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51 Cards in this Set

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3 parts of the large intestine
cecum, colon, rectum.
Function of the large intesting
To convert undigestable material into feces by removing water, adding mucus
Crypts of Leiberkuhn in the large intestine
No Paneth cells
Folds in the large intestine
plicae semilunares
3 muscular strips of the large intestine, and their result
taeniae coli, haustra coli
Covering of intraperitoneal colon. Retroperitoneal?
Serosa, adventitia. This should be common sense.
Contents of the appendix
Usually a ton of lymphocytes
3 epi of the anal mucosa
Simple columnar to pectinate line, strat squam nonk after pectinate line, strat squam k at anus.
Are there valves in the venous hemorrhoidal plexus?
Internal anal sphincter. External anal sphincter.
Smooth muscle. Skeletal muscle.
The histology of the exocrine pancreas
serous, compound tubuloacinar endoderm.
Organization of the exocrine pancreas
acinus made of 50-pyramidal acinar cells, containing zymogen granules, released via exocytosis or intercellular secretory canaliculi.
Are there myoepi in the pancreas?
The 8 enzyme products of the pancreas exocrine gland
trypsinogen, cymotrypsinogen, procarboxypeptidase, proelastase, pancreatic amylase and lipase, deoxy and ribonuclease.
How does the pancrease prevent self-digestion?
trypsin inhibitor
**How are the pancreatic acini definitely determined?
The presence of three or four centroacinar cells in the lumen.
Are there striated ducts in the pancreas?
Ampulla of Vater
Common bile duct from liver/gallbladder meets the pancreatic duct into the duodenum
How is exocrine pancreatic release initiated? (2)
1. DNES when chyme enters mucosa
2. Vagus nerve
Two enzymes that initiate exocrine pancreatic release
Secretin and CCK
What one cell in the liver controls exo/endo secretion and bile?
Does the liver have a capsule?
Yes, but it's not a good capsule
What kind of stroma surrounds the hepatic parenchyma?
Reticular fibers
The three things that enter the porta hepatis? The three things that leave?
1. Hepatic portal vein
2. Hepatic artery proper
3. Autonomic Nerves

1. Right and 2. Left Hepatic duct
2. Efferent lymphatics
**What 5 things are in the portal areas of interlobular septa?
*1. Terminal portal venule
*2. Terminal hepatic arteriole
*3. Bile ductule
4. Lymphatic capillaries
5. Nerves
Wall of hepatocytes surrounding portal area?
Limiting plate
What is the periportal tissue of Mall?
The space between the CT and the limiting plate.
The central vein
Runs down the center of a lobule, valveless
The sinusoid
Carries all absorbed materials from intestine through liver portal system to the central vein. Runs between hepatocyte cords.
Blood flow through the liver
Periphery of lobules venule (inlet venule) arteriole (capillary) -> sinusoids -> central vein -> hepatic vein -> IVC
Cellular contents of sinusoids
Endothelial cells, macrophage
2 characteristics of sinusoidal endothelial
1. Fenestrated
2. Pores but no diaphragms
Name of fixed macrophages in the liver
Kupffer cells
Space between cords of hepatocytes and sinusoids
Perisinusoidal space of Disse
5 contents of perisinusoidal space
*1. Tissue fluid - gives rise to all liver lymph
2. Nerve fibers
3. Fibroblasts
4. Reticular fibers
*5. Hepatic stellate cells - storage and metabolism of Vitamin A
Pathology of Cirrhosis
1. Cytokines from everyone else induce Stellate cells to change to collage producing cells
2. Make collagen, laminin, proteoglycans, and growth factors
3. Increased fibrous liver
4. Eventually hepatic stellate cells become myofibroblasts, occluding sinusoidal lumen
Exocrine product of liver
Where is bile released?
Into the bile canaliculus ONLY
Which way does bile flow?
From the center of the lobules toward peripheral portal area, through preductile canal of Hering, into bile ductule
5 KNOW Functions of the Hepatocytes
*1. Secrete Bile
*5. Protein catabolism
*6. Carbohydrate metabolism
*7. Lipid metabolism
*9. Detoxify drugs and alcohol
Role of hepatocytes in protein catabolism?
Deaminate amino acids for conversion to urea
Particular lipid product of liver hepatocytes
Detoxification of liver hepatocytes?
Alcohol, drugs-antibiotics into bile.
The idea of the liver acinus
A diamond shape, long axis point s are central veins, short axis are two portal areas. Zones begin at intersection of axes and radiate towards long points, numbered 1, 2, 3. Zone 1 has high oxy and metabolism, Zone 3 has low oxy and wastes.
Where does detox take place in the liver acinus model?
Zone 3
Lining epi of gallblader?
Simple columnar
Role of the mucosa of the gall bladder?
Reabsorb water and ions from bile to concentrate it.
3 components of the common hepatic duct?
Right and left hepatic ducts, cystic duct from gallbladder
What is the sphincter of Oddi?
A muscle body responsible for the opening of the common bile duct and the pancreatic duct
Factors causing an increase in bile production?
Continued digestion/absorption, parasympathetic stimulation
Hormonal and neurotransmitter stimulation of gallbladder contraction
CCK, Acetylcholine.