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19 Cards in this Set

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Subdivisions of 2W career field

2W0, 2W1, 2W2

What duties and responsibilities are not included in the AFECD for a specific specialty?

Unique Base and major command requirements

Why is it important for you to familiar with the duties of all subdivisions of the 2W career field?

Because they interrelate with your own

Identify responsibility of 2W1X1 and 2W2X1 subdivisions

2w1x1- responsible for loading

2w2x1- anything to do with nukes

Becoming an apprentice, what AFSC is assigned to airman in basics?

AFSC 9T000

What are things someone should not have prior to becoming munitions?

Record of emergency instability or domestic violence

When can an apprentice munitions troop perform a task unsupervised?

Once trained and qualified

Whose responsibility is it to maintain/attain core tasks and job qualifications in a given specialty for an individual?

The individuals

At what skill level can a munitions specialist expect to perform supervisory positions within the unit?

7 level

What are general duties and responsibilities of a 2W071, craftsman?

Supervises assigned personnel/operations, inspects processes/munitions and items

What is the minimum grade of a 2W091, superintendent?

E-8 (SMgt)

What AFSC and title are assigned to a 2W0 who has reached the top of the career field ladder?


Who has overall responsibility for the management of the CFETP?

Air force career field manager

What topics are discussed during a U&T Workshop?

They discuss trends across the career field, new munitions, new training requirements and needed changes to the current CFETP

What is the minimum length of time a trainee must spend in on the job training before being upgraded to the 5 skill level

12 OJT

Why would a journeyman who has previously completed his/her CDCs continue to use them?

To prepare for wasps training

What type of degree can an ammo troop obtain through the CCAF

Associates in applied science degree in munitions systems technology

What is the most used section of the CFETP?


What web based program is used by munitions units for tracking an individual's training records?