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38 Cards in this Set

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what are the 3 reasons for cell division?

reproduction, growth, repair

what is the name of the cell that organisms develop from?


what is the name for prokaryotic cell division?

binary fission

what is the simplest form of cell division?

binary fission

what type of DNA is replicated in binary fission?

circular DNA

what do parent cells divide into?

2 genetically identical daughter cells

what is cytokinesis?

division of the cytoplasm

what may daughter cells be held together by?

gelatinous material

in the cell cycle, what is the period go growth and preparation?


most of cell life is spent in what phase?


what happens during interphase?

cell growth and DNA replication

what 3 stages occur in interphase?

G1, S, G2

when DNA is uncoiled what is it called?


what makes up a chromosome?


what happens during the G1 phase?

growth of the cell, organelles duplicated, stuff is synthesized for the S phase

what is restriction point?

where the cell is decided to continue to the S phase or enter G0 phase

what is the G0 phase?

where cells do not divide

what happens during the S phase?

DNA is replicated

what are chromatids held together by?

a centromere

how is DNA replicated?

an enzyme works its way up the DNA strand "unzipping" the 2 pieces and new nucleotides take the place of the missing parts to make 2 new strands

what is DNA replication considered semi-conservative replication?

each side of the divided DNA strand is composed of the original nucleotides and new nucleotides

what is a somatic cell?

any cell that isn't a reproductive cell (sperm or egg)

what is a gamete?

cells with only 1 set of chromosomes, haploid

since somatic cells have 2 sets of chromosomes what is it called?

a diploid

what is the name for the duplicated chromosomes?


what are homologous chromosomes?

chromosomes that are similar but not identical,one inherited from the father and one from the mother

what happens in the G2 phase for animals?

the centrioles divide

what happens in the G2 phase in plants?

spindle assembly forms

what happens in both plant and animal cells during the G2 phase?

chromosomes begin to compact

what is karyokinesis?

the division of the nucleus

what is mitosis?

the division of the nucleus containing replicated DNA into 2 daughter cells

does mitosis play a big part in the cell cycle?


what cells never go through mitosis?


what happens in prophase?

the nuclear membrane breaks down

what happens during metaphase?

chromosomes align along the equator

what happens during anaphase?

the centromeres divide, separating the chromatids

what happens during telophase?

a new nuclear envelope forms around each set of chromosomes

what usually happens during the same time as telophase?
