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76 Cards in this Set

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The physician or another legally qualified professional request OT services for the client. May be oral.


The occupational therapist obtains data to determine the need for evaluation and intervention. The OT performs a brief, general assesment to determine whether OT services would benefit the client.


The OT team atempts to disover the nature of the client's problems or to evaluate a specific are of concern listed by a physician, parent, or other caregiver in the referral. Occupationa profile and an analysis of occupational performance are the two major aspects.

Treatment planning or intervention planning

A plan that will guide actions is developed in collaboration with the client( and the client's caregiver if appropriate). Considering research evidence of effective treatment principles and methods, the occupational therapist develops the intitial treatment plan.


Reevaluation of a client is the process of evaluating the client's progress toward the goals of the treatment plan and modifying the treatment plan and goals as needed.

Discharge planning

The OT team may provide recommendations for further interentions at such time as client is discharged from a health care facility.

Transistion services

The OTA may be responsible for the transition services which help the client change from one helath care facility or enviroment to another.

Occupational Profile

Occpational Profile describes the client's occupational history, patterns of daily living, intrest, and therapy needs.

Analysis of occupational performance

This looks at the client's observable performance in carrying out desrired occupational tasks and ADL. The OT observes the clients performance skils and evaluates client factors that can interfere with occupational performance.

Occupation-centered interview

This consists of asking the client or family member questions relating to occupational habits and life roles, family situation, home set up, interests/values, and therapy goals.

Active listening

requires study, practice, and preparation. This is one of the two essential characteristics of a successful interviewer.

Daily schedule interview

A structured assessment that can be administered by the OTA. Information that should be elicited in the daily schedule interview includes the following:

* time when client wakes and gets out of bed

* morning activities

*typical hygiene and dressing tasks

* breakfast routine

* work/ leisure/ home management


*lunch , etc.


client actively engages in treatment

clinical reasoning

the many modes of thinking and decision making associated with clinical practice.

Person with Disability (PWD)

this person and significant others are affected by disability

personal causation

effects volition, how one person carries them self and how they complete tasks

locus of control

a strong sense that they rather than fate are in control of their lives

social supports

family and friends support person with physical dysfunciton

identity versus role confusion

adolescent try's on different roles

generativity versus stagnation

Erikson invented this stage

person-first perspective

asks us to see the person rather than the diagnosis

apparent acceptance

the person conveys the socially correct forms of acceptance and inclusion, but this attitude does not necessarily represent genuine social acceptance

Persons without disability ( PWOD'S)

A person whom does not have a disability

spread factor

a devaluing process, and the PWD is thereby stigmatized and considered of lower social status and unworthy of acceptance. Hand is impaired so mind is impaired


vague feelings of tension and fears but also may be manifest in physical signs such as relentless.

fear of falling ( FoF)

may arise following an injury from falling or a stroke or head injury, may be specific and seemingly rational


feeling of sadness often accompanied by changes in behavior such as sleeplessness or excessive sleeping and disinterest in previously enjoyed activities.


may be manifested by cheerfulness and unrealistic lack of concern about the disabling condition.


energy associated with one object or person is directed to a secondary target.


unwillingness to take actions for oneself and an unnecessary reliance on others.


a way denying reality


the denial of difference and attempts to conceal it

Body image

formed from multiple perceptions of the body based on experience, current sensations, and the attitudes and values of the culture.

compromise body image

combining disabled body image with pre injury body image

therapeutic mode

advocating, collaborating, empathizing, encouraging, instructing, and problem solving.


the clinician ensures that the patient has resources and supports; advocating may extend to political action


the therapist partners with the patient and encourages participation and self-determination


the OT or OTA works to understand the patient's perspective and to accept and validate feelings


the therapist cheers the patient on, instills hope, and provides praise and feedback.


the OT shares knowledge or skills and endeavors to help the patient master these.

problem solving

the therapist addresses technical and environmental and social dilemmas the patient has encountered or is likely to encounter.

self definition

is a critical factor in successful rehabilitation and suggests one methods for helping patient to value themselves positively.

emotional intelligence

is the capacity to understand and mange one's feelings.

self-help groups

may help to facilitate the patient's adjustment and the development of a positive self- image

Mileu therapy

is particular appropriate as an OT method because it uses environmental or residential settings as a training situation for PWD to practice social, interpersonal, and functional skills.

Substance abuse

is a recognized psychiatric disorder

disability rights

in the 1970's and 1980's PWD's began to organize politically to advocate for a greater community integration, self-determination, and independent living for those with disabilities

Independent living model

the nature of independence is defined by the PWD, who is seen as a consumer of services.

architectural barriers

the built environment as experienced by a PWD is an obstacle course that limits access to desired places and activities

universal design

is an approach to creating built environments and objects that support individual differences by flexible and clean design that accommodates the needs of PWD's as well as persons who do not have disabilities.

areas of occupation

there are eight in the OTPF

performance skills

are building block of performance in occupation


is the background into which something is interwoven.

activity demands

take into account all of the parameters of a specific activity

body functions and structures

client factors

values, beliefs, and spirituality


systems model

the model of human occupation. Holistic model


motivation. personal causation, values beliefs, and intrests


activities that have been performed enough times to become routine and customary

lived body

the experience of being and knowing the world through a particular body

bio mechanical approach

considers the human body as a living machine.


the science of motions of objectives and the forces acting on them


the study of the forces acting on objects at rest

sensorimotor approach

used for treatment of patients with CNS dysfuncitons.

neurophysiological mechanism

used with sensorimotor, normalize muscle tone and elicit normal motor response.


imply primitive reflexes such as those that infants display or those the humans share with other creature such as fish

motor learning

approach that is associated with the sensorimotor approach that focuses on the acquisition of motor skills thorough practice and feedback

rehabilitation approach

uses measures that enable the person to live as independently as possible despite residual disability.

treatment continuum

begins with onset of injury or disability and ends with restoration of the patient to maximal indpendence

adjunctive methods

are used within OT to prepare the patient to engage in activity

enabling activities

require more patient involvement than do adjunctive methods.

purposeful activity

has been the core of OT since its inception. Has an inherent or autonomous goal and is relevant and meaningful to the patient.

occupational roles

are assumed by the patient in the final stage of treatment continuum and are in the living environment and community.


exists to support health care providers practice

Evidence based practice EBD
