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23 Cards in this Set

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coordinating conjunctions do not affect the word order of the clauses they introduce. They include ... (5)
denn, order, und, aber, sondern (but, rather, on the contrary) ["douas"]
trans: I met him when I was at the university.
Ich lernte ihn kennen, als ich an der Universitat war. Subordinating conjunction: als means "when," referring to either (i) a point in past time, or (ii) a period of past time. [Note: "als" is used almost exclusively with the past or past perfect (not present perfect).]
trans: I'll give it to him when I see him.
Ich gebe es ihm, wenn ich ihn sehe. Subordinating conjunction: wenn (temporal context) used to mean "when" referring to present or future time, or to mean "whenever". (e.g. Wenn er ankommt ...; Wenn er in Munchen ist) [Note: Wann is a question word that can also introduce subordinate clauses, e.g. Ich weiss nicht, wann er kommt.]
trans: If he comes I'll give it to him.
Wenn er kommt, gebe ich es ihm. Subordinating conjunction: wenn (conditional context) used to mean "if", in the sense of "in the event of."
trans: I don't know if he's coming today.
Ich weiss nicht, ob er heute kommt; subordinating conjunction: ob means "if" in the sense of "whether."
trans: I'll come to your place after I've eaten.
Ich komme zu dir, nachdem ich gegessen habe. Subordinating conjunction "nachdem" means "after/afterwards." [Note 1: nachdem is used only with the present perfect and past perf. tenses. Note 2: "Nach" is a preposition that introduces prepositional phrases; "Nachher" is an adverb of time (like heute, morgen, etc.)]
trans: Before he left he gave me the key.
Bevor er wegging, gab er mir den Schlussel. Subordinating conjunction "bevor" means before/before (that).
trans: Since he has been working less, he looks much better.
Seitdem er weniger arbeitet, sieht er viel besser aus. Subordinating conjunction: seitdem means "since (temporal)", "since then." [Note 1: when since refers to an ongoing action, German uses seitdem + present tense; Note 2: when since refers to a one-time past action, German uses seitdem + present perfect (e.g. Seitdem sie zuruckgekommen ist . . .); Note 3: seitdem is also an adverb of time meaning since then (e.g. Seitdem sieht er besser aus.); Note 4: Seit is a preposition used in time expressions (...seit gestern ...).]
trans: I couldn't go shopping because I didn't have any money.
Ich konnte nicht einkaufen gehen, weil ich kein Geld hatte. Subordinating conjunction: weil means "because," "since" - indicates *strong* causal connection.
Since I still had ten minutes, I drank another cup of coffee.
Da ich noch zehn Minuten hatte, trank ich noch eine Tasse Kaffee. Subordinating conjunction: da means "since," "because" - indicates less strong, or no strict causal connection.
subordinating conjunction: solange
"as long as" referring to a period of time, e.g. Wir bleiben, solange du willst.
subordinating conjunction: sobald
"as soon as" referring to a point in time, e.g. Wir gehen, sobald du fertig bist.
subordinating conjunction: sooft
"as often as," "every time (that)" referring to a series of occurrences, e.g. Sooft ich daran denke, werde ich bo:se. (Every time I think of it I get mad.)
subordinating conjunction: dass
"that," e.g. Er zeigte uns, dass er es konnte.
subordinating conjunction: bis
"until," e.g. Warten Sie, bis ich zuru:ckkomme. [Note: bis is also a preposition, e.g. "bis ein Uhr."]
subordinating conjunction: damit
"so that," e.g. Ich sage es dir nochmal, damit du es nicht vergisst.
subordinating conjunction: obwohl
although, even though, e.g. Obwohl es ein gutes Restaurant ist, ist es nicht sehr teuer.
subordinating conjunction: wa:hrend
"while," e.g. Wa:hrend Sie in Berlin waren, kam ein Paket fu:r Sie an. [Note wa:hrend is also a preposition meaning during, e.g. Wa;hrend des Tages ...]
subordinating conjunction: indem
"by (do)ing something", e.g. Ich spare Geld, indem ich in der Mensa esse. (I save a lot of money by eating in the cafeteria.)
subordinating conjunction: auch wenn
even if, or even though, e.g. Ich kaufe es, auch wenn es teuer ist.
subordinating conjunction: wann, wie, wo, warum
Question words can also function as subordinating conjunctions; the clauses they introduce are called indirect questions.
trans: He said that he hasn't been able to repair the car. [present pefect in subordinate clause]
Er sagte, dass er den Wagen nicht hat reparieren ko:nnen. [In a subordinate clause, when a double infinitive construction is present, the conjugated verb form immediately precedes the two infinitives.]
trans: I think that I'll have to do it.
Ich glaube, dass ich es werde machen mu:ssen. [In a subordinate clause, when a double infinitive construction is present, the conjugated verb form immediately precedes the two infinitives.]