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9 Cards in this Set

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zoonotic gram neg rods

their similarities/differences
1. Yersinia pestis
2. Francisella tularensis
3. Brucella spp
4. Pasteurella multocida

1-3 are facultative INTRACELLULAR organisms & extremely virulent- can penetrate any body area and disseminate. Pasteurella is NOT intracellular.
cata/dog bites
- common bugs
- where else found
Pasteurella multocida

....also in birds

DO NOT close cat bite/scratches with sutures!!
Bubonic plague
- cause
- labs
- VF
- reservoir/vector
- symptoms
- tx
Yersinia pestis
gram neg rod

1. F1 (Fraction 1)- capsular antigen- antiphagocytic
2. V & W antigens (mech unknown!)
fuel Injection VW bug

reservoir = rats....also squirrels/prairies dogs in SW U.S.
vector = fleas

invade skin --> reproduce intracellularly --> spread to LN's esp inguinal --> swell, painful (not always though);
fever, h/a....invade blood, other organs
hemorrhage under skin --> looks blackish --> "black death"
tx- gentamicin
"boubon"means "groin"
pt camping in arizona/new mexico with fever, think........
....worry about yersinia pestis!

also tularemia
Francisella tularensis is very similar to......
Bubonic plague (Yersinia pestis)
francisella tularensis
- labs
- diseases caused
- transmission
- closely resembles what?
gram neg rod

rabbits, ticks, deerflies, other animals
(Francis Rabbit in Tulips with Ticks and Deerflies)

extremely virulent!! very similar to bubonic plague! invades anywhere in body

1. Ulceroglandular- hole in skin w/ black base at site of contact (how to distinguish from plague) --> LNs swell --> spreads to other organs
(mortality ~5%--much less than plague)
2. Pneumonic- pneumonia
3. Oculoglandular (eyes)
4. Typhoidal (GI tract)

EXTREMELY virulent! labs do not even cx it! just do skin test like PPD and titers!
- labs
- diseases
- transmission
gram neg rod

various spp (ie brucella melitensis, abortus, suis, canis)
- animal meat (beef, cow, goat, pigs)
- unpasteurized diary

penetrates anywhere --> fever, constitutional sx
UNDULANT fever! (peaks in evening, returns to normal by morning).....may last months to years!

dx- culture, ab's, skin test

UNpasteurized dairy --> UNdulant fever
undulant fever
Brucella spp
- meat/animals
- UNpasteurized airy