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45 Cards in this Set

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What is the MOA of Chlorpromazine/Thorazine?
It's a conventional antipsychotic that blocks receptors for dopamine, histammine, NE, and Ach.
IND for Thorazine
Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder
AE for Thorazine
Extrapyramidal effects:mov't disorders
-acute dystonia:spasms of the tongue, face, neck, and back.
-parkinsonism: decr dopamine, slow mov't, shuffled gait, tremors
-akathisia: pacing, squirming.
-tardive dyskinesia: involuntary mov't of tongue, face, interferes with speech.
Anticholinergic Effects
Orthostatic Hypotension
Neuroendocrine effects: inc prolactin-gynecomastia
DI of Thorazine
CNS Depressants
AE of Haldol
Extrapyramidal Effects
Neuroendrocrine Effects
MOA of Clozaril
Clozaril is an atypical antipsychotic, which acts by clocking receptors for dopamine, histammine, NE, Ach, and seratonin. Low affinity for dopamine, high for seratonin.
IND for Clozaril
Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder.
AE of Clozaril.
-Weight gain
-Orthostatic Hypotension
DI of Clozaril
Bone marrow suppressants
Block neuronal uptake NE/seratonin. By blocking the reuptake can inc effects of transmitters. Initial response 1-3 weeks. Max response 1-2 months.
Depression, bipolar disorder
AE of TCAs
-Orthostatic Hypotension
-Anticholinergic Effects
-Cardiac Toxicity
TOXIC: combined effects of cardiac toxicity/anticholinergic effect
DI of TCAs
-CNS depressants
-Direct acting sympathomimetics
-Indirect acting sypmathomimetics
MOA of SSRIs/Prozac
Selectively inhibit the reuptake of seratonin which intensifies transmission at seratonergic synapses, inc seratonin. response in 1-3 weeks.
IND of SSRIs/Prozac
-Bulimia, PMS
-unlabelled use: anxiety disorders, alcoholism, ADHD, migraines.
AE of SSRIs/Prozac
-CNS stimulation
-Sexual dysfunction
-Weight gain
-Seratonin syndrome
-Withdrawal syndrome
DI of SSRIs/Prozac
-TCAs, lithium
Block the reuptake of seratonin/NE
What is the MOA of MAOIs
Inhibit inactivation of NE/seratonin, which incr the amount and intensifies responses at adrenergic and seratonergic junctions.
What is the IND of MAOIs?
Depression, bulimia, OCD, panick attacks.
What are the AEs of MAOIs?
-CNS stimulation
-Orthostatic hypotension
-Hypertensive crisis from dietary tyramine.
DIs of MAOIs
-TCAs and SSRIs
-CNS depressants
-Indirect acting sympathomimetics.
MOA of Wellbutrin
An atypical antispychotic, unclear, blocks dopamine uptake, stimulant action, similar to amphetamine.
IND of Wellbutrin
-Smoking cessation
- Depression
AE of Wellbutrin
-Weight loss
MOA of Lithium
Unknown, controls acute manic episodes, prevent recurrence of mania or depression. Short half-life so given in divided doses, 3-4 times per day.
IND for Lithium
Bipolar disorder
AE of Lithium
-GI disturbances
-Hand tremors
-Renal toxicity
-Enlargered thyroid gland, hypothyroidism
AE of Lithium: LIthium toxicity
Lithium has a narrow therapeutic range:
-Confusion, sedation
-inc in hand tremors
-blurred vision, EKG changes, seizures.
DI of Lithium
-Anticholinergic drugs
MOA of Benzodiazapines
Potentiates the action of GABBA, an inhibitory neurontransmitter in CNS--inc action of GABBA--dec anxiety, sedation and muscle relaxation. Onset is immediate.
IND of Benzodiazapines
-Anxiety, insomnia
-Induce general anesthesia
-Seizure disorders
-Muscle spams
-Alcohol withdrawals
AE of Benzodiazapines
-CNS depression
-Respiratory depression
-Paradoxical effects(excitation)
Toxicity of Benzodiazapines
Overdose is treated with flumazenil(Romazicon)
DI of Benzodiazapines
CNS depressants
MOA of Buspar
Unknown, not a CNS depressant, no sedation, or dependence, does not interact with CNS depressants. Slow response.
AE of Buspar
Dizziness, nervoussness, lightheadedness, nausea.
DI of Buspar
Grapefruit juice
MOA of Ambien
Potentiates action of GAB--sedation only.
IND of Ambien
AE of Ambien
Daytime drowsiness
DI of Ambien
CNS depressants
MOA of Ritalin
CNS stimulant, promotes release of NE and dopamine in the CNS and PNS--results in improved focus, attention, better impulse control, less hyperactivity.
IND of Ritalin
ADHD, narcolepsy
AE of Ritalin
-Growth suppression: due to appetite suppression.