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75 Cards in this Set

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four types of movement in membrane
felxion, rotation, lateral diffusion, flip flop
helps to maintain membrane fluidity
is internlalized via clathrin coated pits
spectrin dimers
associate to form tetramers that ar elinked to networks on cytoskeleton via actin, tropomyosin, band protein, and adducin. LInked to cytoskeltion cia ankyrin molecules.
allow for anchoring to extracellular matrix with fibronection on cortical regino
mesentary vs. capillary epithelium
mesothelium vs. endothelium...simple squamos
follicular cells of the thyroid
simple cuboidal epithelium
collecting tubules of kidney in the renal medulla
cuboidal epithelium
intestinal epithelium
simple columnar cells with brush border, goblet cells, and invding lymphocytes
striated duct epithelium
simple columnr epithelium, basal striation represent inflodings of the plasma membrane to increase cell surface area. BS are invovled with fluid transport and ion. mitochindrai have bs,
ciliated, simple columnar epithelium
these are pseudostratified columnar epithelium, have special sterocillia.
Difference between sterocillia, microvilli, and cillia
must find out
ciliated pseudostratified epithelium
stratified squamos non cornifed epithelium
epithelium of esophagus
same as vagina
cornified stratified squamos epithelium
what are melanocytes
duct of salivary gland
stratified columnar epithelium
dome cells at the surface, cells of this kind are found only in transitional epithelium
dome cells on the surface, transitional epithelium on a distended bladder.
cytoskelton is
bones and muscles can move and adapt,provides machinery for intracellular movement,
cytoskeleton and 3 protein types
intermediate filaments, microtubules, and microfilaments. distinct and formed from a different protein subuit.
intermediate filaments
are cable like fibers composed of IF Proteins
hollow tubes made of tubulin
microfilaments are helical
polymers formed by the protein actin. Many thousands assemble into threads.
10 nm, toughest of the 3 types, enable cells to withstand mechanical stresses. often anchored to cell cel junctions forming tonofilaments of desmosomes and hemidesmosomes.
nuclear lamina
IFs that break down along with the nuclear lamina during mitosis.
IF Structure
consist of many ropes with long strands twisted togethor, made of elongated protein strands consisting of alpha helical and amino terminal globular heads and a carboxy terminal globular tail.
globular head and tail
facilitate interactions with other cellular components
epidermolyis bullosa simplex
mutains in keratin genes for epithelium specific IFs interfere with the formation of keratin filaments in epidermis.
epidemyolysis bulbosa
results in skin being highly vernable to mechanical injury where hemidesmosomes are present.
cytoplasmic IF types
keratin filaments, vimentin and vimentin related filaments and neurofilaments, while nuclear IFs form a single class nuclear lamins.
kertatin filamets
are found in epithelial of diferent types
vimentin and vimentin related
found in mesodermally derived tissues and in supporting cells of the of the nervous system
important componenet of muscle cells that is in connective and GFAP.
IFs of nuclear
different: composed of 2 dimensional instead of ropes, and turnover with cell division in contrast to epith. phosphoryaltion dissassembles and dephosph reassembles
clincially useful
because ifs are so characterisitc of each cell types, stained for tumors.
25, largest, cillia and flagella, can assemble and reassemble
centrosome and MTS in interphase
extend from the centrosome but not quite to cell membrane, centrosome evident by centrioles imbedded in it.
dividing cells
extend from the pericentriolar material. PG5
avascular, innervated, high mitotic index, cells on basement membrane, juctionss, polarized for functions
basement membrane
basal lamina-epith orgin

reticular lamina-fibroblast origin -collagen, connective matrix
Collagen 4
hgihly glycosylated, telopeptides, head and tail interaction. Heparin sulfate provides the bassal lamina with a high concentratin of negative charges.
binding protein in basal lamina
binds lamin to collagen 4
basal lamina function
supports epithelium, metabalism and differentiation, selective filtratino barrier. Permits cell migration, Provides scaffold for repair.
tight junctions
zonula occludens belt, integral membrane proteins fuse like occludins and claudins. Forming seal between lumenal and intercellual spaces. Creates lumenal and basolateral domains. Ca dependent formation; form and break often. Claudins-channels
anchoring juctions
zonula adherens
and hemidesmosomes. cadhedrins to other cells below apices. Ca depend,. cyto side binds to actin forming tight adh.
communicating gap junct
binds cells very strongly via cadhedrin nd keratins. abundant where needed. keratin! also hemis same but to ec matrix
commnicating junctions
formed by proteins called connexons, these form tubes, when lined up with a counterpart in an adjacent cell a patent channel is formed. regulated by twisiting of the connexins. free exchange of 1000 dalton molecules. rapid tuenover rate and can close in repsonse to stress from other cell.
occludins and claudins
tight junctions and aqueus pores
Ca dependent, single pass, integral membrane proteins that bind cell to cell
immunoglobin super family
binds cell to cell and with globulin characterisitcs. high globulin content higher hold
ca or mg dependent, single pass heterodimeric intergrel protein that binds cell to matrix via collagen, fibronectin, or lamin. hemisdesmosomes common
ca dependent, single pass, integral membrane proteins that cintain lectin. bind via carbohydrate moieties. sperm to egg binding. binding embryo to uterine wall. white cell homing
cellular appendages

cillia adn sterocillia
cillia-non motile (9+0 microtubules. involved with sensation via ca.
Sterocillia-in male reproductive tract and ear for sensory
Golgi shit
signal peptides
found on the N-terminal
ER to golgi
to other compartments of th cell, not mitochondria
proteins move from the cytosol to the nucleas
via gated transport
a compart that removes receptors from the ligand
the er, both rough and smooth.... are different how
both enclose the sme lumenal space, however, the rough er forms flattened cisternae while the smooth is connected via a tubular network
in contrast, each cisternae of the golgi
is elived to be an fucking different compartment. communication via vesicles
Cop 1

cop 2

when the signal peptide comes out first
it directs the ribosome to the er lumen. here it is pushed through a pore while being synthesized, and the signal is cleaved. The mature protein is now in the lumne of er.
proteins are glycosylted as sonn
as they enter the er lumen, they are glycosylated on ASP at the following sequences...ASN-X-SER, or ASN-X-Thr
dolichol, the lipid carrier for the oligosaccharide helps transfer the oligosac to the ASN. Sugars are added to dolichol.
Note that the addition of sugars to dolichol begins
on the cytosolic side of the ER membrane and continues
on the luminal side after the lipid intermediate is fl ipped
across the ER bilayer.
three major division to the golgi
three major divisions to the Golgi:
cis Golgi network (CGN) , the Golgi stacks, and the trans Golgi network (TGN).
proteins are synthesized in a conveyer belt fashio along the ER then are transported via COP 2s across to the golgi cis network
cop 2 for constitutive, cop 1 for recycling
endosomal and lysosomal pathways
are always dependent on clathrin coated vesicles
salvage pathway through the golgi intermediate compartment
is a salvage patheay for KDEL rceptors via microtubules
block the forward pathway of synthesized proteins
blocks the return pathway of KDEL receptors