambushed his soldiers and killed them all.
Buffalo Soldiers
A group of black soldiers who were famed for their valor in battle, even though they suffered the same prejudices as other blacks
Red River War
US Army launched a campaign to get rid of the Comanche, Kiowa, Cheyenne, and Arapahos, and move them to reservations. "Kill the buffalo, kill the indians".
Sitting Bull
Medicine Man turned Sioux chief. One of the chiefs who won the battle of Little Big Horn. Killed at Wounded Knee.
Crazy Horse
Sioux Chief. One of the chiefs who won the battle of Little Big Horn. Killed resisting being moved to reservation.
George Armstrong Custer
An American general who led an attack on the Indians at Little Big Horn. FAILURE ---> Death.
7th Cavalry
Soldiers who fought bravely at Little Big Horn, several earning the Medal of Honor.
Nez Perce Tribe
Indians who rebelled against the government. Led by Chief Joseph. Died of disease.
Chief Joseph
The chief of the Nez Perce tribe. Led his people in running away from the government for 75 days.
An indian prophet who thought the end of the white men was imminent.
Ghost Dance
A set of dances and rights that the indians thought would bring about the death of the white man.
Wounded Knee Massacre
When the army heard about the ghost dances, they tried to stop it, but after the indians resisted, they killed many, including Sitting Bull
As in, of assimilation of indians into civilized culture.
Court of Indian Offenses
A court system specifically devoted to indians, but one that failed miserably in the non-prejudice category.
Dawes Severalty Act
Divided tribal lands into plots so individuals could purchase them. An effort to force indians to become civilized.
Extermination of the Buffalo
"Kill a buffalo, kill an indian"
Buffalo Bill Cody
The mastermind of the Wild West show, which made a farce of indian life. Sitting Bull himself participated in it.
Gold Rush of 1849
THE gold rush, led to thousands moving into California and surrounding areas.
Overland Trail
Similar to the Oregon trail, a trail that people followed if they wanted gold.
Homestead Act of 1862
160 acres for $10 if you live and work on it for five years.
Timber Culture Act 1873
Added on to homestead act, promised more land if the buyer planted trees.
Timber and Stone Act of 1878
Anybody in California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington could buy forest land for $2.50 an acre
National Reclamation Act
Money from sale of public lands goes to irrigate arid desert land.
Hydraulic Society
Rich in crops, but always thirstier for more. (Refers to amount of irrigation an area gets)
Romualdo Pacheco
Hispanic governor of California/congressman
Las Gorras Blancas
Secret organization of Spanish Americans.
Instant Cities
Cities that arose because of interest in mining.
Placer Mining
A mining technique that uses a shovel, pan, and a good claim
Comstock Lode
A place rich in silver and gold
Chinese Exclusion Act
Did not let Chinese into america for five years
Foreign Miner's Tax
Along the same lines as the exclusion act, prevented foreigners from taking too much American gold
Spanish cowboys
Wyoming Stock Grower's Association
Involved with the death of the cattle in the winter of 1866
Black farmers who moved to the west for a new beginning
Dry farming
Loosening up the soil to slow down evaporation, gives plants more water
National Grange
Founded by Oliver H. Kelley, banned members' involvement in politics, a kind of social club. They often ignored the rules.
Bonanza Farms
Farms that were made easier by the new inventions of farming tools.
Turner Thesis
The existence of free land is the explanation of the growth of America.
A collective mentality focused on worrying about the state of affairs in America.
RE Olds
A car manufacturer who wasn't as good as Henry Ford-- Oldsmobiles?
Model T
Economy car that Henry Ford made to sell to the masses
Tin Lizzie
Nickname of Model T
United Fruit
Exploitative empire of plantations
General Electric
First industrial research lab
Frederick Winslow Taylor
Economic theorist
Principles of Scientific Management
Basis of modern managerial technique
Triangle Shirtwaist Co.
A place that burned down and killed many female workers
Women's Trade Union League
Rural free delivery--delivered mail to farmer's doors
Rockefeller Sanitary Comission
Began a sanitation campaign in NY
Newlands Act
Funded irrigation
David Graham Phillips
Sheppard Towner Act
Gave rights to pregnant women in the workplace
Margaret Sanger
Fought for birth control for women
Niagara Movement
equality for blacks.
national association for the advancement of colored people, helped to strive for equality for blacks
Guinn v. US
Outlawed the grandfather clause
Buchanon V. Worley
Banned a law requiring residential segregation.
Italian job agent
Leonidas Skliris
Czar of the Greeks, a greek padroni
Birds of Passage
Immigrants who worked for the work season, and then took the money home during the off season
The process of immigrants learning the ways of American culture.
Mexican job agents
All-Mexican neighborhoods
Samuel Gompers
Head of the AFL
A union that emphasized socialist values
Bill Haywood
Founder of IWW
5 Dollar Day
Henry Ford's idea to make workers come to work for him
Similar to Pullman, a self-sufficient factory town.
Irving Berlin
A patriotic American composer
DW Griffith
Pioneered film directing, made "Birth of a Nation"
Performing rights/copyrights agency.
Ashcan School
Based in realism.