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37 Cards in this Set

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Gray Matter

Comprised of:

- Neuron cell bodies

- Glia & Schwann cells

- Dendrites

- Axon Terminals

- Unmyelinated fibers

White Matter

Comprised of:

- Myelinated axons

Terms for:

Groups of nerve cell bodies

- Ganglia

- Nucleus

- Center

- Body

- Cortex

- Horn

- Lamina

- Formation

Gangly Nerve Cell Bodies Cant Have Lasting Form


group of cell bodies w/in CNS


masses of sensory cell bodies w/in PNS

Terms for:

Fiber Pathways

- Commisure

- Brachium

- Capsule

- Fasciculus

- Tract

- Ansa

- Peduncle

Communication Breakdown Can Fast Track Another Problem


- A crossing

- When sensory or motor pathway begins on one side of the body, but crosses to the other side

-Ex: Cell bodies of the pyramidal tract originate in the cortex, axons descend to medulla, 90% of fibers cross over to opp side of body, 10% remain ipsilateral


- CNS: Brain and Spinal Cord

- PNS: Cranial and spinal nerves outside of the CNS

Brain Divisions of CNS

- Cerebrum

- Hemispheres

- Basal Ganglia

- Limbic Lobe


Folded tissue of cortex


Grooves within cortex tissue

Broadman's Regions

Areas of the brain mapped out based on the underlying cytoarchitecture (neuronal position of diff parts of the cortex)

BA 44 and 45

Broca's Area

- Motor planning for speech production

BA 22

Wernicke's Area

- Auditory processing of speech

BA 3, 1, 2

Post Central Gyrus

BA 4

Pre-Central Gyrus

- primary sensory strip

BA 17

Primary Visual Cortex

BA 18 & 19

Visual Association Cortex

Frontal Lobe

- Anterior lobe

- Motor planning/Execution

- Language: Broca's Area

Parietal Lobe

- Posterior to central sulcus

- Processes sensations of pain, temp, and touch

- Language F(x)

- Spatial Attn (lesion could cause left hemi neglect

Temporal Lobe

- Inferior to Sylvian Fissure

- Auditory Processing (Left is specialized for speech; Wernicke's Area)

- Semantic memory

Occipital Lobe

- Back of the brain

- Process visual info

Commissural Fibers

- Connect different hemis

Ex: Corpus Callosum

Association Fibers

- Connect diff regions w/in the same hemi

- Ex: Arcuate fasciculus - connects frontal and temporal lobes

Projection Fibers

- Connect cerebral cortex w/ brain stem & spinal cord

- Ex: Corticobulbar pathway - connects motor cortex to cranial nerve nuclei w/in the brain

Primary Motor Cortex

- Located in precentral gyrus (BA 4) of frontal lobe

-Sends out final motor execution signals to brainstem and spinal cord

- Somatotopically organized: different regions are responsible for diff regions of the body (humunculous)

Located where?

Does what?

Organized how?

Primary Somatosensory Cortex

- Located posterior to central sulcus in the postcentral gyrus (BA 3, 1, 2)

- Recieves info re: bodily sensations (touch, pain, temp)

- Somatotopically organized

Primary Auditory Cortex

- Located in Herschel's gyrus in Temp. lobe

- Recieves incoming sensory data

- Tonotopically organized: diff portions respond to diff frequencies

Primary Visual Cortex

- Located in occipital lobe along Calcarine fissure

- Recieves visual signals from retina and optic tract; processes vision

- Retinotopically organized: Diff portions associated w/ diff regions of the retinas

Association Cortex

- Performs higher order processing on info from primary sensory cortex

what does it do?

Flow of info btwn Primary and Association corteces

- Incoming sensory info goes directly to primary sensory corteces, then is interpreted and integrated in association corteces

- Motor info must be planned by association cortex before being sent out by primary motor cortex


Only the info coming from adjacent sensory cortex is processed

- usually located adjacent to primary motor or sensory cortex

- Ex: Unimodal Visual Ass. Cortex puts together the info processed w/in primary visual cortex


2+ types of sensory info are integrated

-Ex: integrating auditory info from temp lobe and visual info from occ. lobe in order to learn to read

Matches present sensory info w/past sensory info

- Ex: Knowing that the object you four feeling in your pocket is a key


Abstract info being processed (not directly linked to sensory or motor F(x) )

- Highest level processing

- Ex: Goals, Strategies, Language, Motivation

Subcortical Structures


- Thalamus

- Hypothalamus

- Epithalamus

- Subthalamus

Basal Ganglia

Substantia Nigra

Subthalamic Nucleus


- Located toward rear of brain below cerebellum

- Involved in coordination of movement


- Located above spinal cord and below subcortical regions

- Holds cranial nerve nuclei which innervate muscles and sensory F(x) of head and neck

-Plays major role in volitional & reflexives portion of oral and pharyngeal phases of swallow