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54 Cards in this Set

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Why did lesson 2 use the curtain illustration?

To teach that as long as truth is hidden, there is no way to know what is right.

What does the word revelation mean?

To remove a cover and reveal something previously hidden. Showing or telling something that was previously hidden or unknown.

According to lesson 2, how has God revealed himself?
In creation.

What does Romans 1:19-20 say God has given us?

Enough information that we cannot clam that we didn’t know him.

What is the reading assignment for lesson 2?

2 Peter 1:20-21

According to the lesson 2 reading, how does prophecy come to us?

Men of God moved by the Holy Spirit.

According to 2 Peter 1:21, can prophecy of scripture come from private interpretation?


What is the greatest revelation that lesson 2 says God has given us?

His word, The Bible.
Why has no person ever figured out what he or she needs for salvation from creation alone?

Humans, and the rest of God’s creation have been corrupted by sin.

What four things has God’s word uncovered for us about him?

-His Nature

-Our need for a savior.

-The plan of salvation.-Our future.

-How we should live now.

How long did it take for the Bible to be written?
1500 years.
How many men wrote the Bible?
Approximately 40.
How many countries do the Bible authors represent?


Give the three languages in which the Bible was written.

Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew.

How many occupations do the Bible’s authors represent?
What are the eight categories of writing listed in lesson 2?

Prose, Poetry, Romance, Mystery, Biography, Science, History, Instruction.

According to lesson 2, how does the Bible begin and end?

With creation. First of the world, then of a future new heaven and earth.

Define inspiration.

Men moved by God to write the scriptures. God breathed his words into them.

What does “moved” mean in lesson 2?

To be borne along or carried.

What is lesson 2’s illustration of the word “moved?”

The way a breeze caries a sailboat.

What are 2 things, outside of God’s inspiration, used by the authors of the Bible?

Their own styles and choice of words.

What 2 apostles wrote about what they had seen and heard?

Matthew and John.

What was the Holy Spirit’s role in Matthew and John’s accounts of their experiences?

The Holy Spirit inspired them to make sure that their memories were accurate.

Who wrote their Gospel based on Peter’s account of his travel with Jesus?


Who wrote about Adam and Eve, Noah, and Abraham?
Moses, under the direction of the Holy Spirit.
What are the earliest events Moses wrote about?

Things that took place before man was created.

Who is the most obvious example of a new testament writer of prophesy?

The apostle John.

Who gave us the Bible?

God, The Holy Spirit.

Are events and things true because they are in the Bible?

No. They are in the Bible because they are true.

When did Adam and Eve first sin against God?

When they ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

What did Adam and Eve’s sin do to them?

Separated them from God.

What is the punishment for sin?

Death, which is eternal separation from God (who is life).

Did God still love Adam and Eve after they sinned?
Yes, he loved them and all the world.
How did God best show His love for the world?

He provided a way for us to be restored to fellowship with him through his son, Jesus.

God gave us the Bible to give us what two important pieces of information?

-We are sinners and our sin deserves death. There is nothing we can do about it.

-Jesus Christ was perfect man and perfect God. He took our sins upon Himself and suffered death we deserve. Trusting in Jesus wipes out our separation from God and restores us to fellowship with him.

How should we receive the information God gave us in the Bible?

Seriously. It is important that we listen and pay attention.

The Bible will only become understandable to us through what?

The work of the Holy Spirit, which illuminates what the Bible contains.

What verse tells us that scripture keeps us from sin?

Psalm 119:11 – I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

What verse tells us the Bible gives us what we need to make the right choices?

2 Timothy 3:16 - All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.

What verse tells us the Bible keeps us strong in our faith?

Romans 10:17 - …faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God…

What verse tells us the Bible gives us facts about the world around us?

Psalm 119:160 - All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal.

List the 5 different times in history used in lesson 2’s Fast Facts?

-In Eden before Adam and Eve sinned.

-In the Old Testament when Israel lived under God’s Law.

-During the 33 years when Jesus lived on Earth.

-Today, during our lifetimes.

-The future, after the Lord takes all Christians to heaven.

When America was young, what did its leaders believe about God?

God was sovereign and the source of life; the standard for values.

Give at least three examples that demonstrate how modern culture no longer respects biblical truth?

School books, TV, Newspapers, Internet.

During what three periods of time does God speak directly with people?

In Eden, During Jesus’ life, In the future when all Christians are in heaven.

Is God’s revelation complete?

Yes. God is not giving new revelation to humanity – The Bible is complete.

Recite 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

What was the process of Biblical revelation?

God breathed the information He wanted in the Bible in the writers who then wrote down what God wanted said, but using their own words and styles.

List the occupations held by the writers of the Bible.

King, Fishermen, Politician, Herdsman, Military General, Cupbearer, Prime Minister, Doctor, Tax Collector, Rabbi, Peasant, Poet, Philosopher, Scholar, Historian, Priest, Musician, Prophet, Gardener, Missionary

Was everything the Holy Spirit told the Bible writers entirely new information to them?
Because the Bible was given by the Holy Spirit, we can know that it is with out what two things?

Error and contradiction.

Are things in the Bible true because they are in the Bible, or are they in the Bible because they are true?

They are in the Bible because they are true.

What two messages are the main focus of the Bible?

-We are sinner and our sin deserves death.

-Jesus took our sins and suffered the death we deserve.

Can we find out everything we need to know about God by studying his creation?
