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34 Cards in this Set

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the three ankle bones?
1. talus
2. Medial Maleouls
3. Lateral Maleouls
the two low leg bones
1. Tibia (shine bone)
2. Fibula
what membrane connects the tibia and fibula
interossous membrane
the three ankle lateral ligaments
1. anterior talofibular ligament (ALF)
2.Calcanofibular Ligament (CF)
3. Posteriour taslofibular ligament (PTF)
the medial ankle ligament
Deltoid ligament
Low leg anterior ligament
tibolfibular ligament
low leg posterior ligament
tibiofibular ligament
a tight heel cord (achiles tendon) may limit
static and dynamic joint stability is important
when preventing injuries
what muscles are used in lower legs to platar flex
gastrocemius. soleus, achilies tendon
what muscles are used in lower legs to dorsi flex
tibialis anterior
what muscles are used in lower legs to invert
tibialis posterious
what muscles are used in lower legs to evert
peroneus longus, peroneus brevis
assessign the lower leg and ankle you should use the ___ method
HOPS History Observation Palpation Special Tests
a few ankle stability tests are..
-anterior drawer test
-talar tilt test
-thomspon test
single most common injury in athletics cause by a sudden inversion or eversion mement is called
ankle sprain
most common ankle injury
inversion sprain
three types of ankle sprains
mild pain and disability, weight bearing is minimally imparied
Grade 1 ankle sprain
feel or hear pop or snap. moderate pain
grade 2 ankle sprain
severe ankle sprain, swelling, unable to bear weight
grade 3 ankle sprain
signs of ankle fractures/ dislocation
swelling and pain may be extreme with possible deformity
a result in a direct blow or indirect trauma to the tibia and fibula can result in
tibial and fibular fractures
a stress fracture to the fibula is
lower 1/3 of the leg
stress fracture to the tibia is the
middle 1/3
medial tibial stress syndrome is also called
shin splints
direct blow to the lower leg can cause
shin contusions
rare acute traumatic syndrome due to direct blow or excessive exercise is called
compartment syndrome
when the achilles tendon is overloaded due to extensive stress it is called
achillies tendinitis
when a sudden stop and go occures, a forecul plantar flexion with knee moving int full extension can cause
achilles tendon rupture
anterior muscle/ tendon of lower leg
tibialis anterior
posterior muscle/ tendon of lower leg
1. soles
2. gastrocemius-calf
3. achilles tendon
medial muscle/ tendon of the lower leg
tibialis posterior
lateral muscle/ tendon of the lower leg
1. peroneus longus
2. peroneus brevis