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55 Cards in this Set

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Social Differentiation
The breaking down of economic functions to show the differences of tasks performed (lawyer, teacher, gardener, etc)
Social Stratification
The ranking of persons and groups on the basis of various social and sometimes physical characteristics.
Stratification Dimensions

inequalities in all three are closely related
economic resources, people's market capacity
Status, or the deference that people are given by others, social esteem. derived from one's occupation
Underlies all forms of inequality. Refers to people's authority in groups and organizations.
Structured Inequality
Stratification is not random, social institutions such as govt, the economy and education operate to assure the position of various groups
Inequality of Condition
variations in people's actual living standards or life conditions. produced by the uneven distribution of social resources
Inequality of Opportunity
Differences in people's chances of acquiring social resources.

Life chances>Weber's term for these chances of social resource acquisition
Process of people seeing the differences in power and wealth as natural and socially beneficial, which in turn makes social inequality legitimate and the groups at the top do not need to resort to coercion to maintain their power and privilege
A set of beliefs and values that explains and justifies a society's system of power and privilege, (structured inequality).
Individual Mobility
ability to change position in a social heirarchy. Usually limited to one's economic class. The idea is seemingly unlimited, in reality there are barriers
distribution of the society's rewards in a just manner
Freedom to pursue one's interests as one desires and reap the benefits of one's efforts

(produces inequality)
Distributive Justice
A just, fair distribution of the society's valued items

Protect individual? or Protect the collective?
Framework within which to organize observations, insights and data

Focus on 2 basic issues:
Why is there inequality in societies?
Is inequality inevitable?
Marx Theory of Social Inequality
Class stratification, sees societies as a total, not isolating a single aspect of the society

Economic foundation is the basis for determining the culture of a society

superstructure of noneconomic institutions >family, religion education etc
Mode of Production
Marx> system of production by which people provide for their material existence
societies economic foundation
Means of Production
Control of productive resources, the things necessary to supply the societies economic needs

one element of the population owns these resources, the other can only offer human labor in exchange for these material needs
-bourgeoisie & proletariat
Ruling Class
The class that controls the gov't

even if they aren't in the key governmental positions, they are represented by those who act in their interests
False Consciousness
Lacking class consciousness, unaware of their own class interests, members of proletariat regard ruling class as normal, making the inequality seem just and fair for all parties
Class Conflict
Power struggle between classes that produces social change
Political Economy
Perspective linking economics and politics forcing us to recognize the meshing of these two basic institutions in modern societies and the manner in which they operate to create and sustain the class system
Wright's Neo-Marxist Theory
Classes delineated on basis of control of economic resources, not on class stratification
Contradictory Class Locations
In between the 3 classes are those who can control some though not all aspects of production
i.e. doctor, lawyers etc.
Max Weber
Influenced by Marx's ideas,

elaborate multidimensional model of class stratification

class position based upon relation to means of production but also on interdependent variables class status and party
Those who stand in a similar position with regard to their opportunities to acquire the society's economic rewards

Weber idea of class is based off of occupation not ownership
Refers to differences in prestige that derive from a particular lifestyle, not from purely economic factors
Status Communities
people who have similar cultural and social interest and common consumer patterns
Denotes political rank, one's standing in a collectivity, or organization whose action is oriented toward the acquisition of social power, and influencing a communal action
Weber on Power
The possibility of imposing ones will upon the behavior of other persons

base of all forms of inequality
organizational power is most critical
enables vast numbers of people playing specialized roles to blend into a cohesive well functioning unit
By virtue of their position in the organization they have the capacity to impose their will over others
Legal-Rational Authority
groups organized on basis of specific functions to perform or objectives to meet
Traditional Systems of Authority
People obey out of a sense of tradition
i.e. monarchy
Charismatic Authority
People obey certain individuals who assume and maintain their positions on the sheer strength of personal appeal
Michel's Oligarchy Theory
Assumed that a craving for power and recognition is an inherent human psychological trait

means of the administration not of the production that are most critical in modern societies
rule of the many by the few
seen as inevitable,

assert a need for power in order to make decisions for the masses
Order vs Conflict Theorists
Order: society is held together through collectively shared ideals and values

Conflict: people abide by rules of society because they are coerced into doing so
society has roles that need to be filled in order for the society as a whole to function. inequalities must be there
Conflict Theorists and Inequality
based off of who holds the power within society,
no assurances that the most qualified people occupy the key societal roles, based off of family wielded power
Social Class
very diverse in definitions
Economic Dimension of Social Class
groupings of people who share roughly similar incomes and wealth
Socioeconomic Status
The intertwining of the three aspects of economic social class
Similarities of people with similar lifestyles is another way to determine class standing
Class Consciousness
understanding of how social class has an impact on peoples lives and how the political economic and social interests of different classes conflict.
Upper Class
derive income from mainly investment returns (capitalist class)
Upper-Middle Class
"runners" of the society (if upperclass "owns" the society)

education sets this class apart
college level is understood
Lower-Middle Class
hardest to define
middle managers, semiprofessionals,

education is definitely highschool, many also go to college
Working Class
"blue collar">>"service jobs"

semi skilled, low wages, HS diploma, some college
Working Poor
fall below
chronically in poverty
Family Income
Family: 2 or more ppl living in same housing unit related by marriage or blood
Income Quintiles
division of income into fifths arranging from highest to lowest
value of ones assets or property.

major forms are stocks, bonds

wealth generates wealth
nothing to inhibit the process