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89 Cards in this Set

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admitting hx/admission physical (IDs high risk behaviors), admitting dx (determins need for further evaluation), sx such as chronic or severe cough/diarrhea (possible contagious disease), lab review (determines isolation need)
identifying pt with communicable diseases
initiate if suspecting or confimation of diagnosis of varicella-zoster virus (VZV), measles, variola (smallpox), TB (droplet <5mm) and MDR organisims
airborne infection isolation
private neg pressure room with 12 air exchanges/hr outside in and HEPA filters out, door closed with sign, respirators for staff, trasport pt in clean linens at mask, procedures done in room
airborne isolation procedures
PPE (gloves, gowns, mask, eye shields), hand washing with plain soap or instant antiseptic, private rooms for pt with diarrhea/cough or same infections together
standard precautions (tier 1)
protects from 3 types of transmissions: small airborne droplets <5mm (measles, TB, varicella); diseases spread by large airborne droplets >5mm (flu, pertussis, strep pharyngitis, PNA, Neisseria meningitis, mumps); diseases sperad by contact and shown MDR (VRE, MRSA
Tier 2 isolation
Lassa fever, Marburg virus and smallpox
combination airborne and contact isolation
surgically connects artery and vein such as the the radial-cephalic (most common) or brachial-cephalic; venous protion dilated and hypertrophies allowing repeated use
AV fistula
ascertain patency auscultating bruit and palapte thrill, cleanse with iodine, use smallest needle puncturing 1-2 cm from anastomosis on venous side (2 for dialysis: distal to machine and proximal returns), pressure for 5 minutes after removal
process to access AV fistula
infection of epidermis such as yeast or thrush causing pustular erythematous papular rash usually scaly, crusty, and macerated with white cheese like exudate
worsens with antibiotics; prevent humid moist conditions of skin, controll hyperglycemia, careful cleansing and exposure to air, topical nystatin 4x/day, zinc chloride barrier ointment, oral antifungals fif severe (fluconazole)
treatment of candidiasis
superficial partial thickness infection of skin caused by toxins producted by a localized Staph infection resulting in generalized erythema follwed in 24-48 hours with blisters that rupture and peel off leaving large areas of superficial necrosis and denuded skin giving a burned appearance
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
most common in neonate and childer <5, can be confused with diaper rash or candidiasis; affects immunocompromised or renal failure adults; pain mild unless infection is wide spread
IV abx (flucloxacillin) followed by oral, maintenance fluids and lytes, debridement, mosture retentive drsg (foam, hydrogels, alginates), tx as parital thickness burns
treatment of SSSS
locialized response to constact with allergen resulting in rash that may blister and itch
allergic contact dermatits
ID cause via hx, skin patch test; corticosteriods to control inflammation and itching; soothing oatmeal baths; pramoxine lotion for itching; antihistamines to reduce allergic response; cleanse lesions and observe for infection; abx if necessary; rash open to air and dry
treatment of allergic contact dermatitis
caused by leakage or incontinence of body fluids (urine, feces exudate) or chemicals to skin (lotions, idodine, soap, solvents, acids adhesives); itching rash to cracks and fissures or denouement of skin (perineal); may be rapid and painful
chemical trauma tissue damage
ID irritant and eliminate skin contact, gentle cleansing, skin sealants or barriers to protect skin, monitor drsg and periwound condition daily
treatment of chemical trauma tissue damage
prevelant in healthcare workers and children with myelomeningocele
acute latex sentivity
irritant (nonimmune): erythematous from contact; contact herm (type 4): response to chemicals causing dry erythema beyond area of contact, purititis, weeping, blistering; IgE (type 1): response to proteins causing urticaria, rhinitis, angioedema, asthma, laryngeal edema, anaphylaxis, shock and death
3 types of latex reactions
decreased O2 transportation and decreased perfusion throughout the body causing heart to compensate by increasing CO, decreased peripheral resitance due to decreased viscosity resulting in increased blood pumper to heart and increased turbulence causing murmurs and/or failure
commonly caused by hemorrhage hemolysis, hematopoiesis or dietary iron deficiency; growth and sexual development may be delayed with chronic; children tolerate better than adults
causes of anemia
general malaise, weakness, anorexia, pallor, SOB/DOE, HA, dizziness, apathy, depression, slowed thought process
symptoms of anemia
tachycardia, hypotension, poor peripheral circulation, and pallow
shock symptoms (anemia)
treat underlying cause, blood or clood components, supportive care (O2, IVF), splenectomy if hemolytic;
treatment of anemias
autoimmune condition in whichthe platelet count is <150,000 but other blood values are normal
idiopathic throbocytopenia purpura
causes purple bruises and petechia on skin and mucous membrans from superficial bleeding
idiopathic throbocytopenia purpura
lasts less than six months occuring primarily in children after viral infections or live virus vaccinations
acute purpura
lasts more than 6 months commonly in females occuring at any age causing menorrhagia, epistaxis, GI bleeds, bleeding gums, retimal and cerebral hemorrhage
chronic idiopathic purpura
corticosteriods to increase platelet count, IV immune globulin for severe bleeding (adults <50,000, peds <20,000), volume replacement for hypvolemic shock, eltrombopag 50-75 mg daily to increase platelets
treatment for idiopathic purpura
abnormal producation of blood cells in bone marrow affected RBCs; common in men >40 realating to conditions causing hypoxia causing increased viscosity
polycythemia vera
dizziness, HA, weakness, fatigue, dyspnea when supine, flushing, blue tinged skin with red lesions, itching after warm bath, LUQ abd fullness and splenomegaly, phlebitis from clots, vision disturbances, sompications including stroke, hemorrhage and heart failure
symptoms of polycethemia vera
CBC with diff, lytes, bone marrow bx, Vit B12 level, red cell mass >25% above normal
diagnosing polycethemia vera
weekly phlebotomy removal of 500mL to decrease viscosity, chemo to suppress marrow production (hydroxyurea), interferon to decrease need for phlebotomy
treatment for polycethemia vera
viral disease characterized by fever and rash causing morbidity and death; highly infection by droplets 4 days before and after onset of rahs with an incubation period of 7-18 days
rubeola (measles)
flu like symptoms (cough, fever, runny nose), red maulopapular rash, koplick pots on cucous membranes
symptoms of rubeola
PNA, seizures, and severe neurologic damage from encephalitis
complications of rubeola
prevents rubeola and can be given 72 hours after exposure
supportive as nothing eradicated the virus; APAP/IBU, Vit A (peds), barrier precautions
treatment for rubeloa, mumps and rubella
viral disease causing fever and swollen parotid glands, deafness, meningitis and swelling of the testicles; spread through contact with saliva or droplets; incubation 2-3 weeks
painful swlling of glands on one or both sides of face, fever, weakness, fatigue; complications include orchitis, encephalitis, menmingitis, ovarian inflammation, pancreatitis, hearing loss
symptoms of mumps
viral disease casuing rash, fever, arthritis miscarriage or serious birth defects; airborne; incubation 2-3 weeks after exposure; symptoms 2-3 days
fever 102 or lower, rhinits, conjunctivitis, anorexia, nausea, red or pink itchy rash starting on face and moving downward clearing as progresses, imflamed lymph nodes behind ears and back of neck
symptoms of rubella
very infectious resp infection characterized by persistent cough lasting 2 weeks spread by droplets and contagious through infectious process; serious illness in peds (esp <6mos)
pertussis (whooping cough)
initial sx: fever, rhinitis, sneezing, watery eyes, dry couth; 1-2 weeks later: paroxysmal coughing with inspiratory whoop, productive thick phlegm and pst cough emesis; petechiae on upper body or sclera from coughing exertion
symptoms of pertussis
ear infections, PNA, bradypnea or apnea, dehydration, CNS damage
infant complications of pertussis
hernia and muscle damage from coughing
ped complications of pertussis
fractured ribs
adult complications of pertussis
bed rest, fluids mist vaporizer, abx (azithromycin or erthromycin), supportive and barrier; infants require hospitalization
treatment of pertussis
common infectious childood disease baused by vericella zoster resulting in fever, rahs and itching with complications of skin infections, PNA and neuro damage; retreasts to nerves via the spinal cord and can reemerge later as herpes zoster (shingles) causing morbidity in adults
vaccination at 12 and 15 months; 28 days apart for adults and children >13; contraindicated if allergic to gelatin or neomycin
varicella vaccination
secondary disorder triggered by trauma, congenital heart disease, nectorizing enterocoltitis, sepsis, and viral infections
characterized by both coagulation and hemorrhage causing glycoprotein to enter circulation and bind with coagulation factors triggering the coagulation cascade stimulating thrombin to convert fibrinogen to fibrin casuing aggreation and destruction of platelets and forming clots blocking vessels creating ischemia and necrosis
disseminted intravascular coagulation (DIC)
bleeding from surgical or IV sites, umbilicus and trachea in newborns, GI bleeding with distention and bloody diarrhea, hpotension and acute shock, petechiae and purpura with bleeding into tissues, prolonged PT and PTT, decreased paltelet counts and fragmented RBCs decreased fibrinogen
symptoms of DIC
ID and treat cause, blood (platelets and FFP), heparin to increase clotting time, cryo to increase fibrinogen levels, coagulation inhibitor and coagulation factors
treatment of DIC
hypersecretion of the posterior pituitary gland causing kidneys to reabsorb fluids resutling in retiention triggering a decrease in Na levels with concentrated urine
syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
caused by CNS disorders from brain trauma, surgery or tumors, PNX, PNA, and meds
causes of SIADH
anorexia with N/V, irrtability, somach cramps, personality changes, increasing neuro dysfunction such as stupor and seizures (Na depletion)
symptoms of SIADH
fluid restriction, loop diuretics (Lasix)
treatment of SIADH
damage to adrenal cortex from autoimmune disease or gentic disorders; symptoms bague until 80-90% destroyed
adrenocortical insufficiency (Addison disease)
weakness, fatigue, abd distess with N/V, salt or licorice craving from aldosterone deficiency, hyperpigmentation, hypotension, hypoglycemia
Addisons disease
hormone replacement with gluccocorticoids (cortisol) and mineralocorticoids (aldosterone) or subq implantation of desoxycoticosterone acetate q 9-12 months; stress requires increase in glucocorticoids
treatment for Addisons disease
suden life threatening condition resulting from exacerbation of primary chronci adrenal insufficiency precipitated by spesis, surgical stress, adrenal hemorrhage, antocoagulation and cortisone withdrawal
acute adrenal insufficiency
fever, N/V, abd pain, weakness, fatigue, disorientation, confusion, hypotensive shock, dehydration, hyperkalemia, hypercalcemia, hypoglycemia and hyponatremia
symptoms of acute adrenal insufficiency
IVF, glucocorticoids, D50 (hypoglycemia), mineralocorticoids
treatment of acute adrenal insufficiency
lack of clotting factor VII (most common)
Type A hemophilia
lack of clotting factor IX
Type B hemophilia
lack of clotting factor XI
Type C hemophilia
bleeding with trauma or stress, unexplained bruises, swelling and joint pain, spontaneous hemorrhage, epistaxis, mucosal bleeding
sypmtoms of hemophilia
desompression acetate (IV or nasal) to stimulate clotting factor; infusion of clotting factor or recombinant; infusions of plasma
treatment for hemophilia
group of congenital bleeding disorders affecting 1-2% of population associated with lack glycoprotein needed by endothelial cells to interact with thrombocytes and create clots to prevent hemorrhage
Von Willebrand disease
(lack of vW factor)
low levels of vWF and also sometimes factor VIII (dominate inheritance)
Type I Von Willebrand disease
abnormal vWF may increase or decrease clotting (dominant inheritance)
Type 2 Von Willebrand disease
absence of vEF and less than 10% factor VIII (resessive inheritance)
Type 3 Von Willbrand disease
bruising, menorrhagia, recurrent epistaxis and hemorrhage treated with desmopressing and/or factor VIII concentrates with vWF (humante-P)
Von Willebrand disease
severe acute infection of the liver caused by hep A-E, viruses, chemicals metabolic disease and drugs (APAP) that can result in hepatic necrosiss, encephalopathy, and death within 1-2 weeks
fulminant hepatitis
divided in stages according to jaundice and encephalopathy:
hyperacute 0-7 days; acute 2-28 days, subacute 28-72 days
fulminant hepatitis
increased intracranial pressure with cerebral edema dn encephalopathy, coagulopathis, renal failure, electrolyte imbalances
symptoms of fulminant hepatitis
ID and treat underlying cause, ICP monitoring and treatment, liver trasplant
treatment of fulminant hepatitis
HIV infection, CD4 count <200, AIDS defining condition (CMV, TB, Kaposi sarcoma, wasting syndrome, dementia); treamtent with highly active anitretroviral therapy (HAART) drugs (3 or more) used concurrently
occurs without history of DM or mild type 2; persistent hyperglycemia causing osmotic diuresis
hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome
fluid from intracellular to extracellular maintains osmotic equilibrium but causes glucosuria and dehydration resulting in hypernatremia and icnreased osmolarity
often precipitated by acute illness, stoke, meds (thiazides) or dialysis; glucose breaksdown fat
polyuria, dehydration, hypotension, tachycardia, BS >600, serum osmolality >350, increased BUN/Cr; ALOC, hallucinations, seizures, hemiparesis
symptoms of HHNS
insulin, IVF with lytes,
treatment of HHNS and DKA
no glucose for metabolism instead using free fatty acids causing glycerol to convert to ketones
Kussmaul respirations (hyperventilating to rid of CO2) with ketone breath, loss of potassium and lytes from cellular death causing dehydration and diuresis (thirst), arrhythmias, hyperglycemia,
results from pancreatic islet tumors increasing insulin production or too much insulin; can damage CNS and Cardiopulm systems
acute hypoglycemia (hyperinsulinism)
defects of Chrom 11, gram negative sepsis/endotoxic shock, TI or alcohol or drugs (ASA), too much insulin, too little food, exercise
causes of hyperinsulinism
BS <60, seizures, ALOC, lethargy, vomiting, myoclonus, resp distress, diaphoresis, hypthermia, hunger, anxiety
symptoms of hypoglycemia