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78 Cards in this Set

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pes cavus
ecessively high plantar longitudinal arch
what are the etiologies for cavus foot
what are some iatrogenic causes of cavus foot
peroneal nerve injury
weak anterior muscle group
overpowering posterior tibial tendon
there is no what with cavus foot
demonsterable underlying pathology
what are the diagnostic studies done with cavus foot
CBC with diff
serum enzymes
motor NCVs
muscle/nerve biopsy
what are some neurological causes of cavus feet
spinocerebellar degeration
cord tumor
cerebelar palsy
spastic or mono parapalegia
distal muscular dystrophy
what is charcot marie tooth disease
progressive peroneal musculare atrophy
who is more likely to get CMT
clinical signs of CMT
stork legs
monkey fist
steppage gait-drop foot
decreased DTR
decreased epicritic sensation
decreased NCV - abnormal EMG
differentials for CMT
friedreichs ataxia
rousey-levy syndrome
dejerine-sotas disease
where is the muscle weakness with CMT
peroneus tertius
EHL, EDL, Tibialis anterior, peroneus brevis
what are signs of friedrichs ataxia
decreased position and vibratory sensation
muscle weakness
partial deafness
what are the three classifications of cavus foot
anterior cavus is primarily deformed in what plane
what is the deformity of anterior cavus
excessive plantarflexion of forefoot on rearfoot
local anterior cavus
first ray
global anterior cavus
entire forefoot
compensation deformities for cavus foot
contracted digits
reverse buckling at MTP
reverse buckling at ankle joint
tarsal sagittal plane flexibility
posterior cavus is primarily a deformity of what
what angle is increased in posterior cavus
calcaneal inclination
where is deformity in a cavoadductus foot
transverse plane at the midtarsal or lisfrancs joint
posteior equinus is the lack of what
lack of adequate dorsiflexion at the ankle joint
signs of cavus foot
abnormal shoe wear
digital contracture
muscle weakness/atrophy
neurologic exam for cavus foot
cranial nerves
vestibular auditory testing
visual exam
sensory examination
motor examination
spinal examination
0 muscle strength
no muscle activity
1 muscle strength
muscle contracts no motion
2 muscle strength
motion with gravity eliminated
4 muscle strength
motion with mild resistance
5 muscle strength
motion with resistance
where do you place muscle to test it
in contracted position
what does coleman block test tell us
about relationship of varus heel and plantarflexed 1st ray
what does gait look like with cavus feet
wide base
short steps
high steps
what is the ankle sign of cavus foot
lateral ankle instability
what views do you get with cavus foot
calcaneal axial
AP ankle
ankle charger
what is ankle charger view used for
to evaluate osseous ankle block
what do you evaluate on AP with cavus
met adductus
forefoot adductus
forefoot abductus
what do you evaluate on lateral radiograph in cavus foot
calcaneal inclination angle
mearys angle
hibbs angle
metatarsal declination
sinus tarsi
mearys angle
bisection of talus with bisection of 1st met
hibbs angle
long axis of calcaneus
bisection of 1st met
what will you see on lateral radiograph with cavus
increased CIA
Increased met declination
hammertoe deformities
where does mearys angle intersect with anterior cavus
lisfrancs joint
what is measurement of mearys angle and CIA with anterior cavus
mearys > 10 degrees
CIA < 30 degrees
where does mearys angle intersect with posterior cavus
proximal to choparts joint
what is measurement of mearys and CIA in posterior cavus
mearys < 10
CIA > 30
where does mearys angle intersect in combined cavus
at choparts joint
where does mearys angle intersect in combined cavus primarily anterior
at NC joint
what is CIA in combined cavus primarily anterior
about 30 degrees
what is the position of the talus in combined cavus primary posterior
talar varus
short talar neck adducted and plantarflexed
what is CIA with combined cavus primary posterior
> 30
where does mearys angle intersect with combined cavus primary posterior
at choparts joint
where does mearys angle intersect with midfoot cavus
at NC joint
what is dynamic cause of midfoot cavus
extensor substitution
what are goals of treatment with cavus foot
decrease deformity
prevent progression
restore muscle balance
enhance function
decrease disability
decrease symptoms
what are the non-surgical treatments for cavus foot
patient education
soft tissue procedures for cavus foot
steindler stripping
plantar fasciotomy
garceau and brahms
peroneal stop
PL transfer/lngth/resc
TP transfer/rls
TAL/gastroc recession
what is rlsd in steindler stripping
abductor digiti quinti
abductor hallucis
plantar fascia
quadratus plantae
what are functional reasons for steindler stripping
allows FF to PF on RF
rls the windlass mechanism
decreases calcaneal incl angle
steindler stripping is not a what
primary procedure
what types of cavus in steindler stripping used for
jones suspension
EHL to 1st met
reasons for jones suspension in cavus
remove retrograde forces
reduces hallus malleus
decreases met declination angle
indications for jones
flexible pf 1st met
weak tibialis anterior
improves EHL as dorsi of ankle
EDL to midfoot
reasons for hibbs in cavus
removes retrograde forces
reduces claw toes
decreases met declination angle
indications for hibbs
flexible anterior cavus
flexible clawtoes
extensor substitution
weak tib ant/EDL/EHL
EDL to met necks
peroneal stop
tenodesis of PL and PB
functional reasons for peroneal stop
increases power of PB and decreases PF of 1st ray by PL
indication for peroneal stop
flexible/semiflexible PF 1st ray
flexible heel varus
peroneal stop is rarely used when
rationale for peroneal longus lengthening
decrease PF of 1st ray
indications for peroneal longus lengthening
flexible/semiflexible 1st ray
weak tibialis anterior
peroneal longus tendon transfer in cavus
PL to dorsal lesser tarsus in EDL tendon sheath or split tib anterior and peroneus tertius sheaths
functional outcomes of peroneus longus tendong transfer
aids in dorsiflexion of ankle
decreases PF on 1st ray
indications for peroneus longus tendon transfer
weak tibialis anterior
drop foot deformity
tibialis posterior tendon transfer
TP tendon transferred to dorsum of lesser tarsus in EDL sheath or split tib ant and peroneus tert
fucntion of TP transfer
aids in DF of ankle
decreases supination
indications for TP tendon transfer
weak anterior muscle group
drop foot