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59 Cards in this Set

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Multiple sites where DNA replication is initiated


Histone production occurs in


Catalyze the synthesis of DNA by adding nucletodies

DNA polymerase

Okazaki fragments connected by

DNA ligases

Proofreading mechanism performed by _____ that is part of the ______

3-5 exonuclease activity, DNA polymerase

Unwinding DS-DNA requires _________ which form a __________

1) helicases, topoisomerases, and SSBP

2) replisome

A special DNA polymerase that adds copies of 5'-TTAGGG-3' to the ends of chromosomes


Spontaneous hydrolysis of DNA results in:

depurination and deamination

Mutagenic chemicals include:

Base analogues, base modifying agents and intercalating agents

_________ removes abnormal nucleotides to correct mutations

Excision repair mechanisms

Pyrimidine dimers and other bulky lesions are removed through

Nucletoide excision repair

__________ corrects mutations of non-complementary bases that become included in DNA during replication that are not fixed by proof-reading

Mismatch repair

____ and _______ occur during M-phase

Cell division and cytokinesis

The process of mitosis divided into :

Prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

The centrosomes begin to assemble the microtubule containing structure _____ during the _____ stage of mitosis

mitotic spindle, prophase

In animal cells, __________ are located at core of the centrosomes


As ________ disappears, the _________ microtubules make contact with the centromeres to form the _________. During _________ of mitotic division.

nuclear membrane, mitotic spindle, kinetochore, prometaphase

The ______ Bind the free ends of the mitotic spindle microtubules to attach chromosomes to the mitotic spindle.


Mitotic spindle microtubules can attach to:

kinetochore MTs, MTs from the other pole, and to proteins of the inner plasma membrane.

In ___________ the chromosomes are pulled by the centromeres towards the poles as the kinetochore MTs shorten

Anaphase A

In ___________ the poles push apart due to the polar MTs getting longer

anaphase B

During Telophase the chromosomes revert to ______. Nucleoli reform, the ______ dissasembles and the ____________ reappears.

chromatin, spindle and nuclear envelope.

The ______ subunits have polarity and assembly of the mitotic spindle occurs with the ______ end at the centrosome and the ____ end growing out.

tubulin, negative, positive

Mitotic spindle MTs are dynamic structures that are continually growing and shrinking by loss/addition of ________ subunits.


With the dissolution of ____________ the plus ends of the mitotic spindle MTs make contact with the ________________

nuclear membrane, kinetochores

____________ divides the _________________ after the chromosomes have been sorted to complete the process of _________.

Cytokinesis, cytoplasm, cell division

Cytokinesis in animals depends on formation of the ____________

cleavage furrow

Cytokinesis in plant cells produce a ________ between separated daughter nuclei

cell plate

The cell plate is formed by materials such as ______ and ______ derived from _______ from the ________

polysaccharides, glycoproteins, vesicles , golgi

The timing differences of the cell cycle are primarily in the _____ phase, which may become long, as in the ____ phase.

G1 , G0

The _______________ determines if a cell is ready to progress to the next stage

cell cycle checkpoints

Late in the ____ phase, the _____ checkpoint determines if a cell will enter the S-phase. Also called the __________

G1, G1, restriction checkpoint

The _____ checkpoint determines if cell enters the ______ phase, requires completion of DNA syntesis.

G2, M

The _____________ checkpoint occurs between the _________ and __________ to ensure the proper attachment of chromosomes to the _____________

Spindle assembly, metaphase and anaphase, spindle apparatus


G1 enters S-phase


G2 nucleus does not enter S-phase before mitosis

M+G1,G2, or S

non-M phase nucleus enters M phase even if DNa is not duplicated

Until hormonal stimulation, frog oocyte arrested at ____. With hormonal stimulation, oocyte arrested at ______ until fertilization

G2, metaphase II of mitosis.

____________ moves cells through the G2 checkpoint

Mitosis-promoting factor / Maturation promoting factor

Active MPFs stimulate

breakdown of nuclear envelope, chromosome condensation, degradation of proteins and MS formation

Major target of G1 CDK-cyclin complex is ________ that becomes _____________ and this ________ the transcription factor E2F.

retinoblastoma protein, phosphorylated, activated.

During Mphase, Rb protein is _____________ and therefore E2F is ______________

dephosphorylated, inhibited.

The cell cycle is regulated by ____________ by _____________________

cell cycle checkpoints, Cyclin-CDK complexes

Mitotis is essential for asexual reproduction including:

-Mitotic division of unicellular organism

-Budding of offspring from parent organism

-Regeneration from pieces of a parent organism

Meiosis I produces ________ cells with chrosomes in form of __________

two haploid, two sister chromatids

The ___________ stage of Meiosis __ is where homologous chromosomes pair up and exchange DNA known as _______________

Prophase I, genetic recombination

Five stages of prophase I

Leptotene, Zygotene, Pachytene, Diplotene, Diakinesis

What do the 5 stages involve

L: begin to condense

Z: become closely paired

P: crossing over

D: separate but attached at chiasmata

D: condense and separate, attached at terminal chiasmata

Homologous chromosomes held together during __________ by ____________

synapsis, sypnaptonemal complex

Sperm and ova generated by two processes

meiosis, specialized cell differentiation

Spermatogenesis converts __________ into (#) of _______________

spermatocyte into 4 spermatids

Alleles of each gene separate from each other in gamete formation

Law of segregation

Alleles of each gene separate independently of other genes

Law of independent assortment

________ based upon the measurement of recombination frequencies is used to map gene locations.

Genetic mapping

Five examples of genetic exchange between homologous chromosomes involving recombination:

prophase I of meiosis, coinfection of bacteria with related bacteriophages, transformation of bacteria, transduction of bacteria, bacterial conjugation.

Steps of Holliday Model of Homologous Recombination

1)DS-DNA nicked

2)SS-DNA invades

3)DNA repair of DS-DNA using SS-DNA template

4)Reciprocal Invasion forms Holliday Junction

5) Branch migration

6) Resolution resulting in crossing over events or gene conversion

Recombinant DNA molecules produced by:

1)Cleaving DNA molecules from two sources with restriction endonucleases

2)Mixing the fragments to allow fragment ends to interact

3)linking fragments DNA ligase

Cloning of DNA fragments involves:

1)insertion of DNA into a vector

2)introduction of recombinant vectors in cells

3)amplification " "

4)selection of cells carrying recombinant vector

5)identification of correct recombinant clone

To examine expressed genes of an organism, RNA can be converted to ________ through the use of _______________

complementary DNA (cDNA), reverse transcriptase