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28 Cards in this Set

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Lamarck inheritance of acquired characteristics theory
-concept of use and disuse
-ex) organs used a lot developed
-changes called by lamarck acquired characteristics
*Lamarck WRONG
(traits inherited not acquired)
Darwins natural selection theory
-organism has offspring, some live to reproductive age
-variations in individuals can be inherited, if increase survival =favorable
-overtime favorable variations passed on long enough that get new species=natural selection=survival of the fittest
natural selection is____of evolution
evolution isn't equivalent to natural selection
neodarwinism (modern synthesis)
-gene changed due to mutation/recombination=favorable, passed on and opposite also true=differential reproduction
-survival of fittest lead to increase of those genes in gene pool (genes of all individuals in population,)
punctuated equilibrium theory
-due to studying fossils
-changes occur in rapid bursts (darwin says evenly across time)
-ex) dinosaur extinction, event caused change of their evolution
evolution is theory explaining
origin of species
evidence of evolution from many areas:
comparative anatomy
comparative embryology
molecular biology
-relate age of fossils to anatomy/abundance to find succession of species
-evolution not same everywhere on earth, different environment lead to species divergence
-homologous, analogous, vestigial structures
-examine embryo of different species and compare
-compare DNA to see similarity, also look at protein
homologous structures
analogous structures
vestigial structures
-common evolutionary origin (ancestor) but not necessarily same function ex) bat wing human forearm
-similar function/purpose NO common origin ex) bug wing and bird wing
-once structures will purpose no longer important ex) human tailbone
gene freq=
how often allele appears in population
if NO change in gene freq=no evolution
for this to be true need to meet 5 criteria
-large population
-no mutations affecting gene pool
-random mating
-no net migration in/out
-genes all equally successful at reproducing
*if all true population=hardy weinberg equilibrium
designate p as dominant allele q as recessive allele
*p^2= freq of homo dominant
*2pq=freq of hetero
*q^2=freq of homo recessive
hardy weinberg equations tell us (2)
-freq of genes in population
-freq of phenotype in population
if 100 people then ___alleles
*twice as many genes as people because everyone has 2 copies of each gene
microevolution(changes over short period):
natural selection
assortive mating
genetic drift
gene flow
*all these are exceptions to hardy equil
-favorable genotype selected,freq increases in gene pool
-change allele freq
-not randomly mated, mate based on proximity/phenotype
-change in gene pool due to chance ex) natural barrier separate 2 populations
natural selection only cause of evolution over LONG steady periods
can occur as (3)
-stabilizing: keep phenotype in certain range by eliminating extremes ex) human birth weight
-directional: emergence/dominance of an initially extreme phenotype ex) bacteria once killed by antibiotics, after exposure some resistant and now more prevalent
-disruptive: both extremes chosen over norm phenotype ex) birds will large beaks and ones with small, have common ancestor
altruistic behaviour
-exception to darwin
-sacrifice for others, selflessness
ex) worker insects
group selection theory
-tries to explain altruistic by saying genes may cause certain people in pop not to reproduce
-problem=these genes can't be passed on then
kin selection theory
-similar to group
-organism behave altruistic if closely related to reproducing organism
-consistent with neo darwinism
inclusive fitness=
-# alleles organism passes even if indirectly through altruistic behaviour
new species arises
reproductive isolation caused by (2)
-prezygotic: no zygote can be formed if 2 different species mate
-postzygotic: zygote forms, but offspring infertile or dies
adaptive radiation and pro
-single ancestor-->many species diverge
-fast, decreases competition for limited resources
convergent evolution
dont share common ancestor
similar environment=similarities
ex)dolphin fish
divergent evolution
common ancestor
different environment=differences
ex) dolphin cat
parallel evolution
related species evolve similar way
similar environment
origin of life:
primordial soup
-C,N,H little O in seas
-with energy from different sources soup+energy=organic molecules like aa
-primitve ancestor of living cells
-collection of organic polymer
-grow/divide but couldnt pass info
then after protobiont formation had____formation
*first molecule to pass genetic info=
genetic material formation