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62 Cards in this Set

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The ____of an IV solution determines if it should be delivered by the peripheral or central route.
Can electrolyte shifts happen from solutions that are extremely hyper/hypotonic?
Can inflammatory and enhanced clotting proccesses happen from hyper or hypotonic shifts?
can phlebitis or thrombophlebitis happen from hyper/hypotonic solns?
What is the generally accepted upperlimit for peripheral IV?
900 mosml
Are hyptonic or hypertonic slns more associated with causing red blood cells to swell? What is an ex. or a sln?
hypotonic; 1./4 NS, leading to blood cells swelling and bursting , leading to hemolytic anemia.
What type of solution may lead to hemolytic anemia?
hypotonic sln such as 1/4 NS.
What are the indications for Central Venous Access?
Mon.CVP, Administering caustic slns,TPN, poor periph access,trans.cut. p. leads,air emboli aspiration, poor periph.
Can Central venous access be used for air emboli aspiration?
Normal Central Venous Pressure?
What are Central Venous Catheter contraindications?
Right atrial tuber, funguating tricuspid valve vegetations
What are contraindications for Central Venous line that ipsilateral to the site?
CAE, local sepsis
What are central venous catheterization complications?
pneumothorax, hemothorax,carotid artery punc.cath, air embolism,infection,chylothorax
Is the carotid artery more medial or lateral to the internal jugular vein?
Usually the femoral vein is _____to the artery
Position of pt for IJV placement
slight reverse trendelenburg; head slightly to left.
clavicle and lateral and medial heads of the sternocleidomastoid form triagle; apex is entry point
Where does the tip of the catheter of an IJ central venous sit?
Tip of the superior vena cava above its junction with the right atrium
Why shouldn't antibiotics be added to the insertion site?
b/c of risk of increasing catheter colonization w/mulitresistant bacteria or colonizaiton..
Should placement of catheter be confirmed radiographically? If yes, when?
Yes, after operation
What should be done before monitoring or infusing?
aspiration of dark venous blood in a 5ml Syringe
catheter tips located within the heart or below the pericardial reflection on the SVC inc risk of...
cardiac perforation or fatal cardiac tamponade
Where should the catheter tip lie?
w/in SVC, parall. to vessel walls,below inferior border of clavicles,above level of 3rd rib,T4 T5 int. sp.azygus, carin
Where should the catheter be in relation to the carina?
what is the preferred vein?
right internal jugular
Which pulse should you get before canulation?
Diadvantage for substituting a 2 inch 18 g iv catheter for 18 guage thin walled needle?
can become kinked more easily and therefore diff to recog arterial pulsatile flow
How to confirm?
color of blood,transduce pressure frm 18G cath,attach a tubing set to create simple fluid manometer to est. pressur
Is continuous pressure transduction a method to confirm placement?
What did the selinger method replace?
catheter through the needle
comp. of catheter through needle method?
needle larger than catheter results in more comp.of hemmorage and shearing of cath. if withdrawn inapprop
major advantage of guidewire tech?
allows vascular puncture with smaller needle than with catheter through needle
problem w/kits that allow guidewire to be placed directly through syringe plunger w/out disconnecting?
impossible to recognize pulsatile return
problem with multilumen catheters
increases risk of infection, more septations and thicker plastic=more chance of vascular perf.
alternative to multilumen catheter?
sidearm introducer sheath attached to series of stopcocks w/single lumen cath thru hemostasis valve
most common complication of double cannulation tech?
arrythmias...other complications not greater than w/ single cannulation
what are the complications of the double cannulation tech?
facial vein avulsion,catheter entanglement, catheter fracture
if a pt has severe bleeding diathesis, which vein should be canulated?
external jugular
which vein should be canulated with pts w/severe emphysema or lung disease?
internal over subclavian
which vein has most liklihood of pneumothorax
subclavian cannulation
which vein would be used for tranvenous pacing catheterization?
internal jugular
pts with collars due to trauma; which vein?
subclavian or femoral
Name the various ultrasound tech
2-d ultrasound,short focus surface transducer,transesophageal echocardiography,doppler
How are large veins distinguished in the ultrasound?
lack of pulsatility,marked enlargement during valsalva maneuver,easy compressability w/ultrasound
Disadvantages of the left internal jugular
pnemothrx due to higher cupola,thor. ductpunc.,smaller than rt,more overlap of carotid art,path not straight
thoracic duct is located where?
left internal jugular and subclavian veins
describe path of left internal jugular cath
ij, innonimate (left brachiocephalic),enter svc perpindicularly and tip may imp on lat wall of svc
Advantages of subclavian
ease of cannulation 4 trauma pts w/clav. collar, less risk of infect, good for long term can, hyperalimen,chemo, comfort
which vein is often cannulated w/out a smaller guage finder needle?
which vein cannulation most commonly associated w/pneumothorax?
y is a thin-walled needle preferred over 18 guage catheter for subclavian?
18 guage easily kinked over course of catheter
which vein provides no risk of arterail cannulation or pneumothorax?
should u use an 18 guage catheter or thin walled needle to intro guide wire with external jugular?
18 guage
With external jugular, should u use straight or J tipped?
J tipped
problems with external canulation?
diff to visualize and to advance into central circ.
Is femoral vein medial or lateral to artery?
medial (VAN)
where is femoral vein venapuncture done?
just below the inguinal ligament
femroal vein catheterization can be to which two locations?
inferior vena cava close to atriacaval junnction or into common iliac vein
Does femoral vein provide intra-ab pressure that correl. with superior svc?
yes w/mechanically vent, critically ill. Questionable w/spontan, not supine, marked elev in intrathor or ab.
Where is the axillary vein in relation to the axillary artery?
abt 1cm medial
Are PICCS good for short or long term
Where is venous access for the PICC obtained?
antecubitical vein, pref. basilic over cephalic b/c less tortuous.