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38 Cards in this Set

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Midbrain (brainstem)

Involved with pain suppression, control 'fight or flight' response, degeneration of dopamine releasing neurons cause of Parkinson's

Pons (brainstem)

Relays 'conversations' between motor cortex and cerebellum, help medulla oblongata maintain breathing

Medulla Oblongata

Relay sensory info. on degree of stretch in muscles and joints in cerebellum, adjusts the force and rate of heart beat and regulate blood pressure, control rate and depth of breathing

Midbrain (location)

Between diencephalon and pons

Pons (location)

Wedged between midbrain and medulla oblongata

Medulla Oblongata (location)

Most inferior part of brain stem

Midbrain (nerves)


Pons (nerves)

At least 3

Medulla Oblongata


Decussation of pyramids

Located in medulla oblongata

Result in each cerebral hemisphere chiefly controls the voluntary movements of muscles on opposite side of body

Reticular activating system

Send continuous stream of impulses to cerebral cortex, keeping cortex alert and conscious and enhancing its excitability, filters flood sensory outputs, involved in sleep


Control autonomic nervous system, initiate physical responses to emotions, regulate body temp., regulate food intake, regulate water balance and thirst, regulate sleep-wake cycle, control endocrine system function

Central sulcus

Separates frontal lobe from parietal lobe

Lateral sulcus

Separates parietal and frontal lobe, outline temporal lobe


Outward fold of cerebral cortex

Association fibers

Connect diff. parts of the same hemisphere

Projection fibers

Tie the cortex to the rest of the nervous system and to receptors and effectors

Association areas

To give meaning to the info. that we receive, store it in memory, tie it to previous knowledge and experiences, and decide what action to take

Broca's area

Lies anterior to the inferior region of premotor area, special motor speech area for speech production

Prefrontal cortex

In frontal lobe, involved in intellect, complex learning abilities, recall and personality, contains working memory

Primary motor area

Located in precentral gyrus of frontal lobe, allows us to continuously control the precise or skilled voluntary movements of our skeletal muscles

Primary somatosensory area

Resides in postcentral gyrus of parietal lobe, receive info. from general sensory receptors in skin and from muscles, joints, and tendons

Temporal lobe

Controls voluntary movement, association areas

Occipital lobe



Info is sorted out and edited, help regulate emotion and visceral function, info that directs activity of motor cortices, memory or sensory integration


Provides precise timing and appropriate patterns of skeletal muscle contraction for smooth, coordinated movements and agility

Cerebrospinal fluid

In and around brain and spinal cord

Formed by choroid plexuses

Ventricles help keep CSF in constant motion

Spinal cord enlargements

Where the nerves serving the upper and lower limbs arise

Dorsal roots

Formed by afferent fibers carrying impulses from peripheral sensory receptors

Spinothalamic tract

Transmit impulses for pain and temp. and coarse touch and pressure

From spine to thalamus

Spinocerebellar tract

Convey info about muscle or tendon stretch to cerebellum

Reticulospinal tract

Maintain balance by varying tone of postural muscles

Tectospinal tract

Mediate head movements in response to visual stimuli

Direct pathway

Pyramidal of medulla

Indirect pathway

Brain stem

Cervical region

Contains 7 pairs of nerves

Thoracic region

Contains 12 pairs of nerves

Lumbar region

Contains 5 pairs of nerves