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22 Cards in this Set

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Purpose and objectives of J2000?
1. to encourage critical thought
2. to become media literate
Questions one asks when thinking critically...
1. What do I see?
2. What do I think it means?
3. How did it get that way?
4. To what extent is that appropriate, a good thing or handled effectively?
5. What does this tell me about some aspects of our media system or society?
6. Why do I say that or feel that way?
Critical thinking is?....
- Examining issues rationally, logically and coherently
- Purposeful, self-regulatory judgement by way of interpretation and analysis
- Asking and answering specific questions
What is Cross Cultural Journalism?
The collectin, writing, editing and presenting of news or news articles in media which has the added characteristics of clutural variance in one or more areas.
Diversity includes...
-Groups with distinctive values, norms, interaction patterns, language/slang, socialization practices, etc.

ex. members of special-needs populations, subcultures, gender, socioeconomic groups
Culture is....
A shared system of meaning, beliefs and values shared by a particular group of people. What groups of people pay attention to.
How is Culture Learned?...
- Social enviornment

- Older members pass it on to the younger members

- Refers to a way of life--- traditions and customs transmitted

- Beliefs and behaviors derived from traditions and customs

- Learned through enculturation

- Includes customs and opinions about proper and improper behavior

- Produces consistencies in behavior
5 Frameworks to understand cultural diversity....
1. Categorization
2. Differentiation
3. Attribution
4. Ingroups/Outgroups
5. Learning Styles
Knowing people create categories for organizing and responding to similar bits of information.
Highly meaningful categories become highly refined and as a result new categories may be formed

(ie in H.S. with peer groups brains, nerds, jocks, etc.
- Judging others based on their behavior

- Fundamental attribution error...
--- If we observe someone fail we are more likely to explain the failure in terms of the other persons traits.
Ingroups/ Outgroups
Based on their own system of categorization and differentiation
Learning Styles
Understand cultures influences and teaches us to attend to certain kinds of stimuli
Non-verbal Communication
Those attributes or actions of humans, other than the use of words themselves, which have socially shared meaning, are intentionally sent or interpreted as intentional, are consciously sent or consciously received, and have the potential for feedback from the reciver.
Recognized nonverbal codes
1. Facial Expression
2. Eye contact and gaze
3. Gestures
4. Bodily contact (touch)
5. Spatial behavior
6. Clothes and appearance
7. Non-verbal vocalization
8. Smell
Identity Theory
a. We strive to maintain and enhance our self-esteem by identifying with the group to which we belong.

b. Personal Identity and Social Identity

c. We enhance self-esteem through personal achievements or by affiliating with social groups that are considered attractive and successful
Ethnic Identity
a. Refers to the "process of defining for oneself the personal significance and social meaning of belonging to a particular group.

b. Through the media we learn about the world and what is accepted as public behavior, what is fashionable and what products are desirable

c. Media also tells us who belongs and who has the right to be a member of an ethnic group.
How is Ethnic Identity applicable to Cross Cultural Journalism?
It is importatn that we see ourselves reflected in the media
In-Group Favoritism
The tendency to discriminate in favor of ingroups over outgroups. Even when groups are an arbitrary creation we prefer and discriminate in favor with whom we are aligned.
Are unearned advantages.
Things that help gain Privileges and Advantages
-Men are expected to be physically powerful
-Men are obliged to hide their emotions
-Men are supposed to excel at competition
- Men are to be in control of their lives and situations
-Men are expected to support their family
- Men are not to act feminine
12 Attributes of Culture
1. language
2. ability/disability
3. race
4. ehtnicity/nationality
5. social class
6. sex/gender
7. health
8. age
9. geographic region
10. sexuality
11. religion
12. social status