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26 Cards in this Set

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1. Most appropriate initial therapy for ankle sprain?
b. Protection
c. Rest
d. Ice
e. Compression
f. Elevation
i. Using an NSAID or acetaminophen as needed for pain
2. Most commonly injured ankle ligament?
a. Anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL).
3. 2nd most commonly injured ankle ligament?
a. Calcaneofibular ligament (CFL)
b. Followed by PTFL.
4. Grading of ankle sprains?
a. Graded 1, 2, or 3
5. Grade 1 ankle sprain?
a. Stretching of the ATFL, which causes pain and swelling.
b. No mechanical instability and little to no functional loss
c. Patient can usually weight bear with, at most, mild pain.
6. Grade 2 ankle sprain?
a. Represents a partial tear of the ATFL and stretching of the CFL.
b. This injury causes more severe pain, swelling, and bruising
c. There is mild to moderate joint instability
d. Significant pain with weightbearing
e. Loss of ROM
7. Grade 3 ankle sprain?
a. Complete tear of the ATFL and CFL with partial tearing of the PTFL.
b. Causes significant joint stability, loss of function, an inability to bear weight.
8. Ottawa ankle rules?
a. The decision-making model designed to aid physicians in determining which patients with ankle injuries need x-ray.
b. Have a sensitivity approaching 100% in ruling out significant malleolare and midfoot fractures.
9. When should ankle x-ray be performed according to the Ottawa ankle rules?
a. If there is bony tenderness over the posterior edge or tip of the distal 6 cm either the medial or lateral malleolus
i. Or if the patient is unable to bear weight immediately or when examined.
10. When should Foot x-rays be performed according to the Ottawa rules?
a. If there is bony tenderness over:
1. the navicular bone (medial midfoot)
2. The base of the 5th metatarsal
3. Where the patient is unable to bear weight
11. Note: the patient with ankle sprain has no bony tenderness, no limitation in weightbearing, and no contraindication to the application of the decision rules, does not need imaging of ankle or foot.
11. Note: the patient with ankle sprain has no bony tenderness, no limitation in weightbearing, and no contraindication to the application of the decision rules, does not need imaging of ankle or foot.
12. Sprain?
a. A stretching or tearing injury of a ligament
13. Strain?
a. A stretching or tearing injury of a muscle or tendon
14. When examining a joint, what may lead to the consideration of a fracture?
a. A focal area of bony tenderness
b. Whereas, a tender, tight muscle may be more suggestive of a strain.
15. Utility of Range of motion testing (Range of motion should be tested with passively and actively): Active range of motion tests?
a. The patient's ability to move the joint
b. The test the structural integrity of the joints, muscles, tendons, and neurologic impulses to the area and can be limited by problems with any of them or by the presence of pain.
16. Utility of Range of motion testing (Range of motion should be tested with passively and actively): Passive range of motion tests?
a. Test the movement that an examiner can elicit in a relaxed patient
b. The presence of a dislocated joint were significant joint effusion may lead to limitations in both passive and active range of motion
c. Where a torn tendon or muscle injury may have limited active, but preserved passive, range of motion.
17. How is the following performed: Empty Can Test?
a. With arm abducted, elbow extended, and thumb pointing down, patient elevates arm against resistance
18. Structure tested with: Empty Can Test?
a. Supraspinatus
19. Result identified with (compared to uninfected side) Empty Can Test?
a. Rotator cuff injury or tear
20. How is the following performed: External Rotation test of shoulder?
a. With elbows at sides and flexed at 90°, patient externally rotates against resistance
21. Structures tested with: External Rotation test of shoulder?
a. Infraspinatus
b. Teras minor
22. Result identified with (compared to uninfected side) External Rotation test of shoulder?
a. Rotator cuff injury or tear
23. How is the following performed: Lift-off test?
a. Patient places dorsum of hand on lumbar back and attempts to lift hand off back.
24. Structure tested with: Lift-off test?
a. Subscapularis
25. Result identified with (compared to uninfected side) Lift-off test?
a. Rotator cuff injury or tear
26. How is the following performed: Hawkins impingement test?
a. Pain with internal rotation when arms flexed 90° and elbow bent 90°