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18 Cards in this Set

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What is the benefit of binary I/O over text I/O?

More efficient. Stores 199 as C7 instead of '1'9'9'. Also does not involve encoding or decoding and is independent of the coding scheme of the host machine
What class is used to read text data? What class is used to write print data?



Input classes ____ input streams and output classes ____ output streams



True or false: all files are stored as binary files


What is the abstract root class for reading binary data? Writing binary data?



What do you use for reading/writing bytes to/from files?



if the file already exists, be sure to pass true and append to the constructor

Exception handling with InputStream/OutputStream

declare throws IOException in the method or use a try-catch

Why should you use try-with-resources?

file will automatically close when operation are done


open file writer/read}


//insert code to be read/written


What do filter streams do?

filter bytes for some purpose (e.g., read double, ints, or strings instead of bytes)
What do DataInputStream and DataOutputStream do?

How do you know when you've reach the end of the file?

convert from bytes to primitive/string and vice versa

catch the EOFException

What are BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream used for?

Increase efficiency

BufferedInputStream: whole block of data is read into the buffer in the memory once. Individual data are then delivered from the buffer

BufferedOutputStream: Data are first written to the buffer. When the buffer is full, all data are written to the disk once

Do BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream contain new methods?

no. All methods are inherited from InputStream and OutputStream. Think of BufferedInput/OutputStream as operating in the background

True or false: You should always use buffered I/O to speed up input and output


What are ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutputStream used for?

read/write objects, primitives, strings

What's the catch with ObjectInputStream?

objects must be read back from the corresponding ObjectInputStream with the same types and in the same order as they were written. Java's safe casting should be used to get the desired type

Can every object be written to the output stream?

No, it must be Serializable (implement the Serializable interface) --> doesn't have any methods. Just needs to implement it.

If an object is an instance of Serializable but contains nonserializable instance data fields, can it be serialized?

No, but you can mark those fields with keyword transient and the JVM will ignore them when writing the object to the object stream

(e.g., static variable, instance variable)

All of the types so far are sequential streams. What's the alternative?

Random access streams