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59 Cards in this Set

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Name 5 things to have with in reach to perform a PE or to monitor a post-op patient:

1. patient medical record

2. stethoscope

3. thermometer

4. otoscope

5. optholmascope

Otoscope: the _______________ is placed in the ear canal.


Stethoscope - used for auscultating what three things / sounds?

1. heart sounds

2. lung sounds

3. digestive tract sounds

Rectal thermometers should be:

well ________________.

Held in place for _________ minutes.

Inserted _________ to ________ its length.

Cleaned with ____________________.

1. lubricated

2. 3 minutes

3. 1/2 - 1/3

4. disinfectant

Every instrument should be _______________ and _________________ after its use.

cleaned and disinfected

PE - What 3 things should be assessed PRIOR to exam?

1. overall demeanor

2. temperment

3. condition

How (generally) should a PE be performed each time?

the same way so that you develop a routine and don't miss anything.

PE - begins at the ___________ and progressed methodically ______________ to the _____________.




What is considered NORMAL for...?


keen w/sharp reaction to stimuli

What is considered NORMAL for...?


clear, bright, free of discharge

What is considered NORMAL for...?


clear orifices with no discharge

What is considered NORMAL for...?


clean and odor free

What is considered NORMAL for...?

skin / coat

glossy coat

skin that is supple and free of wounds / parasites

What is considered NORMAL for...?


suitable weight for breed

no signs of obesity or wastage

What is considered NORMAL for...?

limb movement

free movment

no signs of stiffness or pain






TPR may increase with stress of hospital visit


What is considered NORMAL for...?

mucous membranes / CRT


CRT of 1-2 seconds

What is considered NORMAL for...?


clear, pale yellow

passed without difficulty

What is considered NORMAL for...?


firm, brown

passed freely without pain or straining

What is considered NORMAL for...?

eating / drinking

healthy appetite / intake of H2O

PE protocol: What are the 3 main parts?

1. Establish medical record

2. Obtain TPR

3. Observe animal systematically

PR Protocol:

1. Establish medical record:

name 3 things to include:

1. patient signalment (breed, age sex)

2. client info

3. patient history

PE Protocol:

3. Observe animal systematically - how, using what, doing what?

1. cranial to caudal end

2. using sight, smell, touch

3. observe area of chief complaint

Systematic approach to observing and animal for PE:

12 steps

1. observe head @ arm's length

2. eyes

3. muzzle / nares

4. oral cavity (lips and CRT)

5. ears

6. Lymph nodes - anterior / submandibular / salivary glands

7. larynx, trachea, thyroid area, thoracic inlet

8. haircoat

9. trunk (mammary glands, vulva, penis, testes, perineal, anus)

10. lymph nodes

11. extremities

12. flex and extend all joints

13. feet

Questions to ask when obtaining medical Hx:

1. signalment

2. species

3. weight

4. neuter status

5. last heat

6. vax history

7. injuries

8. medications

9. surgeries

10. gained / lost weight?

11. Ave. daily food consumption?

12. Water intake

13. changes in urination

14. activity level

15. defecation / constipation / diarrhea

16. vomiting

What is the average daily food consumption for dogs and cats?

dogs: 1 cup dry food / day per 15-10 lbs

cats: 1 cup dry food / day


not eating

Polyuria / Polydipsia (PU/PD)

increased water intake + increased urination


lack of urine production


painful or difficult urination


blood in urine


decrease in urinary output

Water intake: normal

44 - 66 ml / kg / day

Output of urine should be:

similar to amount of maintenance of intake of H2O

(varies with intake)

Conversion of lbs to kgs:

Convert 40 lbs to kgs

40 / 2.2 = 18.18 kgs

40 lb x 1 kg = 18.18 kg

1 2.2 lbs


lack of alertness.

Seems tired

Vomiting is common in which two species?

dogs & cats

Vomiting is uncommon in which two species?



Questions to ask re: vomiting

1. occasional, frequent, or VERY frequent?

2. before or after eating?

3. what is in it?

Questions to ask re: diarrhea

1. how long has it been happening

2. smell?

3. mucus?

4. blood?

5. color - dark? red?

Questions to ask re: constipation:

1. is animal urinating? (esp. male cats)

are they sure animal is straining to DEFECATE?

Questions to ask re: lameness

1. how long has it been going on?

2. which limbs affected?

3. swelling?

4. relationship to exercise?


inability to move all or part of the body due to nerve damage

Symptoms of skin diseases (name 5)

1. scratching

2. hair loss

3. odor

4. parasites

5. sores


hair loss

usually associated with a skin disease or barbering


one animal chest off patches of hair from another animal


constant or frequent scratching

usually due to irritation of skin from external parasites

skin appears scaly or reddened

rough hair coat: what can it be due to? (4)

ruffled and dull appearance

1. vitamin deficiency

2. ecto / endo parasites

3. infections

4. malnutrition

Questions to ask re: swelling

1. how long has it been happening?

2. local or general?

3. soft or hard?

4. hot or cold?

5. painful?

6. discharge?


any abnormal growth, swelling, or lump

ex. abscess caused by bacteria

often refers to cancerous tumor

Questions to ask re: coughing

1. when did it start?

2. productive?

3. when does it happen? (pm, post-exercise, excitement, etc.)

3 Things to note re: bleeding

1. color

2. amount

3. frequency

Anemia - visible symptoms / things to look for:

1. pale mucus membranes / skin

2. white gums

3. prolonged CRT

Stunted growth can be due to these 4 things:

1. genetics

2. infections

3. parasites

4. poor husbandry

Circling / head tilt often indicates what kind of infection?

middle ear

Discharge (of the nose, eye, vagina, or ear) is often associated with what type of infection?

internal organs


difficulty breathing

labored or rapid breaths are common signs of: __________________________
