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46 Cards in this Set

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What are Chromosomes?
The Physcial carrier of genetic material aka Genes.
What is the funtion of a Chromosome?
They are transmitted by the egg and the sperm to the next generation.
What do chromosomes consist of?
DNA and RNA and Proteins.
What is Chromatin?
Necleoprotein material that stains with basic dyes
Where is Chromatin found?
You can find them in the necleus of eukaryotic cells and becoming organized into visible chromosomes at cell divison.
What is Mitosis?
A type of neclear division that results in two daughter cells, each with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
Start of Mitosis
What is Prophase?
The phase of cell division during which the chromosomes become visible.
Phase 1
What is Metaphase?
The phase of cell division in which the chromosomes randomly line up in the center of the cell.
They meet in the middle
Phase 2
What is Anaphase?
The phase of cell divison when chromosomes move to opposite poles of the cell.
Phase 3
What is Telophase?
The phase of cell divison in which cytokensis begins and daughter cells are formed.
Phase 4
What is Cytokensis?
The formation of two new daughter cells at the end of cell divison.
The End of Mitosis
What are homologous pairs?
Two chromosomes in a diploid cell that apprear nearly identical and contain the same gene but are derived from different parents.
Chromosomes are identical
but come from different parents
What is Diploid?
When a cell contains two sets of chromosomes it is said to be diploid. One set is maternal in origin and the other is paternal.
what is a sex Chromosome?
The chromosome that are different in males and females and that determine the sex of an organism.
What is Locus?
The location of a gene on a chromosome.
What is the Human Genome Project?
Map of all human genes to the appropriate chromosome.
What is sexual reproduction?
Reproduction requires gametes(sperm and eggs). The sperm unites with the egg to form a zygote.
What is Meiosis?
A type of neclear cell division that results in four reporductive cells, each with half the chromosome number of the parent cell. Its also referred to as reductional division.
What is Prophase I
The chromatin condenses into compact chromosomes and the neclear envelope disappears.
What are Tetrads?
A unit of four chromatids found in prophase of meiosis.
What is Metaphase I?
Alligned pairs of chromosomes move to the equator of the dividing cell.
What is Anaphase I?
Homologous pairs of chromosomes separate from each other and move to opposite sides of the cell.
What is Telophase I?
The chromosomes become clustered at the opposite sides of the dividing cell. Each containing one member of each homologous pair.
What is prophase II?
Partially unraveled chromosomes condense again.
What is Metaphase II?
Paired Chromatids(dyads)move to the equator of the cell. No longer homologous pairs line up singly in the middle of the cell.
What is Anaphase II?
Centromeres divide and chromatids separate, becoming "chromosomes" again
Split and move to opposite sides of the cell.
What is Telophase II?
Cluster chromosomes begin to decondense.
Nuclear membrane developes.
Cytokensis occurs.
The production of four non-identical haploid cells are formed.
What is a Heploid cell?
Cell that contains one set of chromosomes. The chromsomes may be either maternal or paternal in origin.
What is Chromatin?
Necleoprotein material that stains with basic dyes
Where is Chromatin found?
You can find them in the necleus of eukaryotic cells and becoming organized into visible chromosomes at cell divison.
What is Mitosis?
A type of neclear division that results in two daughter cells, each with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
Start of Mitosis
What is Prophase?
The phase of cell division during which the chromosomes become visible.
Phase 1
What is Metaphase?
The phase of cell division in which the chromosomes randomly line up in the center of the cell.
They meet in the middle
Phase 2
What is Anaphase?
The phase of cell divison when chromosomes move to opposite poles of the cell.
Phase 3
What is Telophase?
The phase of cell divison in which cytokensis begins and daughter cells are formed.
Phase 4
What is Cytokensis?
The formation of two new daughter cells at the end of cell divison.
The End of Mitosis
What are homologous pairs?
Two chromosomes in a diploid cell that apprear nearly identical and contain the same gene but are derived from different parents.
Chromosomes are identical
but come from different parents
What is Diploid?
When a cell contains two sets of chromosomes it is said to be diploid. One set is maternal in origin and the other is paternal.
what is a sex Chromosome?
The chromosome that are different in males and females and that determine the sex of an organism.
What is a Hiploid Cell?
Cell that contains one set of chromosomes. The chromosomes may be either maternal or paternal in orgin.
What is the cell Cycle
The life of cell. The sequence of events that takes place within the cell from the time it forms until it divides.
What does metastasized mean?
When a cell breaks free from original cancerous mass and resides in new area in the body.
What has to happen in order to for regulation of cell cycle to happen?
The cell must possess the right amount of protein in the cytoplasm.
These proteins must activate other proteins necessary for production of genetic material and mitosis.
What do the sex chromosomes contain?
Contain genes aside from the ones that determine gender.
Ex: Eye color in fruit flies
Ex2: Color blindness in humans.
What did Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase do?
Labeled protein and DNA differently isotopes
What is Telomere?
The end of each chromosomal arm consisting of Speical DNA sequences that help to seal"chromosomes".