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63 Cards in this Set

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pituitary gland/ hypophysis cerebi
approx. the size of a pea and located at the base of the brain; master gland- produces hormones that stimulate the function of other endocrine glands
anterior lobe/ adenohypophysis
produces and secetes: GH, ACTH, TSH, gonadotopic hormones, FSH, LH, PRL
growth hormone (GH)
regulates the growth of the body
adenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
stimulates the adrenal cortex
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
stimulates the thyroid gland
gonadotropic hormones
affect the male and female reproductive systems
follicle-stimulating (FSH) & luteinizing hormone (LH)
regulate deve, growth, and function of ovaries and testes
prolactin or lactogenic hormone (PRL)
promotes deve. of glandular tissue during pregnnacy and produces milk after birth of an infant
posterior lobe/ nuerohypophysis
stores and releases antidiurectic hormone and oxytocin
stimulates the kidney to reabsorb water
stimulates uterine contractions during labor and postpartum
located near the pituitary gland in the brain; secretes "releasing" hormone that functions to stimulate or inhibit the release of pituitary gland hormones
thyroid gland
lrgest endocrine gland; secretes hormones T3, T4, which require iodine for production; Thyroxine is necessay for body cell metabolism; located in the neck below the larynx
parathyroid glands
four small bodies lying directly behind the thyroid; produces PTH which helps maintain the level of Ca in the blood
islets of Langerhans
clusters of endocrine tissue found thruout the pancreas, made up of diff. cell types that secrete various hormones, incl. insulin and glucagon; non-endocrine cells help w/ digestion
adrenal glands
paired glands, located above ea. kidney; secretes cortisol, aldosterone, EP, NEP
secreted the adrenal cortex; aids the body during stress by increasing glucose levels to provide energy
secreted by adrenal cortex; electroytes that are necessary for normal body function are regulated
epinephrine (adrenaline); norepinephrine
secreted by adrenal medulla; these help the body to deal w/ stress by increasing the blood pressure, heart beat, and respirations
acromegaly/ adenomegaly/ adrenomegaly
enlargment of th extremities caused by excessive production of the GH after puberty/ gland/ adrenal glands/
adenitis/ adrenalitis/ thyroiditis
inflammation of a gland/ adrenal glands/ thyroid gland
abnormal condition of a gland
hypercalcemia/ hyperglycemia/ hyperkalemia
excessive clalcium/ sugar/ potassium in the blood
hyperpituitarism/ hyperthyroidism
state of excessive pituitary/ thyroid gland activity
hypocalcemia/ hypoglycemia/ hypokalemia/ hyponatremia
deficient calcium/ sugar/ potassium/ salt in the blood
hypopituitarism/ hypothyroidism
state of deficient pituitary/ thyroid gland activity
state of total deficient pituitary gland activity
tumor of a parathyroid gland
condition brought about by an abnormal accumulation of acid products of metabolism
Addison d
chronic syndrome resulting from deficiency in the hormonal secretion of the adrenal cortex; symptoms: weakness, darkening of skin, loss of appetite, depression
condition caused by congenital absence or atrophy (wasting away) of the thyroid gland, resulting in hypothyroisim; chara by puffy features, mental def., lrg tongue, and dwarfism
Cushing syndrome
grp of symptoms attributed to the excessive production of cortisol by the adrenal cortices; symptoms: abnormally pigmented skin, moon face, pads of fat on the chest and abdomen, buffalo hump, and wasting of muscle
diabetes insipidus
result of decreased secretion of ADH by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland; symptoms: excessive thirst, lrg amts of urine & Na excretion
diabetes mellitus
chronic d. involving a disorder of carb metabolism caused by under activity of islets of Langerhans; chara by elevated blood sugar
condition brought about by overproduction of GH by the pituitary gland before puberty
enlargemnt of the thyroid gland
Graves d
disorder of the thyroid gland char. by the presence of hyperthyroidism, goiter, and exophthalmos
condition resulting from uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, in which the body has an abnormal concentration of ketone bodies resulting from excessive fat metabolism
condition resulting from a deficiency of the thyroid hormon thyroxine; severe form of hypothyroidism in an adult; symptoms: puffiness of hands and face, coarse and thick skin, enlarged tongue, slow speech, and anemia
tumor of the adrenal medulla; chara by hypertension, headaches, palpitations, diaphoresis, chest pain, and abnormal pain; surgical removal is the most common tmt
condition affecting nerves causing muscle spasms as a result of low amt of Ca in the blood caused by a deficiency of the parathyroid hormone
condition caused by excessive thyroid hormones
adenectomy/ adrenalectomy/ parathyroidectomy/ thyroidectomy/ thyroparathyroidectomy
excision of a gland/ adrenal glands/ thyrthyroidotomyoid gland/ thyroid and parathyroid glands
incision of the thyroid gland
radioactive iodine uptake
nuclear medicine scan that measures thyroid function; radioactive iodine is given to the patient orally, after which uptake into the thyroid is measured
thyroid scan
nuclear medicine test that shows size, shape, and function of the thyroid gland' patient is given a radioactive substance to visualize the thyroid; image is recorded as scanner is passed over neck area; used to detect tumor and nodules
fasting blood sugar
blood test performed after a patient has fasted for 8-10 hrs. to determine the amt of glucose in the blood
glycosylated hemoglobin
blood test that measures the average blood sugar concentration over the life span of the red blood cells; results indictae patients blood sugar average for the 6-8 wks before the test
thyroid-stimulating hormone test
blood test that measures the amt of TSH in the blood; used to diagnose hyperthyroidism and to monitor patients on thyroid replacement therapy
thyroxine level (T$)
blood study that gives the direct measurement of the amt of thyroxine in the blood; indicates hyper- or -hypothyroidism
excessive deve. of the adrenal cortex
d. of the adrenal gland
pertaining to the cortex
resembling the cortex
any d. of the endocrine system
normal level of sugar in the blood
resembling a normal thyroid gland
abnormal state of much thirst
set of symptoms that occur together
abnormal protrusion of the eyeball
chemical substance secreted by an endocrine gland that is carried in the blood to a target tissue
narrow strip of tissue connecting two large parts in the body
sum total of all the chemical processes that take place in an organism