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12 Cards in this Set

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Archie cerebellum vestibulo cerebellum

Floco nodular lobe lingula of Vermes Balance and equilibrium

Paleo ceri bellum spino ceribellum

Anterior lobe uvula pyramid

Tone regulation

Neocerebellum cerebrocerebellum

Posterior lobe remaining part of Vermes Voluntary motor activity

Cortex layer of cerebellum

Intrnl layer golgi and granule

Middle purkinje flask shpd

Outer stellate and basket

All r inhibitory except granule

Cerebellae nuclei

Dentate new lateral

(Emboliform + interpositus


Fastigial medial

Efferent fibre from cerebellar cortex and cerebellum

Purkinje and cerebellar nucleus

Climbing fibre

From inf olvry nucleus to one purkinje cell

Mossy fibre

Give 4 to 5 terminal which anstoms Granule and golgi cell

T shaped fibre

Granule cell anantomose with 1000 purkinje cels

Cerebellar peduncle

Sup to midbrain

Mid to pons

Inf to medulla

Afferent fibre to cerebellar peduncle

Sup spinocerebellar tract tectospinal tract

Med pontocerebellar tract lrgst pdnclno effernr fibre

Inf fastigial nucleus

Fibres passing thru sup cerebellar peduncle

Fibrs frm Dentate emboliform globose fastigial then they decissate at inf colliculus and end by synapsing with red nucleus and thalamus