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21 Cards in this Set

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What is Binary Fisson?
prokaryotes split into two daughter cells
Eukaryotic have ________orgin
More than one
Prokaryotes have _________ orgin
Eukaryotic DNA is stored as_____
Chromosomes are made up of ______. and are ___% DNA and ___% protien
chromatin.. 40 , 60
What is Heterochromatin?
chromatin domains that are not expressed
What is Euchromatin?
chromatin domains that are expressed
What is the Cell cycle?
process in which Eukaryotic cells replicate their genome.
What are the 5 phazes?
(g1,S,g2) Interphaze, mitosis, cytokinesis
What is g1?
the 1st growth phase of the cell
What is S?
relicates it genome
What is g2?
the 2nd growth phase, replicate and microtubles begin to assemble
What is Mitosis?
Process by which a cell separates to form two identical daughter cells
What are the 4 steps in Mitosis?
What happens during Prophase?
the chromosomes condense
What happens during Metaphase?
Chromosomes allign
What happens during Anaphase?
Chromosomes seperate
What happens during Teleophase?
nucleus reappear
What is Cytokinesis?
the phaze of the cell cycle where the cell actually divides
How does it happen in Animals?
the belt tightens forming a “Cleavage Furrow”
How does it happen in Plants?
cell plate forms dividing daughter cells