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61 Cards in this Set

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originated in the Cuzco area that were led by Patchacuti during the twelve hundreds.
Mesoamerican civilization who was known for their written language and the establishment of the calendar
ethnic group from central Mexicowho dominated most of Mesoamerica in the 14th 15th 16th centuries.The capital is Tenochtitlan .
Chaco Canyon
was a major center of culture for the ancient pueblos people.Many sculptures and large buildings still remain.
Leif Erikson
a norse explorer who was known to be the first European to land in north America
Prince Henry the Navigator
prince of the Portuguese Empire in the 1400s , in charge of maritime trade and the beginning of exploration
Christopher Columbus
navigator and explorer who led voyages to the western hemisphere in 1492
Ferdinand Magellan
a Portuguese explorer who serve for Charles the first of Spain in search of a western route to find the Spice Islands
soldiers , explorers who brought the Americas under Spanish rule in the 15th century
spanish conquistador who caused the decline of the aztec calendar and brought them under the rule of king of castile.
Francisco Pizarro
spanish coqueror in the 14 hundreds , also conquered the Incan empire
St Augustine
Pedro Menendez de Aviles was the founder of st. augustine
a labor system implied by the spanish crown during the colonization of the Americas
Pueblo revolt 1680
an uprising by many pueblos against the colonization of the Americas
people mixed with European and Amerindian ancestry
John Cabot
an Italian navigator who discovered North America in his voyages during the 15th century
Richard Hakluyt
an English writer who promoted the settlements in North America through his thoughts
Doctrine of Predestination
a doctrine of Calvinism which deals with the question of control God exercises over the world
The English Reformation
events in the 16th century in which the church of england separated from the authority of the pope.
John Calvin
a French theologian during the Protestant Reformation , and developed a christian theology called Calvinism
Puritan Separists
radical puritans who in the 16th century advocated a thourogh reform
Elizabeth the 1
daughter of Henry the eigth who supported the church of England
coureours de bois
an individual engaged in the fur trade without permission of the French authority
New Amsterdam
Dutch colonial settlement in the 17th century.served as a capital of New Netherland and later called New York city
West India Company
consists of Dutch merchants .they established a charter for the west indies
Sir Walter Raleigh
an English aristocrat who was known for popularising tobacco in England
an independent city in southern U.S
JAMES the 1
the king of England and Ireland who ruled under harsh rule.
the first permanent English settlement in the U.S
John Smith
an english soldier who founded the first permanent colony of Jamestown
Lord de Lawar
an englishmen in the16th century was named after a state , river , aand bay
was the main crop that was being exported to the colonies
Virginia Company
english joint stock companies established to make settlements on the north american coast.
headright system
a legal grant to settlers by the head count
the name of a virginia tribe who dominated in that region
Maryland and the Calverts
the colonization of the Calverts began to settle in 1634
proprietary rule
in which proprietors in business own proprety such as slaves in the 17th century
toleration act
a law mandating religious tolerance and passed on April 21 , 1649
Bacon's rebellion
first rebellion in American colonies over native raids on the frontiers
Mayflower compact
first g.overnment document in the Plymouth colony signed by the passengers of the voyage
William Bradford
english leader of the Plymouth colony and was elected to be governor several times
colonial currency
the currency was not abundant due to the few that were minted in that time period
John Winthrop
led a group of puritans to the new world as well as other wealthy puritans
theocratic society
a form of government in which God is the main ruler of the states supreme
Roger Williams
the first american proponent of religious freedom and the separation of the state and church
Anne Hutchinson
a pioneer settler who held bible studies for women and was very social
Pequot war
a conflict between the Pequot tribe, and the results was the elimination of them and enslavement
King Philips War
one of the bloodiest wars in North America between native americans and the English
the Narragansetts
an Algonquian native tribe from Rhode Island
English civil war
a series of conflicts between Parliamentarians and Royalists from 1642-1651
middle colonies
New Jersey , Pennsylvania , New York . and Delaware all part of British colonies
Quakers ,
a range of independent organizations in the 17th century which all rely on Christian movement
William Penn
an entreprenuer who was the founder and absolute proprietor of the Providence of Pennsylvania
Charter of Liberties
a written proclomation by Henry 1 of England, and sought to certain laws regarding against church officials and nobles
Black codes
were laws passed on the state and local level against African Americans
Holy experiment
an attempt by the quakers to establish themselves a community in Pennsylvania
James Oglethorpe
british general and founder of the colony of georgia
Navigational Acts
laws that restricted foreign trade and the shipment must pass through england
Sir Edmond Andros
an English governor in North America and leader of the dominion of England
purpose was to over throw King James II of england in 1688
John Locke
was on of the most enlightened thinkers of liberalism