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32 Cards in this Set

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What is the cell cycle?
A sequence of coordinated processes leading from one cell division to the next cell division.
What is required for a division producing a more or less equal daughter cell?
Doubling of the genetic material and other functional capacities of the cell during the cell cycle
2 main phases of the cell cycle with subsequent sub- phases:
1. Nuclear division & cell division (cytokinesis)
- Mitosis/ Meiosis

2. Interphase:
- G1 phase
- S phase
- G2 phase
Characteristic morphological and physiological changes during cell cycle:
Blebs and microvilli, rounding when entering mitosis, RNA synthesis and protein synthesis
Duration of cell cycle of early embryonic cells:
Cycles within the cell cycle:
1. DNA synthesis cycle
2. Nuclear division cycle
3. Growth cycle
4. Cell division cycle
Examples of independent functioning of the cycles:
Egg cleavage, meiosis, endoreduplication
a) What?
b) Function:
a) Duplication of genome without mitosis

b) Usual in eukaryotes, results in increasing of nuclear DNA content permitting amplification of the genome of specialized cells
DNA replication
a) In which phase?
b) Organization of DNA replication in eukaryotes:
a) S phase

b) DNA replication of the chromosome is organized within replication units; replication fork and replication origin.
DNA replication
a) Enzymes
b) Mechanism (5)
a) DNA helicase: unwinding of double- stranded DNA, DNA polymerase: DNA replication per se, Primase: primer

b) 1. Leading strand: DNA polymerase- δ 3´-> 5´replication (continuos)
2. Lagging strand: DNA polymerase α replicates 5´-> 3´ (discontinuous, Okazaki fragments)
3. DNA polymerase β, DNA ligase: removal of primers
4. Topioisomerase ii: unwind DNA at the place where the replication fork meets
5. Telomerase: adds TTAGGG nucleotides in repeated sequences in the telomere region to prevent loss of coding sequences of DNA
Are mitosis and cytokinesis usually joined processes?
How much do chromosomes condense during nuclear division:
10 000x
Mitotic phases and their characteristics: (5)
1. Prophase: chromosone condensation (two sister chromatids)
2. Prometaphase: disintegration of nuclear envelope (nuclear lamina: lamins), microtubules of mitotic spindle attaches to the chromosomes (kinetochor)
3. Metaphase: chromosomes are in equatorial position
4. Anaphase: separation of sister chromatids---> loosened chromatids are pulled towards the poles of the mitotic spindle (anaphase A, anaphase B)
5. Telophase: reintegration of nuclear envelopes
Anaphase A:
Chromatids abruptly separate and move towards the spindle poles. This is achieved by shortening of spindle microtubules, with forces mainly being exerted at the kinotechores.
Anaphase B:
1. When the chromatids are fully separated. Involved polar microtubules elongating and sliding relative to each other to drive the spindle poles to the opposite sides of the cell.

2. 3 forces: kinesin a molecular motor protein that are attached to polar microtubules and push microtubules past each other.
- Dyenin pulls centromere towards the cell cortex.
- And lengtening the polar microtubules at the + end.
a) What?
b) Why is genetic recombination realized?
c) Main parts of meiotic cell cycle:
a) Transfer from diploid generation to haploid generation (in animals production of haploid gametes)
b) Because of crossing over
c) Meiosis I, meiosis II
a) Starts:
b) What:
a) Mostly during mitotic anaphase
b) Enables approximately equal division of other cellular components (cytoplasm and organelles). New cellular boundary is formed at the equator of the mitotic spindle
Cytokinesis Mechanism
a) Animal cells:
b) Cells of higher plants:
c) Algae and fungi:
a) Process of cleaving (furrowing) by the contractile ring (non- muscle myosin II and actin filaments)

b) New cell boundary is formed from a cell plate from vesicles of ER (phragmoplast)

c) Invagination of plasma membrane
Doubling of functional capacities of the cell
a) Two ways
b) e.g
c) Organelles duplicated:
a) Precise duplication of nuclear DNA vs. doubling of other cytoplasmic components (including organells)

b) 1. Synthesis of proteins and RNA
2. Duplication of organelles

c) 1. Ribosomes
2. Simple membrane organelles: ER, Golgi
3. Complex "cell like" organelles: mitochondria and chloroplast
Resting cells (G0):
Non dividing cells which are NOT in the cell cycle
G0 phase
a) Transition into G0 phase (Two ways:)
b) Physiological characteristics if G0 phase
a) 1. Permanent transition to G0 phase is connected with the transition to terminal differentiation stages.
2. The transition between cell cycle (G1) and G0 phase in both directions is connected with changes in cell physiology and it requires a certain time period

b) Changes of the Myc protein level
Mechanism of cell cycle control
a) Activation
b) Progression
a) G0--> G1. Activation is started by the expression of primary response genes and after the expression of secondary gene cascade

b) Progression: G1--> S-->G2--> M--->....
G1 block, G2 block
Mechanism of activation
1. Expression of primary response genes (early response genes)
a) How:
b) Important primary response genes:
c) Function of primary response genes:

2. Expression of secondary genes
a) What?
b) Which?
1. a) Not mediated. It is a direct response to stimulatory signal (expression/ synthesis of a protein mediator is not required)
b) c-fos, c- jun, c- myc
c) Primary response genes code transcription factors which regulate expression of secondary genes. These transcription factors also regulate expression of primary response genes---> enhancement of the signal

2. a) Secondary genes represent effector genes of the cell cycle. Their expression has a character of cascade.
b) Genes coding CDK, genes coding cyclins, c-myb and p53 gene
Rb protein function in activation:
Positive feedback loop---> enhancement of the signal stimulating activation
1. c- myc:
2. c-fos & c- jun:
1. Crucial gene of activation
2. Fos protein & Jun protein are transcription factors (they form heterodimer)
Mechanism of progression
a) Important enzymes/ proteins:
b) Requirements:
c) Mechanism:
a) Cyclin dependent kinase (CDK) (serine- threonine kinase) and cyclin

b) Binding of protein cyclin is necessary for CDK activation--> CDK- cyclin complex. CDK is the CATALYTIC subunit and cyclin is the REGULATORY subunit. Cell cycle is regulated by a system of several CDKs and relevant cyclins

c) Linear growth of cyclin level---> activation of CDK---> induction of relevant cell cycle process (transition to S phase, transition to mitosis)---> degradation of cyclin---> inactivation of CDK....
Complex cyclin E/ CDK2:
Regulation of transition into S phase
Complex cyclin B/CDK1:
Regulation of transition to mitosis
CDK inhibitors:
Tools of progression that inhibit the CDK-cyclin complex by binding to it. (e.g: p21)
DNA damage effect on progression:
DNA damage--->protein p53 activation---> induction of protein p21 expression---> inhibition of cyclin E/CDK2---> block transition into S phase. p53 enables to block potentially very dangerous replication of damaged DNA
M phase starts with:
Duplication of centromers
Are chromosome translocation pathological?
Yes except from in crossing over in prophase I of meiosis