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31 Cards in this Set

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people do not like to work; they have to work; forced to do their job
Theory X-
people do like to work if the work is satisfying and rewarding
Theory Y
People work hardest if they have clear goals in mind AND
When they see what they do as contributing to goals
Management by Objective (MBO)
Job Enrichment
Motivating to improve
Responsibility and recognition need to improve
Why is Education so valued? Name the 3 reasons
i. Educated people are more objective
ii. Educated people are better problem-solvers
iii. Educated people are less authoritarian
Why is professionalism valued?
1) Educated, Special Skills, Respect
focused on the work flow
Structural Design Approach
this involves a portion of sworn police officers in department and assigning them just to patrolling
Split Force Patrol
Prisoners are dropped off at ____, where the arresting officer gives off ______ (20-30) minutes and goes back to the streets
CPU (Central Processing Unit), probable cause
When there are a lot of police departments, there is a loss of _____ and ____ of services (solution is to consolidate by making one _____ department)
efficiency and duplciation, big
the complaint taker assigns a type of police response depending on circumstances
differential response
what are the types of differential response
1. Immediate priority
2. Immediate
3. Delayed response
4. Scheduled appointment
5. Telephone report
Citizens were satisfied with _____ as long as they had an idea about when an officer would be coming
differential response
Community Oriented Policing is an
Umbrella that problem oriented policing sits under
4 major principles associated with community orientated policing
1. Partnership- idea that you have a strong relationship with the community
2. empowerment- shared power, both groups have to be involved
3. service- empathy, understanding, "citizens as customers"
4. trust- integrity community has to trust the police
What does the problem solving process SARA stand for?
S- Scanning (determine if there is a problem. what it is?)
A-Analysis (information gathering)
R- Response (solutions? implement the best)
A- Assessment (look to see if response was effective)
Pepperball Launcher
1. Gun/Launcher that shoots a ping-pong ball size pellet of pepper spray- when it hits a target, it explodes. Irritates the suspect, catches the suspect off guard
WRAP System
containment device; straightjacket; immobilize suspect
Super Sock
launcher/gun shoots a bean bag projectile with lead inside, up to 20 yards away
shoots electrical current
sage gun
launcher/gun shoots wooden bullets
net cannon
launcher/gun shoots wooden bullets
narrow strip of plastic with spikes that stick up. Designed to slowly delate tires. Supposed to be able to stop a truck as well
mployee of the police department who is NOT a sworn officer
What are the four tasks of civilians?
1) Identification 2) Detention 3) Communication 4) Experts
What are some benefits of having civilians?
Money: costs are less
No extensive training
Part-time; contractual workers
They do not require all the police equipment
Lower salaries/benefits
What results as having more civilians
better community relations, department is seen as more progressive
Private Police ____ police officers, they _____ have police powers/
are not, do not
What is one problem with private police
there is a typical questionable quality
Public Police employed by private agencies __ have __ police powers
do, complete
Since public police can't be hired as a repo man, bail bondsperson, credit industry, or illegal job they might face a ________
conflict of interest