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65 Cards in this Set

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What is "strategy?"
a plan of action that organizes efforts to achieve objectives.
What are the three key inputs (factors) to the doctrine-strategy relationship model that affect basing structure.
Threat perceptions
How do threat perceptions affect basing structure?
location and perceived ability of the enemy
How does technology affect basing structure?
aircraft range and payload, munitions accuracy, etc.
How do politics affect basing structure?
domestic and international climate influences decisions.
What is the most important factor in making a good decision?
following a consistent, defnesible process.
What are the 3 steps in the decision making process?
Explain each part of the Identification step.
-analyze existing conditions
-state the problem
-document critical assumptions
-establish decision criteria
Expalin each part of the Evaluation step.
-Identify viable alternatives
-analyze alterations
-select the best alternative
Explain each part of the Implementation step.
-seek and obtain approval for the decision.
-obtain funding to support the decision.
-re-evalutate and adapt the decision.
When and why are assumptions made when solving a complex problem?
Assumptions are made during the 3rd step of Identification process. We make assumptions to help simplify our decisions, but they must be accurately stated, explained, and justified.
What are the differences between requirements and criteria?
requirements are the baseline features a design must incorporate, criteria are properties used to delineate between different alternatives and pick the best one.
are features or properties that can be used to differentiate b/t all the viable alternatives. Used to compare potential alternatives and find the best answer. (ie: mission impact, environmental impact, cost/budget impact)
are basic features that any realistic solution to the prob absolutely must possess. Condtions must be met YES OR NO!. They are limiting factors, specific elements, boss usually provides them.
Conceptual Cost Estimate (CCE)
early cost estimate, quick check, quick determination of economic feasibility, approximations
Detailed Cost Estimate (DCE)
prepared after almost all work is complete, qualitative calculation of project.
Define comprehensive planning and name the three scales of comprehensive.
-deliberate planning of communities.
What are two conceptual models that planners use to describe the nature of a community? Describe each part of the models and how they are related.
Site Layer-compromises the entire natural environment, air, water, and biota.
Land Use Layer-represents human activity on the land, both inside buildings and out.
The Dynamic Layer-includes the activities which convert the static land uses into a community.
Name to typical regions of influence that affect comprehensive planning and give examples of each.
SOCIOECONOMIC-impact of mil on local communities availability of civilian labor, etc.
ENVIRONMENTAL- noise generated by mil on local population, polution, ground water contamination, etc.
Defin the term "zoning" and explain how communties use zoning in the comprehensive planning process.
the process by which local govts. restrict land uses with their jurisdiction under the "police powers" granted by the state. Communities use zoning and codes to set up communities b/c they outline the welfare of an area for a certain type of development.
Describe the four hierarchical parts of an AF Base Comprehensive Plan.
Element-infor on a functional area to planning but required by a seperate AF program.
Map -graphical representation
General Plan- consolodated pic of installation capabilities.
Component Plan- detailed document of graphics, textual data and written narrative.
What is the purpose of functional relationship analysis in land use planning? List the six functional relationships that could exist between different land catagories.
Determine the spatial relationships b/t related land use.
No Functional Linkage
Normally Separate
Normally Close
Closeness Essential
Define "quality of life" and identify potential positive effect of the AF Quality of Life Program.
Quality=degree of excellence
Life-sequence of mental and physical experiences that make up the existence of the individual.
Increased productivity, moral, satisfaction, better mission readiness!
Air Force environmental impacts are divided into two categories, what are those categories and how are those categories addressed by the AF?
1)impacts from new missions or mission changes: goverend by Environmental Impact Analysis Program (EIAP)
2) Impact from on-going/ past ops: adressed by 4 pillars of AF environ program: pollution prevention, compliance, conservation, and restoration.
Why are environmental impacts divided into two categories?
to aid the AF in meeting goals
What is NEPA?
National Environmental Policy Act- our nations charter for protecting the environment.
Once a Description of the Proposed Action and Alternative (DOPAA) is submitted to the environmental management office, what are the three courses of action that may be taken?
CATEX: categorized exclusion-quickly provides decision makers feedback that their proposal will mak no environmental impact.
EA: Environmental Assessment-determines if an action will make a significant impact.
EIS: Environmental Impact Statement-same as EA but requires public participation.
What are the requirements for a project to receive a CATEX?
min. adverse affect on environmental quality, no significant change to environmental condtions, no significant communative environmental effect.
During and EA which environments are typically analyzed?
physical, biological, economic, and social.
What is FONSI?
Finding of No Significant Impact.
Match the Course of Action with the Activity. (CATEX, EIS, EA)

Build new wing ops building in a new location?
Match the Course of Action with the Activity. (CATEX, EIS, EA)

Rebuild family housing on exisisting concrete slabs?
Match the Course of Action with the Activity. (CATEX, EIS, EA)

Changing Johnston Atoll into a restricted bombing range?
Match the Course of Action with the Activity. (CATEX, EIS, EA)

Putting up tent city on MacDill AFB to support hurricane releif efforts?
Match the Course of Action with the Activity. (CATEX, EIS, EA)

Adding a new squadron of F-22s to Scott AFB?
What is the difference between an EA and EIS?
EIS requires extensive public involvement.
The four pillars of AF environmental quality program.
Pollution Prevention
Pollution Prevention is one of the four pillares of the AF EQPs define it.
use of materials, processes or practices that reduce or eliminate the creation of pollutants or was at any source.
Conservation is one of the four pillares of the AF EQPs define it.
practice of preserving or protecting a resource from damage or injury while effectively using the resource to meet ops requirements.
Compliance is one of the four pillares of the AF EQPs define it.
regulations are mandatory to follow and govern air quality, waste quality, solid and hazardous waste and underground storage tanks.
Cleanup is one of the four pillares of the AF EQPs define it.
reduce health and environmental risks created or caused by past ops thur installation restoration program.
Defin ECAMP and explain the difference between an ECAMP and an ESOHCAMP
Environmental Compliance Assessment and Mangement Program- evaluate program to make sure AF complies and follows all regulations and deal with environmental issues like pesticides, water quality, etc. ESOHCAMP is ECAMP combined with safety and occupational health programs.
Why might sustainable development be beneficial for future AF operations?
Today's needs can be met w/o compromising opportunties of future generations.
Describe the imporatnce of airspace to the military mission.
need it to ensure successful mission execution, its the cornerstone of AF combat readiness, its limited but essential.
Discuss both civilian and military airspace uses.
Civilian: 3000 flights a day, private, noncommercial, commercial.
Military: air to air combat, air to ground (need controlled ground space)
air drop missions, etc.
What is the primary issue that created competing interests in the airspace arena? Explain.
ground activities- ground activities limit air ops b/c of noise restrictions.
What are the military airspace components?
MOA, Restricted Area, Warning Area, MTR, Maneuver Area
military operating area: airspace for non-hazardous military activity below 18000 ft
Restricted Area
hazardous military activity
Warning Area
airspace from 3-12 nautical miles off the coast
low level, high speed training routes give realistic simulation to pilots, (visual and instrument)
Maneuver Area
place planes can perform maneuver dictated by training mission.
Define the role fo the Environmental Impact Analysis Program in airspace management and apply it to the Colorado Air National Guard EIS for Buckley AFB.
Need community involvement to ensure AFB's go in good locations. Need good training spot.
Lister the federal agencies involved in airspace managements.
AICUS technical components
obstruction, accident potential, aircraft noise
State the two AICUZ program purposes.
Promote public health and safety in areas of high noise and accident potential thru the local adoption of compatible land use and controls.
Protect the operation capability of the air base.
Define obstruction.
Man-mad and natural structures that protrude into the airspace surrounding the air base.
List the three kinds of obstructions.
Electronic emission, Visible Emission, Height.
Properly order the clear zone, accident potential zone (APZ) I, and APZ II from lowest to highest potential for aircraft accidents. Can you identify these three areas on a map?
CZ 3000, APZ1 5000, APZ II 7000, all 3000 feet wide. 75% of accidents occur in these zones.
what is the primary purpose of plotting noise levels? Understand the impact that night flights, mission changes, changes in flying patterns, and changes in types of aircraft have on existing noise contours.
Predict the level of annoyance due to noise exposure to individuals working or living around the base.
Summarize the concept of Compatible Use Districts (CUDs).
combines the hazardsd of accidnt potential and noise.
Describe the two main issues that affect on-base implementation of AICUZ.
Clear zones are normally owned by th eAF and can consume significant amounts of AF land.
High levels of noise on base often require noise abatement measures be implemented.
Give examples of on-base noise abatement strategies that target the source, path and receiver. Which is best? Which is most common?
Source (BEST) restricting hours of operations, limiting weekend ops
Path very little, foliage, earth berms, and metal barriers.
Receiver facitliy site selection, facility construction materials , interior layout, facility noise insulation.
Describe how the AICUZ program can be used by local governments to promote public health, safety, and welfare.
The guidelines of the AICUZ lie on local law enforcement power to protect the public. Police power is zoning authority.
Define the legal term "taking" and explain how aircraft noice is related to a "taking".
Any activity that will destroy land value is taking. constant noise level are annoyances and might deter people from buying property.