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50 Cards in this Set

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How does budding happen?
- membranes of lumen side pull away and get so close together that the lipids start to interact
What are endosomes?
- sorting compartments
What is the lumen of each membrane-enclosed compartment topologically equivalent do?
- the outside of the cell
Why is it difficult to bud off from the plasma membrane?
- because cholesterol is so stiff
What are the three main pathways of intracellular vesicular traffic?
1. Secretory pathway - proteins from ER to plasma membrane or lysosomes
2. Endocytic pathway - molecules from plasma membrane to endosomes or lysosomes
3. Retrieval pathway - molecules retrieved from vesicles and endosomes and taken back to the plasma membrane, ER or Golgi
What are the three main characteristics of vesicular traffic?
1. Highly organized
2. Balanced - between using ER, Golgi and plasma membrane for vesicles
3. Very selective - about what goes in vesicles
How do inositol phospholipids work?
- can undergo rapid cycles of phosphorylation and de-phosphorylation at the 3', 4' and 5' positions of their inositol sugar head groups to produce phosphoinositides (PIPs)
- can be used to control protein binding to a membrane and these PIP-binding proteins in turn help regulate vesicle formations
How are PIPs named?
PIPs are named according to the ring position and number of phosphate groups.

Ex. PI(3,4)P2 means that there are two phosphates on the 3' and 4' positions
What are coated vesicles?
- vesicles with a distinctive cage of proteins covering their cytosolic surface
What are the two main functions of coated proteins?
1. Selectivity of specific proteins
2. Helps to mold the membrane into a round shape
What are the three types of coated vesicles? And where do they transport?
1. Clathrin-coated - transport from Golgi and plasma membrane
2. COPI-coated - transport from ER and Golgi
3. COPII-coated - transport from ER and Golgi
What is the make up of clathrin?
- 3 large and 3 small polypeptide chains forming a triskelion
- spontaneously assemble to form a spherical structure
What are adaptor proteins and what do they do?
- form a second layer of the coat, positioned between the clathrin cage and the membrane
- trap transmembrane receptors, cargo receptors, that in turn capture soluble cargo molecules inside the vesicle
- each adaptor protein is specific for a certain protein
- can either be single chain or 4 subunits
What is the process of creating a clathrin-coated vesicle
1. Coat assembly and cargo selection
2. Bud formation
3. Vesicle formation
4. Uncoating - coat is really only important for forming shape and selecting proteins, need to get rid of coat so proteins can fuse with target
What is the enzyme for budding off a vesicle?
What chaperone functions as an uncoating ATPase for clathrin-coated vesicles?
What are the two coat recruitment proteins?
1. Arf 1 protein - for COPI and clathrin coat assembly at Golgi
2. Sar 1 protein - for COPII coat assembly at ER
- these protein's signals are activated by the addition of a phosphate group
How does a COPII coated vesicle form?
- Sar 1 protein is the coat-recruitment GTPase

- inactive soluble Sar1-GDP binds to a Sar-1 GEF in the ER membrane causing Sar1 to release its GDP and bind to GTP
- a GTP-triggered conformational change in Sar1-GTP exposes an amphipathic helix which inserts into the ER membrane initiating membrane curvature
- Sar1-GTP recruits COPII subunies to the membrane to form a bud (Sec 23/24 for the inner coat and Sec 13/31 for the outer coat)
- a membrane fusion event then pinches off the coated vesicle
What are Rab proteins and what do they do?
- monomeric GTPase
- largest family, more than 60 members
- direct the vesicle to specific spots on the correct target membrane
- when Rab is activated by GTP is associates with the membrane of a vesicle and bind to other proteins called Rab effectors which facilitate vesicle transport and tethering
What are SNARE proteins and what do they do?
- mediate the fusion of the lipid bilayers in vesicle formation
What are v-SNAREs?
- found on vesicle membranes
- made of 1 polypeptide
What are t-SNAREs?
- found on target membrane
- made of 2-3 polypeptides
What is the trans-SNARE complex? What does it do?
- formed by v-SNAREs and t-SNAREs wrapping around each other to form a stable four helix bundle
- this forces lipid bilayers close together and expels water molecules from between them so that lipid molecules can fuse together
What happens after SNAREs have mediated the fusion of a transport vesicle to a target membrane?
- the NSF protein binds to the SNARE complex and hydrolyzes ATP to pull the SNAREs apart
How does the tetanus toxin work?
- it cleaves SNAREs in nerve terminus so vesicles cannot fuse
- this blocks nerve transmission over synaptic clefts
What is homotypic fusion?
- fusion of membranes from the same compartment
What is heterotypic fusion?
- a membrane from one compartment fuses with the membrane of a different compartment
What is the KDEL receptor?
- present in vesicular tubular clusters and the Golgi
- it captures the soluble ER proteins and carries them in COPI coated transport vesicles back to the ER
What is the Golgi apparatus? What are the two faces?
- 4-6 stacks of membrane enclosed compartments
- cis-FACE faces the ER and receives arriving vesicles
- trans-FACE faces the outside and vesicles leave from here
What are the main jobs of the Golgi?
- carbohydrate synthesis (modify oligosaccharides in a certain sequence of steps)
- sorting of products from the ER
- proteins in Golgi are usually membrane bound ( in ER they are soluble)
What are complex oligosaccarides?
- generated when the original N-linked oligosaccaride added in the ER is trimmed and further sugars are added
- occurs if position on protein is accessible
what are high-mannose oligosaccarides?
- are trimmed in the Golgi but no new species are added
- happens when position is not-accesible
What is the core region that remains in all oligosaccharides regardless of Golgi modifications?
2 N-acetylglucosamine and 3 mannose
What are the four purposes of glycosylation?
1. Resistant to digestion by proteolytic enzymes
2. Proper protein folding
3. regulatory roles (ex. cell cycle)
4. Protects against pathogens
What is a lysosome?
- membrane enclosed organelles filled with hydrolytic enzymes that digest macromolecules in the cell
- pH inside is about 5.0
How do lysosomes maintain a low pH (5.0) compared to the cytosol (7.2)?
- use a v-type ATPase to pump protons into lysosome
How are lysosomal membrane proteins protected from the hydrolases within the lysosome?
They are highly glycosylated?
What are three pathways to deliver to lysosomes?
1. Pinocytosis (small molecules)
2. Phagocytosis (large molecules)
Both of the above two are examples of endocytosis of macromolecules from the ECF
3. Autophagy - recycling of molecules inside the cell
Which vesicles are involved in endocytosis?
clathrin-coated vesicles
What are the two functions of phagocytosis?
1. Defense - ingest invading microorganisms
2. Recycling - ingest dead cells
What is the process of phagocytosis?
- initiated by Rho-GTPases which turn on local PI kinases by phosphorylating them
- pseudopod formation and phagosome formation are driven by actin polymerization and reorganization
What are the two main types of pinocytosis?
1. Constitutive process - occurs constantly regardless of cell need
2. Receptor mediated endocytosis - more specific process to get certain molecules from ECF into the cell
How does LDL pinocytosis work?
LDL (low density lipoprotein) receptors bind to a clathrin-coated pit in the plasma membrane of a normal cell and attract LDL
- LDL is made of cholesteryl ester molecules which will then be hydrolyzed into cholesterol
- on clathrin coated pit can uptake up to 1000 receptors
What are three possible fates of transmembrane receptor proteins?
1. Recycling - retrieved receptors are returned to the same plasma membrane domain from which they came
2. Transcytosis - retrieved receptors are transported to a different domain of the plasma membrane
3. Degradation - by lysosomes
What are the two pathways for exocytosis?
1. Constitutive Secretory Pathway - operates in all cells, many soluble proteins are continually secreted from the cell by this path, also suplies the plasma membrane with new lipids and proteins, etc
2. Regulated secretory pathway - only in specialized cells, can secrete hormones, digestive enzymes or neurotransmitters etc
- signal is required to start secretion
What three networks must proteins be separated into before they leave the trans-Golgi?
1. Signal mediated diversion to lysosome
2. Signal mediated diversion to secretory vesicles
3. Constitutive secretory pathway - default pathway
Why does the inside of vesicles become more acidic as they mature?
- due to increasing ATP-driven proton pumping into the vesicles
Why are proteins synthesized as inactive precursors?
- so they don't mature until they are inside the vesicle in order to avoid harmful damage to the cell
How does synaptic vesicle recycling process work?
1. Delivery of synaptic vesicle components to plasma membrane
2. Endocytosis of synaptic vesicle components to form new synaptic vesicles
3. Endocytosis of synaptic vesicle components and delivery to endosome
4. Budding of synaptic vesicle from endosome
5. Loading of neurotransmitter into synaptic vesicle
6. Secretion of neurotransmitter by exocytosis
Usually we want to maintain a constant size, but sometimes exocytosis is regulated in order to enlarge a plasma membrane. What three ways does this happen in?
1. cleavage furrow - need more surface area when cells divide after cytokinesis
2. phagocytosis - increase in surface area of plasma membrane (vesicles from lysosome)
3. wound repair - vesicles come from lysosome to repair membrane