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269 Cards in this Set

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________________ worked at the Hawthorne plant of Western Electric, where he developed and used control charts. He is sometimes referred to as the father of statistical quality control (SQC) because he brought together the disciplines of statistics, engineering, and economics.
Walter A. Shewhart
_________________ pursued a varied career in management beginning in 1924 as an engineer, executive, government administrator, university professor, labor arbitrator, corporate director, and consultant. He developed the ________ trilogy, three managerial processes—quality planning, quality control, and quality improvement—for use in managing for quality.
Joseph M. Juran
____________ originated the zero defects concept, was an ASQ honorary member and past president. He wrote many books, including Quality is free (1979), Quality without Tears (1984), Let’s Talk Quality (1990), and Leading: The Art of Becoming an Executive (1990).
Philip B. Crosby
__________ originated the concept of total quality control in his book Total Quality Control (1991), first published in 1951. His three steps include: Quality Leadership, Modern Quality technology and Organizational commitment.
Armand V. Feigenbaum
____________ developed the cause and effect diagram. He worked with Deming through the Union of Japanese Scientist and Engineers (JUSE).
Kaoru Ishikawa
_____________ has been recognized as the leader in developing the concept of lean manufacturing systems.
Toyota Company
______ are people with statistical thinking at all levels and have extensive training in advanced statistics and project management.
Black Belts
DMAIC stands for _________, ____________,______________,____________,_____________
Define, measure, analyze, improve, control
Six Sigma quality performance means ____ defects per million opportunities (accounting for a _____ sigma shift in the mean.
3.4, 1.5
____________ is a term that describes a process step or function that is not required for the direct achievement of process output.
Non-value added
_______ manufacturing seeks to eliminate or reduce these wastes by use of the following: teamwork, clean workspaces, flow systems, pull systems, and reduced lead times.
______and ___________ have the same general purpose of providing the customer with the best possible quality, cost, delivery, and a newer attribute, nimbleness.
Lean and Six Sigma
______ focuses on waste production, whereas ____________ emphasizes variation reduction.
Lean, Six Sigma
_________systems have helped to improve standard work because each person better understands what the next person needs. They are also better equipped to accommodate absences and the training of new people.
A __________ allocates resources to support team-based problem identification and solution and allocates resources to install corrections and ensure that the problems do not recur.
Some companies try to have 30-40 minutes of ____________ per shift, because only when the line is__________ are they solving problems and making improvements.
Down-time, down
People need _________ and ___________ to digest and react to changes.
Time, opportunity
Use data regarding market share, competition, and prospects for expansion. ______________ is a useful tool.
Communicate a ________________ of a future state with a successful change.
Establish and communicate near term, intermediate term, and long term goals and ________.
Identify and use ______ for change; identify and ________ barriers to change.
Forces, reduce
Communicate early success and _________ those responsible.
Lock in _________________.
Establish the need for being a __________, changing organization.
_________ planning is a process in which a company develops up to four vision statements that indicate where the company should be in the next five years.
Once Six Sigma projects have had some success, there will usually be more _______________ than it is possible to undertake at one time.
Project ideas
It is common to require that project proposals include precise statements of the ___________ definition and some preliminary measures of the seriousness of the problem, including its impact on the goals of the enterprise.
Metrics are usually converted to financial terms such as ______________, _______________, _______________ and ______________.
Return on investment, cost reduction, increases in sales, and or profit
Black Belts must be thoroughly trained in __________ methods and be proficient at working with teams to implement project success.
A _____________ is a Six Sigma role associated with an individual typically assigned full time to train and mentor Green Belts as well as lead improvement projects using specified methodologies such as _________, and verify ________.
Black Belt, DMAIC, DMADV
A ____________ is a Six Sigma role associated with an individual who retains his or her regular position within the firm but is trained in the tools, methods, and skills necessary to conduct Six Sigma improvement projects either individually or as part of larger teams.
Green Belt
A ___________ is a Six Sigma role associated with a senior manager who ensures his or her projects are aligned with the organization’s strategic goals and priorities, provides the Six Sigma team with resources removes organizational barriers for the team, participates in project tollgate reviews, and essentially serves as the team’s backer.
____________ demonstrate their support for Six Sigma through their communications and actions.
A _____________ is a Six Sigma role associated with an individual who coordinates the various functions and work activities at all levels of a process, has the authority or ability to make changes in the process as required, and manages the entire process cycle as to ensure performance effectiveness.
Process owner
___________ are those who have a vested interest in the process and/ or its outcomes. They usually include customers, suppliers, employees, investors, and communities.
_______ _______ to a process are those outside the enterprise that provide process inputs, including sources of materials, purchased parts, contracted services, electrical power, and so on.
External suppliers
_______ _________ to a process are departments or processes inside the enterprise that provide inputs.
Internal suppliers
The most effective Six Sigma projects involve teams representing ________ ________ and all ______.
Process owners, stakeholders
________ _________ buy in is usually necessary to implement real process improvement.
A Six Sigma project may impact stakeholders in the following ways:

a. Process inputs may be ______ , which changes the requirements to suppliers.
A Six Sigma project may impact stakeholders in the following ways:

b. Process procedures may be ________ that impacts operators and managers.
A Six Sigma project may impact stakeholders in the following ways:

c. Process outputs may be ________ which impacts customers.
A Six Sigma project may impact stakeholders in the following ways:

d. _________ to tooling, preventive maintenance schedules, and so forth impact the suppliers of those materials and services.
The concept behind Critical to x (CTx), where x is a variable is simply that x is an _______ or _______ of impact on the customer.
Area, areas
Process CTxs represent ____________ product or process performance characteristics and act to quantify the critical customer requirements.
_________ may include the physical dimensions of height, width, depth, and weight.
Critical to Quality
_________ are similar to CTQs but deal exclusively with the impact of cost on the customer.
Critical to Cost
__________ are typically key process input variables.
Critical to Process
__________ are stated customer needs regarding the safety of the products or process.
Critical to Safety
___________ represent those customers with stated needs regarding delivery.
Critical to Delivery
A useful tool for ensuring this alignment or translation from critical customer requirement to CTx is the ____________.
Tree diagram
Benchmarking is the use of _________.
Benchmarking often assist a Six Sigma team in setting ______ and finding new ways to achieve them.
The four steps of benchmarking: 1. _________ the operation, 2. Know the ____________ and __________ 3. ___________ the best of the best 4. Gain _______________
Analyzing, competition, industry leaders, Incorporate, superiority
________________ provides easy access to other departments within the same company. However the search for exceptional performance is often limited.
Internal Benchmarking
_____________ compares similar functions typically outside the organization’s industry and provides ample opportunities to seek out benchmarking partners.
Functional benchmarking
___________ refers to the cooperation between various functions or organizations to achieve benchmarking results.
Collaborative benchmarking
Unfortunately many organizations use too many ______, often lagging in nature, which may drown them in data and cause them to be unable to change with customer needs.
The balanced scorecard, was a term coined by ____________ and _________ in the early 1990s.
Robert S. Kaplan, David P. Norton
_____________ provides the organization with insight into how well its goals, objectives, and strategies are contributing to shareholder value and the bottom line.
Financial perspective
_____________ defines an organization’s value proposition and measure how effective the organization is in creating value for its customers through its goals, objectives, strategies and processes.
Customer perspective
____________ includes all organizational processes designed to create and deliver the customer’s value proposition.
Internal business processes perspective
___________ generally includes the capabilities and skills of an organization and how it is focused and channeled to support the internal processes used to create customer value.
Learning and growth perspective
____________ are both financial and nonfinancial metrics that reflect an organization’s key business drivers
Key performance indicators
The SMART acronym:

a. ___________ should be laser focused and process based.
The SMART acronym:

b. ___________ must be quantitative and easily determined.
The SMART acronym:

c. ___________ may be set with regard to benchmark levels, yet remain obtainable
The SMART acronym:

d. ___________ should be linked to the organization’s strategies, goals and objectives
The SMART acronym:

e. ___________ should reflect a specific period of time; they should never be open-ended.
Time bounded
Organizational _______ do not end with KPIs.
____________ is a term used to describe the behavior of customers---in particular, customers who exhibit a high level of satisfaction, conduct repeat business, or provide referrals and testimonials.
Customer loyalty
Some organizations strive blindly to _______ all their customers, including those that are unprofitable.
________ _________ is the projected increase in income that will result from the project
Revenue growth
An organization’s ____________ __________ of a particular product or service is that percentage of the dollar value that is sold relative to the total dollar value sold by all organizations in a given market.
Market Share
ROI = _____________/Cost X 100%
The ROI metric measures the ____________ of an organization’s ability to use its resources to generate income.
____________ is an amount to be received in the future. The formula is P=A(1 + i)-n
Net present value
P=_________, A=__________, i=__________
Net present value, amount to be received n years from now, annual interest rate expressed as a decimal
________ is expenses involved in the inspection process.
Appraisal Costs
________ is costs of all activities whose purpose is to prevent failures.
Preventative Costs
________ is costs incurred when a failure occurs in house.
Internal Failure Cost
________ is cost incurred when a failure occurs when the customer owns the product.
External Failure Cost
In general there are two types of teams _________ and __________.
Informal, Formal
________ teams are made up of people in different locations who may never meet in person.
Virtual Teams
_________ teams are formed to find and propose changes in specific processes. These teams are usually cross-functional.
Process improvement teams
_______ teams and _______ teams usually have a broader and more ongoing mission involving day-to-day operations.
Self directed teams and work group teams
The following are standard team roles____________, ___________, ____________,____________, ____________, and _____________.
Team leader, sponsor, facilitator, scribe, coach, team member
_________ chairs team meetings and maintains team focus on the goal, monitors progress toward the goal and communicates this to the organization, manages administrative details
Team leader
_________ selects objective and scope, organizes team, monitors progress via communication from the team leader and arranges for resources needed by the team.
_________ makes certain that all members have an opportunity for input and that a full discussion of issues occurs.
___________ maintains and publishes meeting minutes. May communicate action assignment reminders to individuals.
_________ works with the team leader and facilitator to move the team towards its objective. Helps provide resources for completion of team member action assignments.
_________ participates in team meetings, communicates ideas and expertise, listens openly to all ideas and completes action assignments as scheduled.
Team member
Individuals like to be recognized and some forms of recognition include ___________, ____________ and _______________.
Letters of appreciation, public expressions of appreciation, tokens of appreciation
Teamwork may be enhanced by celebrating the achievement of a project __________.
_______ is when members struggle to understand the goal and its meaning for them individually.
________ is when members express their own opinions and ideas, often disagreeing with others
_______ is when members begin to understand the need to operate as a team rather than as a group of individuals.
_______ is when team members work together to reach their common goal.
________ is a final team meeting during which management decisions regarding the project are discussed and other loose ends are tied up.
________ is when the team’s contribution is acknowledged.
Lack of adequate __________ is one of the most frequently noted causes of team failure.
The team’s initiation should be in the form of a written document from an individual at the __________ level of the organization.
The best model of team leadership is the coach who strives to ________ all members to contribute their best.
_________teams occur when team coaches facilitate progress while recognizing and dealing with obstacles.
______ is perhaps the most critical resource for any team. It must be treated as the rare and valuable commodity that it is.
________ will generate the meeting agenda well in advance of the scheduled meeting.
Use the ________ time line displaying milestones and dates.
Gantt Chart
Publish ___________ with time limits on each item.
Meeting agendas
Publish __________ of member’s action assignments.
_______ group technique is used to prioritize a list of items.
Nominal group technique
The __________ lists the things that help make the future state occur and_____ prevent the future state from occurring.
Driving force, restraining force
________ is a variation of NGT in which each team member has 100 points to allocate to the items on the list as he or she feels appropriate, assigning the largest number of points to the highest ranking item.
__________ refers to the two types of thinking that go into each of the team tools.
_____________ is used to produce numerous possible answers to an open question such as, What are some ways to reduce cycle time for process?
Affinity diagrams
_____________ is used to identify cause and effect relationships.
Interrelationship diagram
The ________ has the most outgoing arrows on an interrelationship digraph. It is often tied to the key problem.
_________ is used to study defects; it is sometimes called a fault tree.
Tree diagram
A ____________ aids in deciding among several options.
Prioritization matrix
A __________ is typically used to discover and illustrate relationships between two groups of items.
Matrix diagram
The ________ also known as an arrow diagram, is similar to the PERT chart.
Activity network diagram
A good mnemonic device for remembering the Gantt chart criteria is TOM________, _______ and _________.
Time oriented, objective oriented, Monetary
Questions that should be asked: Are we on ___________? Are we meeting out __________? Are we on __________?
Schedule, goals, budget
Customer feedback is also called ____________.
Voice of the customer
Three methods of collecting statistical data for customer data is ___________, _________ and _________.
Written surveys, focus groups, phone or in person interviews
_______ can be sent to a randomly selected group of customers or potential customers, but it is seldom possible to get responses from all those selected.
Written surveys
______ are an attempt to improve the depth and accuracy of the responses.
Focus groups
__________ permits a higher response rate than written surveys; however the respondents tend to be self selecting and nonrandom.
Phone or in person interviews
The best customer data collection is ________ unless there is a system to use the data to effect changes.
Customer satisfaction generally falls into three dimensions: _____________, ____________ and ___________.
Quality, Delivery, Cost
___________ starts with the high-level strategic goal of customer satisfaction and determine how this goal “flows down into measurable goals.
Critical to quality flow down
__________ provides a process for planning new or redesigned products and services. The VOC provides input.
Qualify function deployment
The ______ helps to illustrate the linkage between the VOC and the resulting technical requirements.
QFD Matrix
______ is a representation of the three levels of customer satisfaction, defined as dissatisfaction, neutrality and delight.
Kano Model
____ requirements are those in which the customer expects a certain level of sufficiency and anything exceeding that level increases satisfaction.
One dimensional requirements
_________ requirements are the way to get to the heart of the customer.
Attractive requirements
_________ characteristics refer to features the customer doesn’t want and whose presence causes dissatisfaction.
Reversal characteristics
_______ characteristics don’t bring satisfaction if present, nor do they cause dissatisfaction if absent.
Neutral characteristics
A _________ is a document stating the purpose of the project. It serves as an informal contract that helps the team stay on track with the goals of the enterprise.
Project Charter
The ________ should be a concise explanation of a current state that adversely impacts the enterprise. For example, “The work ethic of Suffolk Company’s NCOs must increase in order for the organization to become competitive.
Problem statement
Project boundaries and scopes should not be set too _______ or too ______. The tendency is to make them too _______.
Narrow, broad, broad
Some tools for setting a project scope are ________,__________,_________ and _______.
Pareto charts, cause and effect diagrams, affinity diagrams, process maps
______may be defined or limited by the geography, demographics, org structure, process boundaries and relationships.
Goal statements should be SMART ________,________,_________,_______ and _______.
Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timely
Example ____ statement “Improve the production yield for part A on process B from its current baseline of 60% to 90% within six months.
If it can’t be measured, it _______ worth doing. The most common denominator of most metrics tends to be ________.
Isn’t, financial
At specific points in the life of the team, its progress should be ____________.
The ______ is the path from start to finish that requires the most time.
Critical Path
___________ is the time required to complete the project.
Critical path time
The only way to complete the project in less time is to _______ the time for at least one of the activities. This is done by putting more resources into one or more activities on the critical path.
The SIPOC is another useful tool in the study of _______. The acronym stands for _______, _______, ________, ________ and customers.
Processes, Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, Customers
________ is the material that has been input to the process but that has not reached the output stage.
Work In Progress
_______ is the material waiting to be processed by some step in the process and is one component of WIP.
Work in Queue
________ is the time that material is actually being processed by one of the steps.
Touch Time
________ is the rate at which the process must output completed items.
Takt time
_______ is the average time for a particular step to complete one item.
Cycle time
______ is the number of items or amount of material output from the process in a given period.
______ is the amount of time used for activities for which a customer is willing to pay.
Value added time
______ is the amount of time required to convert from producing one product to producing a different one on a particular process.
Set up or change over time
A key step in understanding processes is the development of ________and ______.
Process MAPs, flow charts
Almost every process can be improved by _________ variation.
Reducing variation
Inventory tends to ______ cost.
Quantitative data are grouped into two types: ________ and ________.
Continuous or variable, discrete or attribute
Effort should always be made to move from ______ to ________ measurements.
Discrete to continuous
_______ classify data into categories with no order implied- for example, a list of equipment such as presses, drills, and lathes.
Nominal scales
_____ refer to positions in a series, where orders are important but precise differences between values aren’t defined. Examples would be first, second and third place in a race.
Ordinal scales
_______ have meaningful differences but no absolute zero, so ratios aren’t useful. An example is temperature measured in Fahrenheit because 20 degrees Fahrenheit isn’t twice as worm as 10 degrees Fahrenheit.
Interval scales
_______ have meaningful differences, and an absolute zero exists. One example of a ratio scale is length in inches, because zero length is defined as having no length and 20 inches is twice as long as 10 inches.
Ratio scales
The best data collection and analysis techniques can be defeated if the data have ____.
Simple _______ is a procedure by which each item has an equal probability of being selected as part of the sample.
If the population of parts to be sampled is naturally divided into groups, it might be desirable to use __________.
Stratified Sampling
________ refers to the need to select a sample so that it represents just one population.
Sample homogeneity
Quality characteristics are of two types:_________ and ________.
Attributes, variables
_________ screens are used to screen out items that don’t meet requirements.
Attribute screens
_____ or _____ data result from characteristics that are measured rather than merely counted, such as length, diameter, and hardness.
Continuous or variable
________ are made of very hard materials and provide basic references for setting and calibrating gages.
Gage blocks
The smallest increment of measurement for the device should be less than or equal to ______ of the tolerance.
_____ is a systematic difference between the mean of the test result or measurement result and a true value.
_____ is the difference in bias through the range of measurements.
_____ represents the change in bias of a measurement system over time and usage when that system is used to measure a master part or standard.
Stability of a measurement system
______ is the closeness of agreement between randomly selected individual measurements or test results.
______ is the precision under conditions where independent measurement results are obtained with the same method on identical measurement items by the same appraiser.
______ is the precision under conditions where independent measurement results are obtained with the same method on identical measurement items with different operators using different equipment.
______ represents the measurement system’s capability to detect and indicate small changes in the characteristic measured.
_______ is one type of measurement system analysis done to evaluate the performance of a test method or measurement system done to evaluate the performance of a test method or measurement system.
Gage repeatability and reproducibility study
_______ refers to the percent of time in an attribute GR&R study that appraisers agree with (1) themselves (that is, repeatability), (2) other appraisers (that is, reproducibility), or (3) a known standard (that is, bias) when classifying or rating items using nominal or ordinal scales, respectively.
Percent agreement
______ is an estimate of the standard deviation of the variation due to repeatability and is sometimes denoted ____ or ______.
Equipment variation, Ơᴇ or Ơ ͬᵖᵗ
______ is an estimate of the standard deviation of the variation due to reproducibility and is sometimes denoted _____ or ______.
Appraiser variation, Ơᴀ or Ơ ͬᵖᵈ
All data should be filtered through a ________ system.
Measurement system variation often represents the most _________ way to reduce the total observed variation.
Without adequate measurement systems, organizational decision making may result in completely _______ decisions that send an organization down a treacherous path.
The causes of measurement error can be placed in the usual cause and effect categories:______, ______, ________, ________, ________.
Lack of precision, Failure to use specified tool or procedure, Lack of training, Lack of motivation, Atmosphere of mistrust and fear
The main thrust of a __________ consist of a schedule that requires each piece of measuring equipment to be ________ on a regular basis.
Calibration system, calibrated
Some organizations set calibration quality goals of ____, meaning that ____ of the instruments scheduled for calibration need no adjustment.
95%, 95%
In a statistical study, the word _______ refers to the entire set of items under discussion.
A statistical study will randomly select a _______ from the population.
The analysis of the sample data produces __________.
The three attributes _____, ______, and _____ are important to understanding the data and the process that generated them.
Spread, shape, and center
The spread of the sample is also referred to as _______ or ________ and is usually quantified with either the sample range or the sample ___________.
Dispersion, variation, standard deviation
The _____ is the arithmetic average of a data set.
The ______ is the middle value of an ordered data set.
The _____ is the most frequently found value in a data set.
These three terms are collectively known as measures of ______.
Central tendency
The ______ is the most useful in many quality engineering applications.
_________ is a column showing totals of the frequencies added to the frequency distribution.
Cumulative frequency distribution
A _______ is constructed much like the tally column except that the last digit of the data value is recorded instead of the tally mark.
Stem and leaf diagram
The ______ of a set of data divide the sorted data values into four approximately equal subsets.
The ______ uses the high and low values of the data as well as quartiles.
Box plot
The question should be asked, which type of ______ is giving the most trouble?
The _______ is simply a basic plot of a specific process/ product value on fixed time intervals.
Run Chart
The ______ is the technique, when measurements are taken for various levels of the variables suspected as being the cause. The closer the points are to forming a straight line, the greater the ________.
Scatter Diagram, Linear correlation coefficient, denoted by the letter r.
The two principal types of statistical studies are usually called _______ and ________.
Descriptive (enumerative) and inferential (analytical)
_____ uses a long column of numbers with the mean, median, mode and standard deviation. A histogram or scatter plot squeezes additional information from the data.
______ studies analyze data from a sample to infer properties of the population from which the sample was drawn.
______ is when an event say A, can occur in m ways out of a possible n equally likely ways, the P(A) = m/n.
Probability (classic definition)
_____ is when the proportion that an event say A, occurs in a series of repeated experiments as the number of those experiments approaches infinity.
Probability (Relative frequency definition)
Almost all statistical activities are based on the rules of ________.
Two events that can’t occur simultaneously are called ________ or _________.
Mutually exclusive or disjoint
_______ tables provide an effective way of arranging attribute data while allowing us to readily determine relevant possibilities.
Contingency tables
Two events, A and B, are said to be ________ if and only if the occurrence of B has no effect on the occurrence of A or vice versa.
Two events, A and B, are said to be _____ if both events cannot occur at the same time.
Mutually exclusive
Probabilities associated with successive draws depend on the outcome of ____________.
Previous draws
_______ is a continuous probability distribution, defined on the entire real line that has a bell shaped probability density function, informally called the bell curve.
Normal distribution
______ is a discrete probability distribution that expresses the probability of a given number of events occurring in a fixed interval of time and/or space if these events occur with a known average rate and independently of the time since the last event.
Poisson distribution
______ is a discrete probability distribution of the number of successes in a sequence of n independent yes/no experiments, each of which yields success with probability p.
Binomial distribution
______ is the distribution of a sum of the squares of k independent standard normal random variables.
Chi Square distribution
________ is a family of continuous probability distribution that arises when estimating the mean of a normally distributed population in situations where the sample size is small and population standard deviation is unknown.
Student –t distribution
_______ is a continuous probability distribution. It arises frequently as the null distribution of a test statistic, most notably in the analysis of variance.
F Distribution
The ______ is important to the Black Belt because it is used to model the number of defects per unit of time or distance and is the basis for the control limit formulas for the c and u control charts.
The ______ distribution is flatter than the normal distribution and has longer tails.
_________ is a discrete probability distribution that describes the probability of k successes in n draws from a finite population of size N containing m successes without replacement.
Hypergeometric distribution
______ is used in the case of only two random variables. It might apply when we are interested in determining the probability of meeting the specifications for both length and weight simultaneously.
Bivariate Normal distribution
______ is approximately the normal distribution with an increasing failure rate, and can be used to model “wear out”. It is one of the fundamental distributions in the study of reliability engineering.
______ is defined as the inherent variability of a characteristic of a product. It represents the performance of the process over a period of stable operations.
Process capability
Occasionally, natural process variation is referred to as _________, _________, or _______.
Normal process variation, natural process limits, or natural tolerance
_______ is defined as a statistical measure of the outcome of a characteristic from a process that may not have been demonstrated to be in a state of statistical control.
Process performance
The _____ is a dimensionless number that is used to represent the ability to meet specification limits on a characteristic of interest.
Process performance index
The Cpm, also known as the _________, is an index that accounts for the location of the process average relative to a target value.
Process capability index of the mean
_____ = short term variability + 1.5Ơ shift. This interpretation is based on the underlying assumption of Six Sigma, which is that a process will drift or shift ± 1.5Ơ in the long term.
Long term variability
Use ________ to fit a curve to the data and apply numerical integration to find the areas of the “tails” beyond the specification limits
Nonlinear regression
The ____ transforms the input data, denoted by Y, using W = Yλ, where λ is any number typically between -5 and 5.
The Johnson transformation is chosen from ____ different functions within the Johnson system.
The purpose of a ________ is to determine whether a process is capable of meeting customer specifications and to devise a course of action if it cannot.
Capability Study
99.73% of the process variation are said to be the _________. It is referred to as the natural process variation.
Voice of the process
In contrast to natural process limits, specification limits are customer determined and are used to define acceptable levels of process performance said to be the __________.
Voice of the customer
13There are numerous process performances metrics not to be confused with process performance indices used in Six Sigma to include ____, ____, _____, _____, ____, ____.
Defects per unit (DPU), defections per million opportunities (DPMO), Throughput yield, parts per million (PPM), Rolled throughput yield (RTY)
The ________ is a statistic that measure the degree of linear relationship between two sets of numbers and is computed where -1≤ r ≤ 1.
Sample correlation coefficient r
The ___ is the square of the correlations coefficient and represents the amount of the variation in y that is explained by the fitted simple linear equation.
Coefficient of determination
Similarly the _____ is used with multiple regression because, unlike the R² statistic, the adjusted coefficient will increase when variables are added to the model that act to decrease the mean square error.
Adjusted coefficient of determination
Empirical data demonstrate a strong correlation between the height and weight in males however; gaining weight does not cause one to grow taller. Hence, there is no ______.
Causal relationship
_____ is a technique that typically uses continuous predictor variables to predict the variation in a continuous response variable.
Regression analysis
The ____ is a technique for estimating a parameter that minimizes the sum of the squared differences between the observed and the predicted values derived from the model.
Method of least squares
The ___ is a mathematical function or model that indicates the linear relationship between a set of predictor variables and a response variable.
Linear regression equation
_______ are numbers associated with each predictor variable in a linear regression equation that tell how the response variable changes with each unit increase in the predictor variable.
Linear regression coefficients
When only one predictor variable is used, regression analysis is often referred to as ______.
Simple linear regression
When multiple predictor variables are used, regression is referred to as __________.
Multiple linear regression
______ occurs when two or more predictor variables in a multiple regression model are correlated.
_____ analysis comprises a variety of tools used to understand and reduce the data dimensions by analyzing the data covariance structure.
_____ are used to form a smaller number of uncorrelated variables from a large set of data.
Principal components
____ is used to determine the underlying factors responsible for correlations in the data.
Factor analysis
_____ is used to classify observations into two or more groups if you have a sample with known groups.
Discriminant analysis
_____ can be used to analyze both balanced and unbalanced experimental designs.
Multiple Analysis of Variance (MANOVA)
____ is often called within-part variation and refers to variation of a characteristic on the same product.
Positional variation
_____ covers part to part variation.
Cyclical variation
___ occurs as change over time.
Temporal variation
____ has two distinct categories usually of the following type: yes/no, on/off and etc.
Binary logistic regression
___ has three or more distinct categories, but with no natural ordering. Such categories may include math/science/arts and etc.
Nominal logistic regression
___ has three or more distinct categories but with a natural ordering. Such as level 1/ level 2/ level 3/ level 4.
Ordinal logistic regression
_______ permit us to develop models that fit categorical regressor and response variables, thus overcoming the limitation inherent to simple and multiple regression analysis.
Logistics regressions