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21 Cards in this Set

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cell migration is a highly integrated, multi step process that plays an important role in the progression of various diseases such as ...
____ is related to, and encompases, cell migration, except that cells do more than migrate.
cell invasion
What do invasive cells do?
move through the extracellular matrix into neighboring tissues in a process that invovlves ECM degradation and proteolysis.
migration is dynamic, cyclical process in which a cell...
what are the three steps of the process?
1)cell extends a protrusion at its front , which in turn attaches to the substratum on which the cell is migrating

2)contraction that moves the cell body foward toward the protrusion

3) finally the attachments at the cell rear release as the cell continues to move foward.
the cycle migration cycle is initiated by _______, which are sensed and communicated to the cell's interior by specialized receptive proteins in the cell membrane.
external signals chemotactic molecules
what happens in responce to external signals during cell migration process?
in responce to these signals, cells extend protrusions, by polymerizing actin, that act as feelers, seeking out new terrain and sensing the direction from which they are receiveing signals.
what happens after the direction of movement is established during the process of cell migration?
the machinery for enabling movement assembles with regard for the direction of migration
_______needed for traction collect at the front of the protrusion,tethering the protrusion to the substratum.

________contract at the front of the cell and pull the cell body toward the protrusion.

____ & ____ completes the cycle
adhesive complexes

actinomyosin filaments

release of adhesive connections in the rear of the cell & retraction of the tail
cell migration is an essential mechanism for various processes of unicellular as well as muticellular organisms.

examples of such processes include ..
wound healing
immune responses
tissue formation
for the course of cancer, cell migration plays a centrol role as it is the key mechanism underlying _____
metastasis (i.e. cell scattering and tissue invation)
cell migration is either ____, or in the presence of defined external guidance cues _____.
random or directed
dysfunction of cell migration mechanism may have serious impact on an organism causing ____
mental retardation or vascular diseases
one experimentally well developed and easy protocol for analyzing cell migration in vitro is the __
scratchassay [21]
what happens during scratchassay 21?
a monolayer of cells is grown in vitro and an artificial wound or scratch is mechanically created.
what is the shape of the scratch?
typically a region with parallel borders
cells will migrate to close the "wound" and the time course of this migration process is monitored by
capturing images typically for a period of several hours or a few days
The _____ is an easy low cost and well developed method to measure cell migration ____
in vitro scratch essay
in vitro
what are the basis steps that are involved in in vitro scratch assay?
creating a "scratch" in a cell monolayer,
capturing the images at the beginning and at regular intervals during cell migration to close the scratch, and comparing the images to quantify the migration rate of the cells
we will use __ cells
MCF7 cells
cells well be plated on a coverslip
we will change the growth media with a
estrogen supplemented growth media
what will be determined during our experiment ?
effect of estrogen on cell migration will be determined