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180 Cards in this Set

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someone who undertakes business
natural resource
materials that come fromt he earth
works who make goods and provide services
capital goods
tools needed to make products and provide services
human capital
workers/ labor
specialization/ divison of labor
when one person performs the same job over and over again to help assemble a product (production lines)
mixed economy
state and local governments own parts of the economy
traditional economy
when people produce or grow all that they need
command economy
when the government owns the means of production
market economies
individuals decide what to produce
stock market
where stocks are bought and sold
sole proprietorship
owned by one person
owned by 2 or more people
business that is liscened by the government
an economic system in which individuals put their money into business in hopes of making a profit
free enterprise
an economic system in which individuals are free to own business, and competiton determines prices
a fee paid for the use of money
a share of ownership in a company
a note from the government or a corportation promising to repay money with interest by a certain date
recieveing money either directly or indirectly to buy goods and services today with the promise of pay for the future
business cycle
systematic changes in the level of total output
a period of negative economic growth
dollar value of all goods and services produced during a year
index of leading indicators
measures 10 economic factos such as maufacturer's new orders and changes in the prices of materials
proprietary colony
granted to individuals from the king
proclamation of 1763
stopped settlers from expanding to indian land
an economic paln when the merchant produces something and sells it for more wealth
navigation acts
required that british were the only people able to ship things over seas
Mayflower Compact
agreed to form a body of government that followed the majority
great awakening
revival of religious enthusiaism in all of the Americas
Stamp act
act that put a tax on all written objects
townshend act
put a tax on tea, cloth, and other imported things from england
boston massacre
the killing of 5 colonists by english soldiers because of the tea tax
tea act of 1773
placed more taxes
coersive acts
closed the town of boston after the boston tea party
common sense
a book about how the colonists needed to stand up for liberty
chief executive of a city government
a voting district within a city
a representative of a city council who is elected by the entire city
the study of unlimited wants and needs by consumers and the scarcity of products and resources
material items that help to satisfy a person's needs and wants
the things people do in exchange for money and such
limited suppy or resources
law of demand
there is an inverse relationship between the price of a product and its demand
law of supply
there is a direct relationship between the price of a product and its demand
elements of production
capital, land, labor, managment
economics of scale
larger and larger companies are able to produce and sale good more cheaply
gross income
the total amount of money a business makes
the money that remains after all the bills and expenses have been paid
profit motive
the reason anyone goes into business
a business that buys goods from a manufacturer and then sells those goods to reatilers
sell directly to the public
helps to determine prices
common stock
a share of a corporation that pays its owner a dividend if the corporation makes a profit
a share of the profit paid to the stockholders of a corporation
fiscal policy
the way the government taxes citizens and spends money
monetary policy
the way the government regulates the amount of money in circulation
federal reserve
a bank for banks that helps regulate the country's economy
a general rise in the prices of goods and services
an economic approach in the 1600s to 1930s in which the government doesn't interfer with business
one company has the control of the total supply of goods/ services
a joining of 2 or more companies to forma larger one
several separate companies that are run by one board of directors
1890 Sherman Antitrust Act
outlawed monopolies and trusts
1914 Clayton Antitrust Act
made specific business activities illegal
a company formed by a merger of companies that supply a variety of different goods and services
the removal of government regulations or control
labor unions
an organization of workers that tries to improve the working conditions and wages of its members
collective bargining
negotiations between business owners and labor unions about conditions and terms of employment
black list
list of all the striking workers
National Labor Relations Act 1935
guaranteed the right of all workers to join a union
National Labor Relations board
judges the fairness of actions by employers and unions
Taft-Hartley Act 1947
banned closed shops and featherbedding
closed shops
a factory or business in which workers cannot be hired unless they are union members
union practice that forces a company to hire more workers than necessay
agency shop
a business where workers may not be forced to join a union, but they still have to pay union dues
a way of settling disputes in which a third party listens to both sides and suggests a solution
settling a dispute by agreeing to accept a 3rd party's decision
credit union
a bank owned by its own members
property used as a guarantee that a loan will be repaid
fixed expenses
expenses that are the same from month to month
flexible expenses
expenses that vary from month to month
impulse buying
consumers may buy items they really do not need
the orginial amount of money that was borrowed and on which interest is paid
a payment made to an insurance company for coverage
caveat emptor
let the buyer beware
progessive tax
a tax in which people who earn more money pay more taxes
regressive tax
a tax in which all people pay the same amount
the amount of money subtracted from income for each person before determining taxes
money for items such as medical expenses that are subtracted from income
taxable income
the amount of money that remains after subtracting a taxpayer's exemptions and deductions
real property
land and buildings
personal property
cars, jewelry, etc
a plan for managing and spending money
an excess of government expensesover government revenues
national debt
the total amount the government owes on money it has borrowed
balanced budget
a budget in which expenditures do not exceed revenues
individual rationality
people respond to incentives
opportunity cost
the value of the next best opportunity forgone
voluntary trade
2 people who agree to trade both benefit
transmitters of information about products
perverse incentives
sometimes incentives don't recieve disired results
how much is desired of a given item at what ever price is offered
quanity demanded
at any given price, the amount demanded
complementary goods
goods that go with each other
subsitute goods
same goods with different brand names
how sensitive the price is to demand
the amount of goods available
supply- demand equilibrium
the point at which supply and demand meet
price ceiling
minimum a price can be

ends in a shortage
price floor
maximum a price can be

ends in surplus
absolute advantage
when someone has the ability to always do better than someone else in doing something
comparative advantage
when the person is paid to do something even if they don't have the absolute advantage
fixed cost
price doesn't change no matter what
variable cost
price changes based on different factors
diminishing marginal returns
when even if you are putting in more input, you don't get a lot of output
full employment
when most people looking for work are able to find a job
civic duty
a mandatory duty a citizen must perform
civic responsiblity
a suggested duty a citizen should perform
magna carta
began giving people rights
when you choose to do one thing over something else
studies how individuals, households and firms and some states make decisions to allocate limited resources
deals with the performance, structure, and behavior of a national or regional economy as a whole.
elasticity of supply
a numerical measure of the responsiveness of the quantity supplied of product (A) to a change in price of product (A) alone. It is the measure of the way quantity supplied reacts to a change in price
economics of scale
cost advantages that a business obtains due to expansion
negative externality
when an individual or firm making a decision does not have to pay the full cost of the decision. If a good has a negative externality, then the cost to society is greater than the cost consumer is paying for it
positive externality
when an individual or firm making a decision does not receive the full benefit of the decision. The benefit to the individual or firm is less than the benefit to society
pure competition
A market characterized by a large number of independent sellers of standardized products, free flow of information, and free entry and exit. Each seller is a "price taker" rather than a "price maker".
a market form in which a market or industry is dominated by a small number of sellers
a counterfeit agreement among industries
cycle of economy
Predictable long-term pattern changes in national income.
relatively rapid economic growth
top most point in economic growth
relative stagnation or decline in growth
lowest point of economic growth
limited liability for coporations
mix between a partnership and a corporation
he use of control systems in concert with other applications of information technology to control industrial machinery and processes, reducing the need for human intervention
how much a company makes
free trade
a type of trade policy that allows traders to act and transact without interference from government
protective tariff
intended to artificially inflate prices of imports and protect domestic industries from foreign competition especially from competitors whose host nations allow them to operate under conditions that are illegal in the protected nation
mixed capitalism
the state intervenes in market activity and provides many services
consumer price index
a measure of the average price of consumer goods and services purchased by households
variation in the money supply has major influences on national output in the short run and the price level over longer periods and that objectives of monetary policy are best met by targeting the growth rate of the money supply.
government needs to stabilize output over the business cycle

tax more in good times
spend more in bad times
tax cuts
excise tax
a sales tax on a specific item
luxary tax
tax on goods that aren't essencial
estate tax
a tax imposed on the transfer of the "taxable estate" of a deceased person
house of burgesses
the first elected lower house in the legislative assembly in the New World established in the Colony of Virginia in 1619
salutary neglect
an undocumented, though long standing, British policy of avoiding strict enforcement of parliamentary laws
middle passage
the slave journey to the Americas,
a time in europe when people were surrounded by the clarity of science
the french and indian war
British and American soldiers fought French and Native American soldiers for control of North America
sons of liberty
secret organization of American patriots which originated in the Thirteen Colonies during the American Revolution
declaratory acts
asserted that Parliament “had, hath, and of right ought to have, full power and authority to make laws and statutes of sufficient force and validity to bind the colonies and people of America, subjects of the Crown of Great Britain, in all cases whatsoever.”
committees of correspondence
bodies organized by the local governments of the Thirteen Colonies before the American Revolution for the purposes of coordinating written communication outside of the colony.
King George III
king at the time of the revolution
Lexington and Concord
when the revolution began
when the revolution ended
thomas paine
wrote common sense
valley forge
camp of american colonist troops during the revolution
any good (e.g. a commodity) or service brought into one country from another country in a legitimate fashion
To ship a product outside a country or region
a form stating the ownership to one person of an idea

copy right
collective bargining
the method whereby workers organize together (usually in unions) to meet, converse, and negotiate upon the work assigned them
an authorization to sell a company's goods or services in a particular place
economic interdependence
Refers to the fact that, in the division of labour , individuals depend on others to produce all or most of the goods
karl marx
for communism
adam smith
influenced classical economics
JM Keynes
developed keynesism
discount rate
annual interest divided by the capital including that interest
underground economy
a market where all commerce is conducted without regard to taxation, law or regulations of trade
cyclincal unemployment
unemployment that rises during economic downturns and falls when the economy improves
seasonial unemployment
the number of job-seekers exceeds the number of vacancies
structural unemployment
a mismatch between the sufficiently skilled workers looking for jobs and the vacancies available
frictional unemployment
involves people in the midst of transiting between jobs, searching for new ones
Leandro v. NC
school districts don't have the right to equal funding
NC v. Mann
slave owners have the authority over their slaves and could not be found guilty of violence against them
hidden unemployment
unemployment of potential workers that is not reflected in official unemployment statistics, due to the way the statistics are collected