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20 Cards in this Set

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characterized by the tendency to take action and to be competitive, independent, aggressive, and self-assertive. (Typically males)
characterized by the tendency to be emotionally open, gentle, empathetic, cooperative, and concerned with the needs of others. (Typically female)
gender-role norms
a society's expectations for he behavior of people according to their sex
a class of hormones that normally occur at higher levels in males than females and that affect physical development and functioning from the prenatal period onward
congential adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)
a condition in which the adrenal glands produce high levels of hormones that have androgenlike effects
gender essentialist statements
statements about males and females that imply that the descriptions and characterizations contain therein generally apply to all members of the sex in question and always will
gender identity
awareness of one's own gender; occurs at 30 months; learn their gender category and begin labeling themselves as either boy/girl
gender stability
awareness that gender is stable over time; occurs at 3-4yrs; "I'll always be a girl."; but do not understand that superficial appearance is independent of gender--thus, a boy that puts on a dress has not become a girl
gender constancy
the realization that gender is invariant despite superficial changes in a person's appearance or behavior; GENDER IS CONSISTENT ACROSS SITUATIONS; 5-7 yrs
identity, constancy, stability? "I am a girl"
identity, constancy, stability? "I will always be a girl."
identity, constancy, stability? "I'm a girl and nothing I do will change that."
gender schemas
organized mental representations (concepts, beliefs, memories) about gender, including gender stereotypes
gender self-socialization
the process through which children's biases to behave in accord with their gender identity is strengthened by their greater attention to and involvement with entitites and activities deemed appropriate to their gender; will forget objects that do not fit in with gender identity
gender segregation
Maccoby's term for children's tendency to associate with same-sex peers and avoid other-sex peers
the developmental period marked by the ability to reproduce and other dramatic bodily changes
the onset of menstruation
the onset of maels' capacity for ejaculation
body image
an individual's perception of, and feeling's about, his or her own body
the period, prior to the emergence of visible signs of puberty, during which the adrenal glands mature, providing a major source of sex steroids. This period correlates with the onset of sexual attraction