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19 Cards in this Set

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Performance Management Process Steps
1. Define Performance Expectations
2. Provide ongoing Feedback and Coaching
3. Conduct performance appraisal and evaluation discussion
4. determining performance rewards/consequences such as promotions, salary, increases and bonuses
5. conducting development and career opportunities discussions
Why Define Performance Expectations?
- define the measurable standards related to objectives for each position
- necessary since the job description doesn't have enough information about standards and expectations
Why Provide ongoing Feedback and Coaching
- have 2 way feedback because so both manager and employee are updated about progress and performance and goals to ensure they are still possible and reachable.
- reduces surprises (which are bad) which may upset employee or environment
3. Do the appraisal and evaluation (what 8 scales do you use?)
- graphic rating scale
- alternation ranking method
- paired comparison scale
- forced distribution method
- critical incident method
- behaviourally anchored rating scales
- management by objectives
- computerized and web based performance appraisal
Graphic Rating Scale
- Employee is rated by traits (friendly, creative) and a range of performance for each
- Criticized for subjective and vague but can be improved by giving examples of a 5 in friendliness etc.
Alternation Ranking Method
Ranking employees from best to worse on traits
- criticized since can't tell how great differences are b/t employees
Paired Comparison Method
Pair off employees in chart. Indicate better of the pair at traits.
- criticized since can't tell how great differences are b/t employees
Forced Distribution Method
Predetermined percentages of ratees are placed in various performance categories. 10% are Excellent, 50% average.
- could be unfair since difference b/t excellent and average guy is very little
Critical Incident Method
Keep a list of good or bad examples of behavior and review it with employee at predetermined times
- if Bad, review immediately to stop it
Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scales
Alike Critical incident. Puts number ratings w/ specific examples of performance.
- less subjective, more accurate, consistent but VERY time consuming and expensive
Management by Objectives
Employee and supervisor jointly define SMART Goals and regularly meet to check on progress.
- Final meeting compared results with goals.
Computerized and Web-based Performance Appraisal
- Managers make computerized notes on employees = Rating their traits + write text to support
Electronic performance monitoring (EPM)
measures data processes per day and tracks employees
Performance Appraisal Rating Scale Problems (6)
Unclear performance standards
Halo Effect
Central Tendency effect
Leniency/strictness bias
Recency Effect
Similar-to-me bias
Guidelines to effective appraisal 8
- Job related (instead of trait)
- written copy of standards in advance
- managers must OBSERVE behavior (not infer)
and Supervisors trained to USE forms correctly
- Open Discussions in private places
- Offer corrective or counselling guidance
- Appeal procedure to let employee disagree
- Avoid mixed messages
- Ensure reasonable expectations (time and performance)
What is a 360 appraisal (5ppl)?
An appraisal done by Supervisors, Subordinates, Peer/Team members, self, and customers
Appraisal Interview & 3 basic types
Interview where supervisor and employee review appraisal and make plans to improve performance.

3 types:
Satisfactory (promote) - make development plans
Satisfactory (non-promote) - maintain performance
Unsatisfactory (correctable) - plan corrective
4. Determine Performance Rewards/Consequences (Two most important aspects used to determine the appropriate reward/consequence are:)
- How they met the standards
- How they achieved their goals
5. Career Development Discussion
- Discuss opportunities for development to strengthen skills
- Business needs balanced with employee preferences