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35 Cards in this Set

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Freudian view
based on psychic determinism

psychic mind is composed of three parts

people are motivated byt he forces of the unconscious mind
psychic determinism
stating that every behavior has meaning & purpose & is goal directed.
3 parts of the psychic mind
1) conscious
2) unconscious
3) pre-conscious
Freudian view of instincts
humans function of the the basis of opposing instincts.
Important Freudian Instincts
Eros--> life
Thanatos--> death
Libido--> energy of life
psychosexual stages
1) Oral
2) Anal
3) Phallic
4) latent
5) genital
basic instincts.

follows no values, ethics or logic

obeys pleasure principle

organized, rational system which is in touch with reality.

obeys rulesof logic.

follows reality principle
represents moral aspect of personality.

develops through dos and don'ts of parents or caregivers.

resolution of Oedipus complex helps develop superego

represents ideas and values of society.

follows the moral principle.
Oedipus complex
child's sexual attraction to mother.
1st stage of psychosexual development

mouth is center of gratification
2nd stage of psychosexual development

attention is centered on elimination
3rd stage of psychosexual development

sexual organs become the primary source of gratification
psychosexual development from 6-12 yrs

lack of sexual interest

period of socialization for child.
final stage of psychosexual development from 12-18yrs

mature, adult heterosexual desires and behavior develop.
Freud on sexuality
over-indulgence or frustration due to under-indulgence cause an arrest in psychosexual development, resulting in a specific type of personality.
Freud on anxiety
global & uncomfortable emotion caused by 3 primary reasons.

anxiety is based on real danger.
Neurotic anxiety
results from the fear that one's id impulses might be expressed uncontrolled & lead to trouble form the enviornment
moral anxiety
connected to fear that a person has committed an act against his conscience.

feeling of guilt
ego defenses
mobilized to deal with anxiety

initially conscious, but repeated use makes them habit.

continuous use is harmful
example of ego defeneses
1) repression
2) denial
3) reaction formation
4) fixation
5) regression
unconscious forgetting
unconscious lying
free association
saying anything that comes to the patient's mind while lying comfortably on a couch.

helps with catharsis

since one association leads to another, the process continues & the person becomes closer to unconscious thoughts & motives.

memories of forgotten experiences provide clues to personality structure & the nature of conflict within the unconscious mind.
emotional release
Theory to Practice
practiced in Vienna

Freud worked with Beuer using hypnosis in removing symptoms of mental illness.

later gave up on hypnosis and started psychoanalysis
analysis of the mind

tehcniques used to deal with unconscious problems & conflicts

aim is to make conscious what is unconscious & then make proper connections
dream analysis
"dreams are the royal roads to the unconscious"

include unconscious wishes & desires.

symbolic wish fulfillment.
manifest concent
what happens during the dream
latent content
symbolic meaning

in order to reach this the person is asked to associate to the dream.
psychopathology of everday life
freud beleive everything is determined & there are no accidents

I.E. slip of the tongue, forgotten appointment & many other instances are not simple mistakes. represent unconxcious expression of unconscious wish.
initial stages of psychoanalysis when the patient attempts to waard off solving his/her problems.

therapist must always be alert regarding the drenses used by the patient.
the condition when the patient reacts to the therapist as if they represent some important figure of the patient's life.

negative & positive feelings.

can take many forms.

with repeated interpretation & analysis the patient can gain control over these feelings & reactons.
method by which the unconscious meaning of thoughts & bheavior is revealed to the patient.
forms of resistance
long silences, evading the issue & talking around rpoblems.

breaking appointments, coming late