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170 Cards in this Set

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What is the definition of shock?
Decreased blood flow to tissues ( alt blood vol, alt blood flow, altered contractility, alt vasc resistance)
What is the compensatory stage of shock?
Mechanisms that occur in response to shock are designed to restore blood volume and pressure toward normal....(augmenting cardiac ouput, redistributing blood flow, and restoring blood volume)
What is the physiologic response of the compensatory stage?
The dec pressures initiate a stong SNS response (CI 2.0-2.2, impending sense of doom, thirst, tachy, narrowed pulse pressure, oliguria, dec bowel sounds)
What is the progressive stage of Shock
Compensatory mechanisms begin to falter and perfusion to vital organs is diminished. (BEGINNING of MODS due to low blood flow, poor tissue perfusion, inadequate oxygen, inc metabolic wastes)
What is the Physiologic response to progessive stage?
Body is in a state of hypoperfusion.
(CI <2.0, dysrhythmias, hypotension, cold, clammy skin, anuria, absent bowel sounds, lethargy - coma)
The Refractory state of shock.
Hypoperfusion is so profound and cellular destruction so severe that death is inevitable. (CI < 1.8, hypoxemia, ARDS, coagulation disorders ...DIC..., ATN, MI, unresponsiveness)
Relative hypovolemia
distributive shock....the tank is full but the fluid isnt where it needs to be...third spacing.
Distributive shocks are triggered
by an insult that causes massive vasodilation and fluid shifts.
Anaphylatic shock
re-exposure to sensitizing foreign substance that causes mediator - induced changes in microvascular permeability.
Neurogenic shock
loss of sympathetic regulatory mechanisms due to spinal cord injury
Septic shock
an infectious focus that stimulates an immunological host response causing changes in vascular tone and permeability
What is the critieria for SIRS?
Two or more of the following
1. temp > 38 or < 36C
2. HR > 90 bpm
3. Respiratory Rate > 20 breaths/min
4. WBC > 12000 or <4000
What is the definition of Sepsis
SIRS plus infection
what is the definition of severe sepsis
sepsis plus evidence of organ dysfunction
What is the definition of septic shock
severe sepsis plus evidence of hypoperfusion despite fluid resuscitation
What are the organ dysfunction of hematology
thrombocytopenia, DIC
What are the signs of Renal dysfunction
dec urine output, anuria, inc creatinine
WHat are the signs of impaired tissue oxygenation
lactic acidosis, metabolic acidosis
What are released to trigger the endothelium?
chemical mediators (proinflammatory)
what is normal svr?
If cardiogenic shock then give
Inoptrope of choice in shock
what do we initially give hypovolemic shock patients
Levophed and fluids
What is the drug for refractory shock?
What are the goals with in the first 6 hrs of shock
CVP of 8-12
MAP of > 65
Urine output of > 0.5 mL/kg/hr
ScvO2 or SvO2 >70
lactic acid is significant
when greater than 4
What percent of the volume stays in intravascular space?
afterload of R side
afterload of L side
What is the formula for MAP?
What is the halmark of sepsis?
low peripheral resistance
Where is mixed venous drawn from?
What is sepsis
SIRS + infection
What is severe sepsis
sepsis plus evidence of hypoperfusion
What supplies the liver?
Hepatic artery and vein
What is the excess in cushings?
Involuntary rigidity, spasm, or rebound tenderness
peritoneal inflammation
What is cullens sign
exxhymosis around umbilicus= intraperitoneal hemorrhage
Bruit over vessels
friction rub over liver or spleen
hepatic tumor, splenic infarct
continuous venous hum- periumbilical
hepatic cirrhosis
dullness percussed mid axillary
enlarged spleen
pain on palpation
peritoneal irritation
abdominal distension
trapped air or fluid in the abdoment
What is mallory-weiss syndrome
tear in lower part of esophagus near stomach, caused by repeated or forceful vomiting
what is melena
black, tarry, foul smelling stool
What drug reduces portal hypertension
What does the liver secrete?
bilirubin, bile salts, cholesterol, electrolytes
Reyes syndrom
can be related to ASA
Budd-Chiari syndrome
portal vein blockage. triage of abdomainal pain, ascites, hepatomegaly
Wilson's disease
genetic disposition to accumulate copper in the body
Laennecs cirrhosis
portal, nutritional, alcoholic. stems from chronic alcoholism and malnutrition
Post necrotic
complication of viral hepatitis
Jaundice occurs when
bilirubin level greater than 3 mg/dL
If you dont have albumn
What is bilirubin
breakdown of normal hemoglobin in red blood cells
What value of AST is hepatic failure?
AST > 40
ALT hepatic failur
ALT >35. Cell death - enzyme release
What happens with fibrinogen in Hepatic failure
what is albumin in hepatic failiure?
What is cullens sign
periumbilical ecchymosis
What is grey turners sign
Flank ecchymosis
What will be decreased in pancreatitis
potassium, calcium, magnesium, albumin
What will be elevated in pancreatitis
glucose and triglycerides, amylase, lipase
Vent setting that provides pressure augmented during spontaneous inspiratory breathing
PSV - pressure support ventilation
Normal SVR
Tip of the swan ganz sits where
pulmonary artery
indication for agatroban
What drug treats refractory vasodilatory shock ....where does it act?
Vasopressing (acts on V1/v2 receptors
What CO values indicatie Left side preload
How do you decrease afterload
vasodilate or diurese
Average amount of urine produced in 24 hours
WHat two pieces of data are collected during nursing assessment monitoring ARF and CRF
I&O and daily weight
What is the volume of blood pumped out of the left ventricle/min
Cardiac output
Preload is made up of these componesnt
Class of drug that inhibits platelet aggregation
glycoprotein IIb/IIIA inhibitors. Dec stickiness, ex integrilin or plavix
This is the bodys response to stimulation of Beta 1 receptor
inc hr, inc contractility, inc co
Intervention to inc afterload is
volume or vasocontstrict (Isotonic fluids, epi, levo, dopamine
When valves open and pressures equal in ventricelse and atria at end diastolic volume what is this measurement
Vent setting where I:E ratio is reversed to allow longer inspiration than expiration
Inverse ratio ventilation
Life threatening event requiring chest drainage. dec CO and quickly leads to cardiovascular collapse
Tension pneumothorax
Normal SvO2 range?
How do you inc contractility
What kind of inotrope?
dobutamine, dopamine 5-10 mcg, milrinone
Dopamine works as an inotrope at this dose & does what
5-10 mcg/kg/min.
Beta ,1 stimulator, inc heart rate, inc contractility, inc CO
Potent arterial and venous vasodilator
nitroprusside or nipride - need to have an a line for bp monitoring
Reading for how well tissues are extracting O2
invtervention to lower preload
diuretics or vasodilators
Electrolyte disorder often seen in pts with DI
During DKA insulin drip continues until this occurs
close anion gap
Norm for PAP
Intervention for RAP or CVP of 2
bodys response to stimulation of A1 receptor
Class of drugs used primarily in an attempt to slow down cardiac conduction
Ca Channel blockers, beta blockers, antiarrhythmics
Components of afterload
The force the left ventricle must overcome
SVR or sfterload
In this condition, chest wall is intact but there is air in the pleural space
Closed pneumothorax
A pt presents with the following symptoms, hypotension, hypothermia, lethargy, RR of 5 - hint life threatening
Myxedema coma, results from chronic untreated hypothyroidism
What intervention do you use to inc preload
volume and vasoconstrict
P swan readings are CO 4.5, SvO2 50 is this adequate?
Drug used as arterial constrictor. acts only on alpha receptos and is usually started at 20 mcg/min
phynylephrine. neosynephrine. up to 200 mcg/min
Vasopressor mainly acts on a1 receptors it may be dosed from 2-30 mcg/min
norepinephrine (levophed)
Normal range for CVP and RAP
What is the calculation for anion gap?
Na - (Cl+CO)
Copious amount of secretions in ventilated pt may trigger this to happen on their vent
high pressure alarm
Process for wave and # selection in CO monitorin with thermodilution
Obtain 3 waves within 10 of each other
What do you need to remember when priming pressure tubing
never prime under pressure
Class of drug that relaxes vascular smooth muscle and is effective treatment of HTN
Vasodilator (Nitro & Nipride)
Receptor site mainly found in the pulmonary vasculature
Beta 2....metoprolol is beta 1 selective
Pt has a PAWP of 17, low O2 sat of 92% how do you treat
Diuretic first then vasodilator
How do you verify the accuracy of your arterial wave form on the monitor
square wave test
WHy do you push thermodilution soln over 4 sec
because 4 sec is approx to respiratory cycle
Wave form to pull back to in case of ventricle migratio of the PA catheter
RA wave
This sideeffect is most common from IV Diltiazem...
Receptor mainly found in vasculature
If the thermodiluation curve is long this means what about the CO
low output
When measuring hemodynamic waveforms, when do you obtain you wave measurements
end expiration
This therapeutic intervention must be done with caution when treatening HHNS
adminster NS
Vent mode that delivers pressure cycled breathing. the tidal volume varies with changes in mechanical properties of lungs
PCV.. Pressure control ventilation
adverse event with PA cath
ruptured PA or possible Vtach if in R ventricle
Which port do you use for thermodiluation
blue port
the drug that stimulates beta 1 & 2
Use drug cautiously in pt with asthma or COPD
beta blocker
Pt has high preload, low co and high afterload...which type of shock
cardiogenic shock
your patient has low preload, low svr, high CO what type of shock are they in
septic shock
3 types of distributive shock
septic, anaphylaxis, neurologenic
What two electrolytes are often elevated in renal failur
K and Phos
drug class that will help heart beat stronger and more efficientyl
What drug acts as inotrope or vasopressor depending on dose
dopamine 5-10 inotrope or 10-20 vasopressor
WHat is the metabolic acidosis diagnostic tool
On the vent, this setting helps prevent atelectasis
Receptor primarily found in the heart
beta 1
Polydipsia and large amounts of dilute urine withought hyperglycemia would be
Differentiates type 1 and type 2 diabetes
endogenous insulin
failure to captue would indicate a need to change
ischemia on anterior and lateral wall is shown on the EKG in what leads? treatment
leads v1,v2,v2, avl....vasodilate
type of mechanical vent that on every spontaneous breath your own volume is delivered
Vent mode where the rate and tidal volume is preselected. will deliver a breath if the patient initiates inspiration, also will adminiter a breath at a set rate if pt does not initiate within a certain amount of time
Trtment for the hyper acute MI phase that occurs 0-6 hrs
cardiac cath lb
Documentation of grade 2 murmur
2/5 murmur heard at the 5th left intercostal space
dilation and costriction of afferent and efferent arterioles is called what
trauma pt with 4:/day of urine output is in what phase of intrarenal failure
stroke volume and hr is what
cardiac output
second stage of MI is
1. ischemia
2. injury
3 death
negative prssures in the pleural and intrapulmonary space are
-8cm and -4 cm
what is the most common complication post MI
failure to sense means the pacemakesr is no seeing which wave
T waves
serum os of over 350 means what to ICU pt
dehydration, hypovolemia
IV meds effective in treating hyperkalemia
glucose and insulin
this one way valve can monitor airleaks and changes in intrathoracic pressure
this condition is known as sucking chest wound
open pneumo
Physiology of s1 heart sound is what
closure of AV valves
s2 is
sumilunar valves
the ability of the pacemaker to detect the hearts electrical activity
20% of cardiac output is called what a
atrial kcik
parameter reflecting alveolar ventilation
an EKG finding that would indication a old MI
This heart sound is always pathological
a build up of transudate or exudate in the pleural space an cause this condition
pleural effusion
most common cause of AKI
ATN acute tubular necrosis
How to fix failure to capture
inc mA
assessment finding that is an indicator for reintubation
inspiratory stridor
What test for cyanide toxicity and what drug is it for?
Thiocyanate. nipride
non invasive pacing
when this drug reaches 150 mcg/mn it becomes arterial and vasodilator
right side MI do not
give beta blockers, give vasodilators, give labetaolol
post thyroidectomy pt are at risk for what
which value reflects adequate ventilation
pt has cardiac arrhythmia, afib with rvr, dehydration, metabolic acidosis and heart failure equals what endocrine disorder
Thyroid storm