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78 Cards in this Set

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What is the science of human development?
The science of human development seeks to understand how and why people of all kinds,a ll ages everywhere change over time.
What does it mean when something is empirical?
Empirical means that it is based on data, on many experiences, on demonstrations and on facts.
What is the scientific method?
The scientific method is a way to answer questions that require empirical research and data based conclusion.
What is hypothesis?
Hypothesis is a specific prediction hat is stated in such a way that it can be tested and either confirmed or refuted.
What is replication?
The repetition of a study using different participants.
What is nature?
Nature is a general term for the traits capacities, and imitations that each individual inherits genetically from his or her parents at the moment of conception.
What is nurture?
A general term for all the environmental influences that affect development after an individual is conceived.
What is the nature vs. nurture controversy?
The basic questions of how much of any characteristics, behavior, or pattern of development is the result of genes and how much is the result of experience.
What is difference equals deficit error?
The mistaken belief that a deviation from some norm is necessarily inferior to behavior or characteristics that meet the standard.
What are 3 domains of human development?
Biosocial development, cognitive development, and psychological development.
What is Biosocial development?
includes all the growth and change that occur in a persons body and the genetic nutritional and health factors that affect growth and change including motor skills.
What is cognitive development?
Includes all mental processes that pa person uses to obtain a knowledge or tho think about the environment. Cognitive encompasses perception, imagination, judgement, memory, and language.
What is psychosocial development?
includes development of emotions temperament,and social skills. Family friends, the community, the culture, and the larger society are particularly central to the psychosocial domain.
What is the dynamic systems approach?
A view of human development that as an ongoing, ever changing, interaction between the physical and emotional being and between the persona and every aspect of his or her environment, including the family and society.
What is continuity?
Signifies developments over time that appear to persist unchanging from one age to the next. Parents might recognize the same personality traits in their grown children tat they saw in them as infants.
What is discontinuity?
Signifies developments that appear quite different from those that came before. A person or researcher might believe that "everything changed" when school started or when puberty began, for instance.
What is critical period?
A time when a particular type of development growth (in body or behavior) must happen. If the critical period passes without the growth, the person will never grow in that particular way.
What is the sensitive period?
A time when a certain type of development is most likely to happen and happens most easily. If that development does not occur during the sensitive period, it could still occur later. For example, early childhood is considered a sensitive period for language learning.
What is the DSM?
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
What is ecological systems approach?
The view that in the study of human development the person should be considered in all the contexts and interactions that constitute life.
What is a cohort?
A group of people who were born at the same time and thus move life together experiencing the same historical events and cultural shifts at about the same age.
What is socioeconomic status?
SES- a persons position in society as determined by income, wealth, occupation, education, place of residence, and other factors.
What is ethnic group?
People whos ancestors were born in the sane region and who often share a language, culture and religion.
What is race?
a group of people whoa re regarded by themselves or by others as distinct from other groups on the basis of physical appearance.
what is social construction?
An idea that is built on shared perceptions not on objective reality. Many age related terms such as childhood adolescence, yuppie, and senior citizen, are social contstructions.
What are mirror neurons?
Brain cells that respond to actions performed by someone else in the same way they would if the observer had done that action.
What is scientific observation?
A method of testing a hypothesis by unobtrusively watching and recording participants' behavior in a systematic and objective manner, in a natural setting, in a laboratory, or in searches or archival data.
What is experiment?
A research method in which the researcher tries to determine the cause and effect relationship between two variables by manipulating once (called independant variable) and then observing and recording the resulting changes in the other (called the dependant variable).
What is independant variable?
In an experiment, the variable that is introduced to see what effect it has on the dependant varaible (experimental variable).
What is the dependant variable?
In an experiment, the variable that may change as the result of whatever new conditions or situation the experiment adds. In other words , the dependant variable depends on the independant variable.
What is experimental group?
A group of participants in a research study who experience some special treatment or condition (the independant variable)
What is the comparison group/ control group?
A group of participants in a research study whoa re similar ot the experimental group in all relevant ways but who do not experience the experimental condition (the independent variable).
What is survey?
A research method in which information is collected from a large number of people by interviews, written questionnaires, or some other means
What is a case study?
A research method in which one individual is studied intensively
What is cross sectional research ?
a research design that compares groups of people who differ in age but are similar in other important characteristics
What is longitudinal research?
A research design in whcih the same individuals are followed over time and their development is repeatedly assessed.
What is cross sectional research?
A hybrid research method in which researchers first study of several groups of people of different ages and then follow those groups over a period of years.
What is a correlation?
A number indicating the degree of relationship between two variable, expressed in terms of the likely hood that one variable will or will not occur when the other variable does or (does not). A correlation is not an indication that one variable causes the other, only that the two variables are related.
What is quantitative research?
research that provides data taht can be expressed with numbers such as ranks and scales.
What is qualitative research?
Research that considers qualities instead of quantities. Descriptions of particular conditions and participants expressed ideas are often part of qualitative studies.
What is code of ethics?
a set of principles that members of a profession or group are expected to follow.
What is psychoanalytic theory?
A grand theory of human development that holds that irrational unconscious drives and motives often orifinating in childhood, underlie human behavior.
What is Freuds psychosexual stages?
Oral stage, anal stage, Phallic stage, latency, genital stage.
what is the oral stage?
The lips, tongue, and gums are the focus of pleasurable sensations in the babys body and sucking and feeding are the most stimulating activities. Birth to 1 year.
What is Anal Stage?
1-3 years. The anus is the focus of pleasurable sensations in the baby's body and toilet training is the most important activity
What is Phallic Stage?
3-6 years. The phallus or penis is the most important body part, and pleasure is derived from genital simulation. Boys are proud of their penesis and girls wonder why they don't have one.
What is the latency stage?
6-11 years. Not really a stage. Latency is an interlude during the sexual needs are quiet and children put psychic energy into conventional activities like schoolwork and sports.
what is Genital Stage?
Adolescence. The genitals are the focus of pleasureable sensations and the young person seeks sexual simulation and sexual satisfaction in heterosexual relationships.
What did Freud believe?
Freud believed that the genital stage lasts throughout adulthood. He also said that the goal of a healthy life is "to love and work"
What is Eriksons psychosocial stages?
Trust vs Mistrust (hope), Autonomy vs Shame and doubt (will), Initiative vs. Guilt (purpose),
Indiustry vs. inferiority (Competent), Identity vs. Role Confusion (Fidelity), Intimacy vs. Isolation (Love), Generativity vs. Stagnation (Care for Others), and integrity vs. despair (ego wisdom)
What is Trust vs.Mistrust (hope)?
Babies either trust that others will care for their basic needs including nourishment, warmth, cleanliness, and physical contact or develop mistrust about the care of others.
What is autonomy vs. shame and doubt (Will)?
Ages 1-3 Children either become self sufficient in many activities including toiletring, feeding, walking, exploring and taking or doubt their own abilities.
What is initiative vs. guilt? (Purpose)
Ages 3-6 . Children either want to undertake many adult like activities or internalize the limits and prohibitions set by parents. They feel either adventurous or guilty.
What is industry vs. inferiority (Competent)?
Ages 7-11. Children busily learn to be competent and productive in mastering new skills or feel inferior, unable to do anything as well as they wish they could.
What is identity vs. role confusion? (fidelity)
Ages 11-19. Adolescents try to figure out "who am i?" they establish sexual political, and vocational identities or are confused about what roles to play.
What is intimacy vs. isolation (Love)?
Ages-19-25. Young adults seek companionships and love or become isolated from others because they fear rejection and dissapointment.
What is generativity vs. Stagnation (Care for others)?
MIddle aged adults contribute tot eh next generation through meaningful work, creative activities and or raising a family.
What is integrity vs. despair (ego & wisdom)?
Older adults try to make sense out of their lives, either seeing life as meaningful whole or despairing at goals never reached.
What is behaviorism?
A grand theory of human development that studies observable behavior. Behaviorism it describes the laws and processes by which behavior is learned.
What is conditioning?
according to behaviorism, the processes by which responses become linked to particular stimuli and learning takes place. the word conditioning is used to emphasize the importance of repeated practice, as when an athlete conditions his or her body to perform well by training for along time.
What is classical conditioning?
The learning process in which a meaningful stimulus (such as the smell of food to a hungry animal) is connected with a neutral stimulus (such as the sound of a bell) that had no special meaning before conditioning.
What is operant conditioning?
The learning process by which a particular action is followed by something desired (which makes the person or animal more likely to repeat the action) or by something unwanted (which makes the action less likely to be repeated) Also called instrumental conditioning.
What is reinforcement?
A technique for conditioning behavior in which that behavior is followed by something desired, such as food for a hungry animal or a welcoming smile for a lonely person.
What is social learning theory?
An extension of behaviorism that emphasizes the influence that other people have over a persons behavior. Even without specific reinforcement, every individual learns many things through observation and imitation of other people.
What is modeling?
The central process of social learning by which a person observes the actions of others and then copies them.
What is self- efficacy?
In social learning theory the belief of some people that they are able to change themselves and effectively alter social context.
What is cognitive theory?
A grand theory of human development that focuses on changes in how people think over time. According to this theory, our thoughts shape our attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.
What is Piagets periods of cognitive development?
Sensorimotor B-2years, Preoperational 2-6 years, Concrete Operational 6-11 years, Formal Operational 12 years through adulthood.
What is sensorimotor?
B-2years- infants use senses and motor abilities to understant the world. Learning is active; there is no conceptual or reflective thought.
What is preoperational?
2-6 years. Children think magically and poetically using language to understand the world. Thinking is egocentric causing children to perceive the world from their own perspective.
What is concrete operational?
6- 11 years. Children understand and apply logical opeations or principles, to interpret experiences objectively and rationally. Their thinking is limited to what they can personally see, hear, touch, and experience.
What is formal operational?
12- years through adulthood. Adolescent and adults think about abstractions and hypothetical concepts and reason analytically, not just emotionally. They can be logical about things they have never experienced.
What is socio cultural theory?
an emergent theory that holds that development results from they dynamic interaction of each person with the surrounding social and cultural forces.
What is guided participation?
In sociocultural theory, a technique in which skilled mentors help novices learn not only by providing instruction but also by allowing direct, shared involvement in the activity.
What is zone of proximal development?
In sociocultural theory, a metaphorical area, or "zone" surrounding a learner that includes all the skills, knowledge and concepts that the person is close to acquiring but cannot yet master without help.
What is epigenetic theory?
An emergent theory of development that considers both the genetic origins of behavior (within each person and within each species) and the direct, systematic influence that environmental forces have, over time, on genes.
What is developmental theory?
A group of ideas assumptions,a dn generalizations that interpret and illuminate the thousands of observations that have been made about human growth. A developmental theory provides a framework for explaining the patterns and problems of development.
What is eclectic perspective?
The approach taken by most develop mentalists, in which they apply aspects of each of the various theories of development rather adhering exclusively to one theory.