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59 Cards in this Set

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birth defects that cause abnormal development of an organ or a structure
congenital anomalies/ irregularities
congenital tumor composed of displaced embryonic tissue
dermoid cyst
displacement of the uterus from its normal position
displacement of uterus
abnormal forward bending of the uterus
anteflexion (ante = before, flexes = bend)
abnormal backward bending of the uterus
backward turn of the whole uterus; also called tipped uterus
condition characterized by migration of portions of endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity
inflammation of the endometrium
benign tumor in the uterus composed of smooth muscle and fibrous connective tissue
fibroid, fibromyoma, leiomyoma
abnormal passage, such as from one hollow organ to another
fistula = pipe
abnormal opening between the vagina and rectum
rectovaginal fistula
abnormal opening between the bladder and vagina
vesicovaginal fistula
abnormal development of cervical tissue cells
cervical neoplasia
potentially cancerous abnormality of epithelial tissue of the cervix
cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), cervical dysplasia
malignant cell changes of the cervix that are localized, without any spread to adjacent structures
carcinoma in situ (CIS) of the cervix
cessation of menstrual periods caused by lack of ovarian hormones
inflammation of one of both ovaries
cyst of the uterine tube (fallopian tube)
parovarian cyst
scarring of tissue within the pelvic cavity resulting from endometriosis, infection, or injury
pelvic adhesions
inflammation of organs in the pelvic cavity; usually resulting from endometriosis, infection, or injury
pelvic inflammatory disease
relaxation of supportive ligament of the pelvic organs
pelvic floor relaxation
pouching of the bladder into the vagina
pouching sac of peritoneum between the vagina and the rectum
pouching of the urethra into the vagina
descent of the uterus down the vaginal canal
inflammation of a fallopian tube
thinning of the vagina and loss of moisture because of depletion of estrogen
atrophic vaginitis
infection of the vagina, with little or no inflammation, characterized by a milk like discharge and an unpleasant odor
vaginosis (nonspecific vaginitis)
most commonly sexually transmitted disease
infectious disease caused by a spirochete transmitted via direct, intimate contact
virus that causes an inflammation of the liver; transmitted through body fluid
hepatitis B virus
virus that causes ulcer-like lesions of the genital and anorectal skin and mucosa
herpes simplex virus type 2
malignant tumor of glandular breast tissue
adenocarcinoma of the breast
absence of a breast
benign condition of the breast consisting of fibrous and cystic changes that render the tissue more dense
fibrocystic breasts
development of mammary glands in the male caused by altered hormone levels
abnormally large breasts
unusually small breasts
inflammation of the breast most commonly occurs in breastfeeding women
presence of more than two breasts
presence of more than one nipple on a breast
polythelia, supernumerary nipples
expulsion of the products of conception before the fetus is viable (able to live outside the uterus)
spontaneous abortion
spontaneous abortion occurring in three or more consecutive pregnancies
habitual abortion
incomplete expulsion of the products of conception
incomplete abortion
death of a fetus or embryo within the uterus that is not naturally expelled after death
missed abortion
bleeding with the threat of miscarriage
threatened abortion
condition preventing normal delivery through the birth canal; either the baby's head is too large or the birth canal is too small
cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD)
true toxemia of pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure, albuminuria, edema of the legs and feet etc
toxemia of pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure etc without convulsion or coma
preeclampsia, pregnancy-induced hypertension
implantation of the fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity, often in the tube or ovary
ectopic pregnancy
disorder that results from the incompatibility of a fetus with mother and child with different Rh blood
erythroblastosis fetalis
presence or lack of antigens on surface of red blood cells
Rh factor
absence of antigens
Rh positive
absence of antigens
Rh negative
severe nausea and vomiting in pregnancy that can cause severe dehydration in the mother and fetus
hyperemesis gravidarum (emesis = vomit)
fetal aspiration of amniotic fluid containing meconium
meconium aspiration
displaced attachment of the placenta in the lower region of the uterine cavity
placenta previa
premature detachment of a normally situated placenta
abruptio placentae