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110 Cards in this Set

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What are the 4 phases of the cell cycle and what happens in each?
1) G1 phase - Primary growth

2) S phase - DNA synthesis

3) G2 Phase - secondary growth

4) M phase - mitosis (nuclear division) and cytokensis (cytoplasmic division)
Is made of G1-S-G2
Cell cycle times (Embroys, yeasts, cultured human cells, human liver cells, neurons)
Cells have different cell-cycle times

a) Embryos: 30/cycle

b) Yeasts: 2 hours/cycle

c) Human cells: 20 hours/cycle

d) Human liver cells: 1year/cycle

e) Neurons: No more divisions
G0 Phase
This withdraws a cell from the cell cycle. These are non-dividing cells.

This is a resting state (Quiescense).

Neurons and skeletal muscle are in this state
This can induce a "quiescense" or "resting" cell to re-enter the cell cycle.
Essential Processes of Cell Cycle (Enter S, Enter M, Exit M)
These are the essential processes that occurs at the three points

a) Enter S phase: This triggers the DNA to replicate.

b) Enter M phase: This triggers the mitosis to start, and the mitotic spindle to assemble

c) Exit M phase: This triggers the completion of mitosis, and it proceeds to cytokinesis. Cell division is complete.
Two different types of Cdk
There is S phase Cdk and mitotic Cdk.
S phase Cdk Activation
S-phase Cdk remains inactive in G1 phase.

Then S-cyclin binds and phophorylates S-Cdkk, it becomes activated, and triggers "DNA replication"

S-phase Cdk binding to S-cyclin enters the cell into the S-phase

S-phase Cdk inactives with the degradation of S-cyclin in S phase
Mitotic Cdk Activation (General View)
Mitotic cdk remains inactive in G2 phase.

Then M-cyclin binds to Mitotic Cdk, phosphorylating it -- thus activating Mitotic Cdk.

This activation triggers Mitosis, entering the cell into M-phase. Then the M--cyclin is degraded in M-phase.

Phosphorylation of M-Cdk by M-cyclin triggers the cell to enter Mitosis
Three functions of Cyclins
a) they are expressed in cyclic fashion (in waves) because their concentration varies throughout cell cycle, driving the activation of cyclin-Cdk complexes. The rapid fall is when they are degraded

b) no enzyme activity

c) they activate Cdks by binding to them. They also direct Cdks to target proteins
characteristics of Cdks
They are protein kinases in the "Cell Cycle Control System".

Cdk (Cyclin dependent kinases)

a) they are activated by cyclins

b) They contribute to their own inactivation
Positive feedback of M-Cdk
Fill in information
Kinases and Cdk activation
Even with the cyclic concentrations of Cyclin, Cyclin-Cdk gets activated at appropriate times abruptly.

This trigger of activation is done so by specific protein kinases.

For cyclic-Cdk to be activated, Cdk has be phosphorylated at one site and dephosphorlyated at other sites by "Protein Phosphatase".
Degradation of Cyclin
Activation of M-Cdk by M-cyclin also activates APC

APC (Anaphase promoting complex)
Cell cycle control system
The cell has checkpoints and feedback process that help to make sure DNA replication, Mitosis and so on go according to plan.
Three checkpoints
These are molecular brakes incorporated into the cell cycle.

a) G1 check point

b) G2 check point

c) During Mitosis
First Checkpoint
a) G1: allows cell to confirm whether the environment is favorable for DNA replication -- before entering into S phase.

Extracellular signal, sufficient nutrients are needed, otherwise cell will delay, and can even enter into G0 phase.
Second Checkpoint
b) G2: allows the cell to make sure that the DNA has been replicated completed, and that any damaged DNA has been repaired -- before entering into M phase
Third Checkpoint
c) During mitosis: This makes sure that the replicated chromosomes are properly attached to the cytoskeleton machine (mitotic spindle) -- before the chromosomes are pulled apart by the spindles.
Turning a protein "On" and "Off"
Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation are used to turn the protein on or off -- used by the "Cell Cycle Control System".
Why are activity of Cdks "cyclic" manner?
These kinase proteins called "Cdks" are activated at very specific times by cyclin. and then they become quickly inactivated by degration. So since the activity of the kinases rise and fall, the cyclic matter is observed.
What are kinases?
A protein kinase is a kinase enzyme that modifies other proteins by chemically adding phosphate groups to them (phosphorylation).

Phosphorylation usually results in a functional change of the target protein (substrate) by changing enzyme activity, cellular location, or association with other proteins.

Kinases are known to regulate the majority of cellular pathways, especially those involved in signal transduction.
4 major cyclins and Cdks
1) Cyclin A: forms "S-Cdk" complex. Pairs with Cdk2 [G1 checkpoint]

2) Cyclin B: forms "M-Cdk" complex. Pairs with Cdk1 [G2 Checkpoint]

3) Cyclin D: forms "G1-Cdk" complex. Pairs with Cdk4, Cdk6

4) Cyclin E: forms "G1/S-Cdk" complex. Pairs with Cdk2

These cyclic-cdk formation depends on extracellular signals, and when activated, stimulates cell growth.
Degradation of Cyclin
This is what cases the spark fall in cyclin graphs.

Specific enzymes add "ubiquitin chains" to the appropriate cyclin. This is then directed to "Prteasome" for destruction.

Inactivation of M-Cdk, by the degration of M-cyclin, pulls the cell out of Mphase.
Cdk Inhibitor protein
These are the molecular brakes used by the "Cell cycle control system".

This blocks activity of one or more cyclin-Cdk complexes.
Extracellular signals that cause cells to multiply.
Origins of replication
These are nucleotides sequences that are scattered along each chromosome.

These sites control the initiation and completion of DNA replication by recruiting specific proteins.
Origin of Recognition Complex (ORC)
This complex remains bound to the Origin of replication sequence throughout the cell cycle.

It helps regulatory protein to have a place to land before the start of S phase.
Pre-replicative complex
A regulatory protein called "Cdc6" increases in G1 phase and attaches to the ORC during G1.

This basically gets the entire process ready to go into S-phase.
Entering S phase
Once the "pre-replicative complex" has been formed, and the S-Cdk has been activated, the whole thing can start -- and enter S phase.
Preventing Re-replication
To prevent the "re-replication" of the DNA, activated S-Cdk phosphorylates Cdc6 and disassembles the "Pre-replicative complex",

Phosphorylation of Cdc6 also marks the protein for degradation.
They are the protein complexes that form protein rings that hold sister chromatids together after replication.

They are broken apart during the late mitosis period, so they can be pulled apart by mitotic spindles.
Two types of cell death
a) Necrosis: cell death due to the unfavorable environemental change. Osmotic imbalance, for example.

b) Apoptosis: programmed cell death. lysomosmes vessicles start to degrade organelles
Activation of M-Cdk (Mphase)
Activation of this protein complex triggers the replicated chromosomes to condense and form rod like shapes.

Mitotic spindle also starts to assemble.

Activates Condensins by phosphorylation. This helps chromosomes condense

Activation of one M-Cdk in turn activates others M-Cdks.
Centrosomes in M phase
In M phase, centrosomes duplicate [Interphase]

They are the microtubule-organizing center.

Each centrosome contains a pair of centrioles, made of mircotubules (cylindral)
Protein complexes that help chromosomes condense.
Condensins and Cohesins
They work together to keep sister chromatids together.
Four stages of Mitosis
1) Prophase

2) Metaphase

3) Anaphase

4) Telophase
1) Replicated chromosomes (in S-phase) condense

2) Assembly of mitotic spindle outside nucleus.

3) Nuclear envolope breaks down due to "phosphorylation of Lamins"

4) Microtubles attach to centrosomes at "Kinetochore" site.
1) The mitotic spindle gathers all chromosomes to the equator, between the two spindles.

2) Duplicated chromosomes line up individually on the spindle (unlike in meiosis where the chromosomes are lined up with their homologous pairs)

Each sister chromatid has 2 microtubles attached at the kenetochore from either sides.
1) Sister chromatids are split apart

2) Microtubles attached at kinetochore get shorter

3) Spindle poles move apart

4) Cohesion rings are boren
1)The chorosomes arrive at the poles

2) Nuclear envelope starts to reassemble by de-phosphorylation of "Lamins"

3) Formation of 2 nuclei

4) Contracticle ring assembled
This starts in anaphase and continues through telophase.

Cytoskeleton structure "Contractile ring" assembled in Telophase is responsible for cytoplasmic division.

It consists of actin and myson filaments
Apoptosis (family)
It is programed cell death.

Caspace family of "proteases", members of which are made as inactive precursors called "procaspases"

These procaspases are activated when they become cleaved "proteolytic cleavage"
Procaspases become activated when their ends are cleaved.

For their ends to be cleaved, member of the Bc12 family need to become involved.

Bc12 (Bax and Bak) in mitocondria channels induces "cytochrome c" to be realized from the mitochondria.

Cytochrome C attaches to "adaptor proteins" -- which then "activate procapase"
ThreeFourextracellular signals
a) survivor factors: promotes cell survival by suppressing apoptosis

b) mitogens: it stimulates cell division by removing Rb protein

c) growth factors: stimulate cell growth

d) myostatin: this normally inhibits growth and proliferation of moblasts.
3 useful factors of Cell Death
a) Digit formation in mice

b) metamorphosis of tadpoles

c) precise number of neurons connected to target cells.
Sister chromatids
Duplicated chromosomes
-- Microtubule-organizing center.

-- y-tubulin rings

-- inside the centrosome, there are a pair of centrioles

-- Centrioles are composed of microtubules

-- During Prophase, the centrioles start growing the mircrotubles and they come out of the y-tublin rings in the centrosomes.
Mitotic spindle
Complex cytoskeleton machine. Composed of microtubules to separate replicated chromosomes.
Three kinds of microtubules in mitotic spindle
a) aster:

b) kinetochore

c) interpolar
Mitotic Spindle Equator
Where the chromosomes are aligned during Metaphase
Cytokenesis cytoskeleton structure (animal and plants)
a) Animals: A contractile ring forms made of "Actin" and "mysoin" filaments.

b) Plants: Phragmoplast specialized structure is involved, made of microtubles.
Diploid (body cells)
These cells have 2 sets of chromosomes, one set maternal, the other paternal. These chromosomes are similar, except for sex chromosomes.
Sex chromosomes
Specialized chromosomes present in some organisms that separate males from females.
Genes that are in varient versions.

When sexual reproduction occurs, the new individuals are then present with new combination of alleles.
Haploid cells
These are called germ cells or Gamtes

Unlike Diploid which contains 2 sets of chromosomes, one from maternal, other from paternal. Haploid only contains 1 set of chromosomes (half of that set is maternal, half is paternal)

Central process in sexual reproduction.

Ex. Egg and sperm are gamates

These are produced when a diploid cell goes through miosis.
When two haploid cells fuse to form a diploid.

Ex. sperm and egg fuse to form a fertilized egg (this fertilized egg is a zygote)
Homologous chromosomes
Also called "homologues or homologs"

They are parental chromosomes which are similar, but not identical. One is from maternal, other from paternal.
Sister chromatids
Twin copies of each replicated chromosome. They are held together by cohesins. They are identical chromosomes.

Duplicated during S-Phase in a cell
Just 1 half of a sister chromatid (one chromtid). It is joined to the other chromatid at the "Centromere"
Daughter chromosomes
These are separated sister chromatids
Where does Miosis being?
Miosis begins in specialized diploid germ line cells in the tests (guys) or ovaries (girls).
Meisos 1 (4 phases)
a) Prophase I

b) Metaphase I

c) Anaphase I

d) TelophaseI
Prophase I
(Replication of DNA has already happened)
a) Condensation of chromosomes, sister chromatids, identical chromatids.

b) Snyapsis/pairings of homologous chromosomes

c) Crossing over occurs between homologous chromosomes

d) Nuclear envolopen and nucleoli dissolves
[Terminal chiasmata holds homologous pairs together]

a) The microtubles form spindles, attaching to 1 side of each centromere (so either sides of homologous chromosomes)

B) The homologous chromosomes (with 2 sister chromatids) line up at equatotial plane
Anaphase I
a) The spindle fibers shorten

b) The homologous chromosomes are split and migrate to opposite poles [Random orientation results in "Independent Assortment"]

[The sister chromatids are still together. Just the homologous chromosomes are separated]
Telophase I
a) The homologous chromosomes are separated, and sister chromatids on either sides of the poles.

b) These sister chromatids are no longer identical because of crossing over.

c) Both poles have haploid number of chromosomes.

d) Cytokinesis, nuclear envelope and nuclei forms
Result of Meiosis I
Two daughter cells with haploid chromosome number are formed.
Prophase II
a) Degradation of nuclei and nuclear envople

b) Spindle fibers start growing.
Metaphase II
a) The spindle fibers attach to both sides of the centromere (Either sides of sister chromatid)

b) Chromosomes align at equator
Anaphase II
a) Spindle fibers contract

b) The sister chromatids are seperated by spindle fibers
Telophase II
a) Both poles have single stranded chromosomes.

b) Cytokensis occurs, nuclear envople and nuclei forms
Result of Meiosis II
There are 4 daughter cells (from 2 daughter cells after miosis I)

The daughter cells now contain half the chromosomes (Haploid)
3 Features unquie to Miosis
a) Synapsis: homologous chromosomes pair up with sister chromatids (2 pairs of sister chromatids)

b) Homologous recombination: Due to synapsis, there is crossing over of homologous chromosomes

c) Reduction division: Two successive divisions.
Structure formed when homologous chromosomes cross over. (Looks like an X, where they exchange genetic material)
Genetic variation in gametes
a) Independent assortment of maternal and paternal homologs in miosis I

b) crossover in prophase I
When the homologs fail to separate properly.

Either extra chromosomes, or one less chromosomes

-- Down syndrome: caused by extra chromosome, chromosome 21.

-- aneuploidy: when the eggs give rise to the wrong number of chromosomes. more often seen in eggs.
Molecular events of "Crossing over" (Recombination)
a) Double strand break: by a specialized enzyme,

b) Limited degration from 5' ends

c) Pairings of paternal/maternal strands

d) Cross strand exchange -- Holiday junction formed

e) resolved by strand cutting
Holiday Junction
It's a mobile junction between four strands of DNA
Made of cells with internal framework of cytoskeleton filaments, but also "Extracellular matrix" which cells secrete around themselves.
What are the 4 major types of animal tissues?
a) Connective

b) Epithelial

c) Nervous

d) Muscular
5 types of epithelial cells
a) simple

b) stratified

c) columnar

d) cuboidal

e) squamous
Epithelial cell sheets
They form into organs during embroynic development
Adhesion belt
It provides adhesion and movement in organs
2 faces of Epithelial cells
a) apical surface: free and exposed to the air, or to a watery fluid

b) basal surface: rests on other tissue, connective, to which it is attached.
Basal lamina
It supports the basal surface of the epithelium. Made of thin, tough sheets of extracelluar matrix.
Five types of cell junctions
a) Tight junction

b) Adhesion junction

c) Desmosome

d) Gap junction

e) Hemidesmosome
Tight junction
-- It seals neighboring cells together so water soluble molecules cannot leak between them.

-- Connects plasma membrane of adjacent cells (like epithelial)

-- Barrier to protect organs
Adhesion Junction
-- Connect s actins of adjacent cells

Connecting protein (Cadherins)
Important connecting proteins.

For Example, it can bind directly from the plasma membrane of one cell to the plasma membrane of another cell.
Another type of cell junction.

-- It connects intermediate filaments

(Binds epithelial cells to another epithelial cell)

-- Different type of cadherin molecule anchored inside the cell that connect to intermediate "keratin" filaments.
Gap junction
Another type of cell junction

-- They are protein channels made of "Connexins"

-- Connexins form channels across 2 plasma membrane
-- It anchors cells to ECM through integrin

(Binds epithelial cells to basal lamina)

-- Uses "Intergrin" molecules (like desmosome and adherens junction uses "Cadherins")
ECM (3 properties)
a) Collagen: it is one of the major components of ExtraCellularMatrix

b) Laminin: Trimers form a cross structure

c) It also contains fibronectin, gelatin
Skin blisters
Mutations in ECM genes can cause them
It is formed when there is an abnormal growth in cells (neoplasm) forming a "Solid Lesion".

-- Caused by multiple mutations in somatic cells
It is abnormal growth in cells
6 characteristics of cancer cells
1) Reduced dependence on signals from other cells, outside. Ex. mutation in Ras gene

2) Less prone to go through apoptosis. Usually because p53 gene is mutated

3) Proliferate indefinitely

4) Genetically unstable, increase in mutation

5) Abnormally invasion (lack adhesion molecules such as cadherins to hold the cells in place)

6) They can survive and proliferate in foreign cells, when normal cells would die if they are misplaced.
Classification of cancer genes
a) Oncogene : gain of function, excessive proliferation

b) Tumor-suppressor gene: loss of function, excessive proliferation.
Difference between Proto-oncogene and Oncogene
-- Proto oncogene: they are normal gene that serve many functions in a cell such as apoptosis.

-- Oncogene: Is what happens to the "proto-oncogene" after mutation. So a Proto-oncogene becomes oncogene
Three ways "Proto-oncogene" becomes "Oncogene"
a) Mutation: There was a mutation in coding sequence. This results in a hyperactive protein (made in normal amounts)

2) Gene amplification: A normal protein (not hyperactive), but it is produced excessively.

3) Chromosome rearragement: Either causes a protein to become hyperactive (fusion to actively transcribed gene) or causes normal protein to be produced excessively. Due to elevated transcription
Mutations in "oncogene" and "tumor suppressor gene"
a) Oncogene: NORMAL (promotes growth) MUTATION (hyperactivity, overproduction)
-- Gain of function

b) Tumor Suppressor Gene: NORMAL (growth check, checkpoint) MUTATION (no checkpoint induces cancer)
-- Loss of function
4 mutations needed for Cancer Formation
They are called "mutiple-hit" model

In colon cancer
1) Mutation in APC (tumor suppressor gene) leads to "Neoplasm"

2) Mutation of ras gene (oncogene) leads to "small tumor"

3) Mutation in another tumor suppressor gene, leads to "large tumor"

4) Mutation in p53 (tumor suppressor gene) [involved in apoptosis], leads to metastatic cancer
Tumor sizes and characterists
a) 10 8 : Visible on x-rays

b) 10 9: Palpable

c) 10 12: Causes death
Breast cancer
Takes 100 days for breast tumor to double
When there is NO Wnt Signal
This is Normal..

When there is No Wnt signal, the Receptor remains in active

Because the receptor is inactive, the Signaling protein remains inactive

Because signaling protein is INACTIVE, APC is active

APC is a tumor suppressor gene, and when active, it degrades "B-Catenin"

Because B-Catenin cannot bind to TCF complex, TCF remains inactive

As a result, Wnt-Reponsive Genes Stay OFF
When there IS a Wnt Signal
Wnt Signal is received by "Receptor"

Receptor becomes Activated

Activated Receptor activates "Signaling Protein"

Activated "Signaling Protein" turns APC off.

Because APC (tumor supressor gene) is now inactive, the B-Catenin cannot be broken down

Stable B-Catenin activates TCF complex

TCF complex begins transcription, proliferation of gut steam cells.
Intracelluar key player proteins (Wnt)
1) APC (tumor suppressor gene)

2) B-catenin (is degraded without Wnt signal, and when signal is present, it activates TCF complex)
Leukemia and Anti-cancer drug

Leukemia is caused by overproduction of white blood cells

-- Associated with oncogenic form of "Abl" protein kinase

-- Mutated, oncogenic Abl Protein Kinase would bind to a substrate, phosphorlyate, and this would induce a cell signal for proliferation and survival -- leading to leukemia

-- Gleevec would go bind to the ATP (phosphorlytaing) site of the Abl protein kinase. Now the subtract cannot be activated, thus no signal, no leukemia.