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13 Cards in this Set

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What are the 4 key battles of the Revolutionary War?

Lexington and Concord, Battle of Bunker Hill, Battle of Saratoga, Battle of Yorktown

What was the stamp act?

The law that said all newspapers, marriage certificates, Almanacs, and other documents Bought by the colonists had to have a seal or stamp on them

Who was king George III?

The king of England

Who were the "red Coats" or the "lobster backs?"

The British soldiers

What was the Boston Massacre?

A fight between the colonists and the British that Started from an accidental shot being fired. 5 colonists died including Crispus Attucks, a black Patriot

When/what was the Boston Tea Party?

In 1773, about 50 colonists dressed up as Indians and dumped 342 chests of tea into Boston's Harbor

What were the 1st and 2nd Continental Congress meetings for?

To make important decisions for the colonist including: America must have an organized Continental Army. And that George Washington would command this army

Who were Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys

A group of patriots who decided they were going to take Fort Ticonderoga from the British army

What was the Declaration of Independence and why did the colonists need it?

The Declaration of Independence was written to express the reasons why the colonists wanted their Independence. The Declaration was written to explain why the Revolutionary War was being fought.

Make sure you know two influential peopleand are able to share 2-3 facts about them.

Ex: George Washington, James Armistead, Nathan Hale, George Rogers Clark, Nathanael Greene, Patrick Henry, etc.

What date is Independence Day?

July 4th, 1776

The phrase, "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes" means what?

Don't act before you have some chance of success.

Where did the following phrase come from? "Give 'em Watts boys! Give 'em Watts!"

James Caldwell used hymn books from his church to help the colonists stuff their muskets with paper.