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25 Cards in this Set

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1. Substance abuse vs. substance dependence: Abuse?
a. Substance abuse: alcohol or other drug use leading to impairment or distress, causing failure of school or work obligations, physical harm, substance-related legal problems, or continued use despite social or interpersonal consequences resulting from the drug’s effects.
2. Substance abuse vs. substance dependence: Dependence?
a. Alcohol and other drug use, causing loss of control w/continued use (tolerance requiring higher doses or withdrawal when terminated), compulsion to obtain and use the drug, and continued use despite persistent or recurrent negative consequences.
3. Historical clues to drug abuse?
a. Significant behavioural changes at home
b. Decline in school or work performance
c. Involvement with the law.
d. An increased incidence of intentional or accidental injuries may be alcohol or drug related.
4. Note: alcohol or other drug users usually have a normal examination, esp if the use was not recent.5. Needle marks and nasal mucosal injuries are rarely found.
4. Note: alcohol or other drug users usually have a normal examination, esp if the use was not recent.
6. Paramount goal when doing a tox screen for an adolescent?
a. Attempt to obtain the adolescent’s permission and maintain confidentiality.
7. S/S of Alcohol?
a. Euphoria, grogginess, impaired short-term memory, talkativeness, vasodilation.
b. At high serum levels, respiratory depression.
8. S/S of marijuana?
a. Elation and euphoria
b. Impaired short-term memory
c. Distortion of time perception
d. Poor performance of tasks requiring concentration (such as driving)
e. Loss of judgment
9. Retention time for screening urine for Marijuana?
a. 3-10 d for occasional users
b. Up to 2 months for chronic users
10. S/S of Cocaine?
a. Euphoria
b. ↑’d motor activity
c. ↓’d fatigability
d. Dilated pupils
e. Tachy
f. HTN and Hyperthermia
g. Sometimes associated w/paranoid ideation
11. Physical findings of Cocaine?
a. Changes in nasal mucosa.
12. Retention time for screening urine for Cocaine?
a. 2-4 days
13. S/S of Methamphetamine and methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ectasy)?
a. Euphoria
b. ↑’d sensual awareness
c. ↑’d psychic and emotional energy
d. Nausea
e. Teeth Grinding
f. Blurred vision
g. Jaw clenching
h. Anxiety
i. Panic attacks
j. Psychosis
14. Retention time for screening urine for Methamphetamine and methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ectasy)?
a. 2 days.
15. S/S of Opiates including heroin, morphine, and codeine?
a. Euphoria
b. ↓’d pain sensation
c. Pinpoint pupils
d. Hypothermia
e. Vasodilation
f. Possible respiratory depression
g. Physical findings might include needle marks over veins.
16. Retention time for screening urine for Opiates including heroin, morphine, and codeine?
a. 2 days
17. S/S of PCP?
a. Euphoria
b. Nystagmus (vertical and horizontal)
c. Ataxia
d. Emotional lability
e. Hallucinations affecting body image that can result in panic reactions, disorientation, hypersalivation, and abusive language.
18. Retention time for screening urine for PCP?
a. 8 days
19. S/S of Barbiturates?
a. Sedation
b. Pinpoint pupils
c. Hypotension, bradycardia
d. Hypothermia
e. Hyporeflexia
f. CNS and respiratory depression
20. Retention time for screening urine for Barbiturates?
a. 1 day for short-acting agents
b. 2-3 weeks for long-acting agents.
21. 2 most commonly used drugs in adolescence?
a. Cigs and ETOH
22. Most common illicit drug in adolescence?
a. MaryJ
23. Most likely diagnosis in 16-yo previously healthy adolescent w/recent behaviour changes and declining school performance?
a. Drug abuse (probably cocaine possibly amphetamines)
24. Next step in evaluation of 16-yo previously healthy adolescent w/recent behaviour changes and declining school performance?
a. History/Physical
b. Urine drug screen
c. Screening for other commonly associated drug abuse consequences (STDs, hepatitis)
25. Long-term evaluation and therapy for in 16-yo previously healthy adolescent w/recent behaviour changes and declining school performance?
a. 3fold approach:
1. Detox programs
2. F/U w/developmentally appropriate psychosocial support systems
3. Possible long-term assistance w/a professional trained in substance abuse.
26. Rare aetiology in a 16-yo previously healthy adolescent w/recent behaviour changes and declining school performance?
a. Brain tumour.
b. A previously undiagnosed psych hx (mania or bipolar) must be considered too.