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25 Cards in this Set

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State two features of a nucleus membrane

It's a double membrane bound organelle which has nuclear pores.

Describe the function of the nuclear pores.

- it allows exchange of various material e.g. RNA

- it transport nutrients through the pores to the cyctoplasm

2 points

What are chromosmomes made out of?

Loops and coils of Chromatin (DNA + protein histones)

What is the function of the protein in histones?

they enable the DNA to form nucleosomes (which are the bumps on a DNA molecule.)

What is the nucleoli composed of?

Parts of chromatin DNA along with RNA and proteins.

What is the function of the nucleolus?

- Ribosome subunits are built

- Ribosome rRNA is manufactured.

What is the nucleoplasm?

its a solution containing dissolved materials.

How does material enter the nucleoplasm?

Material enters by going through the nuclear pore.

Red blood cells have nucleus. TRUE OR FALSE


State the number of chromosomes in a Eukaryotic cell nuclei and whether they are identical or non identical from their parent cell.

The nuclei has diploid number of chromosomes and they are identical (1 set from mother and father).

State a characteristics of a diploid chromosome and give examples. (other than identical)

- they have 2 copies of homologous chromosome which are smililar in...

- shape, size and gene (hereditary material)

What is the number of chromsome in each cell after meiotic division?


What is the number of chromosomes in gametes?

Haploid (one copy of each chromosome)

What is the last stage of gamete formation

Meiotic division

What division occurs for organ developement?

Mitotic division

Label this diagram

Why does cell division take place?

- Cell division for growth (cell number increase .:. increase in size

- cell replacement (e.g. small cut)

- Reproduction for species continuation

3 points

What cell function are controlled by the nucleus?

Metabolism and protein synthesis

Whats the difference between a nucleoside and nucleotide?

Nucleoside: deoxyribose sugar (5C pentose sugar) + organic, N-containing base (heterocyclic base)

Nucleotide also contains a phosphate group unlike the nucleoside.

The DNA is a polymeric molecule (polymer), what does this mean?

It means that the DNA is made up of many repeating units of nucleotides.

What type of bases are adenine and guanine?

What type of bases are cytosine and thymine?

What is the structure of a double helix DNA?

- each chain has an alternating sugar-phosphate backbone (rungs of ladder).

- each base is attached to the backbone and both chains are held together by specific base paring.

State the base pairs along with the hydrogen bonds formed

A = T ... 2H bonds

C ≡ G ... 3H bonds

What are the differences between DNA and RNA?


- has single strand

- T is replaced with Uracil

- is smaller than DNA

- has lower molecular weight than DNA

4 points