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69 Cards in this Set

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the place, in classical Greek culture, where philosophical discussions were held and legal matters decided; the "marketplace of ideas"
one consecrated by the pope to exercise authority as a successor to the Apostles (more info). Associated titles include:

* Ordinary - the bishop who leads a particular diocese
* Archbishop - the Ordinary who leads an archdiocese
* Auxiliary - a bishop who assists the Ordinary bishop of a (arch)diocese
* Coadjutor - an auxiliary bishop who automatically succeeds the Ordinary of a diocese
* Titular - the "title" of an ancient diocese to which a bishop is named in an honorific way
a member of the "college" of advisors to the pope (more info). Cardinals are created in a "consistory" meeting and are named to a particular "order" of precedence as cardinal bishops, cardinal priests, or cardinal deacons. Cardinals are usually leaders of major dioceses in the world or leaders of offices in the Roman Curia. The primary function of cardinals is to elect a pope during a conclave after the death of the pope
Catechism of the Catholic Church
the catholic beliefs
causes (philosophical)
from Aristotle's Physics, principles which explain change "with regard to the way things come into existence and pass away out of it" (more info)

* material - the "stuff" of something (e.g., the bronze material)
* formal - the pattern which gives definition to something (e.g., a "statue" of Mary)
* efficient - the agent or initiating source of something (e.g., the sculptor)
* final - the "why" of something (e.g., to inspire worship), including what is purposeful and instrumental
a special gift or "grace" or ability or talent
the study of Jesus Christ as God and Man; the Christological mysteries include

* kenosis - Greek for "self-emptying" it refers to the "journey" in which Jesus as God emptied himself to become human
* Incarnation - Latin for "in the flesh" it refers to the conception and birth of Jesus
* Passion - reference to the suffering and death of Jesus
* Resurrection - the coming to life of Jesus after his Passion
* Ascension - the bodily return of Jesus to heaven after the Resurrection
* Pentecost - the coming of the Holy Spirit, promised/sent by Jesus, upon the Apostles and the Church
* Paschal Mystery - the totality of Jesus' Passion, Resurrection, and Ascension
Code of Canon Law
the body of laws and regulations governing the rights and duties of Catholics in the Church
in terms of worship, refers to that point in the Mass in which the bread & wine are transformed into the Body & Blood o Christ; in terms of Chuch life, refers to the dedication of one's life to God by religious vows or a particular life style.
the agreement, modeled on a political treaty, in which two parties pledge a mutual and lasting relationship. Covenants between God and his people were made with Abraham, Moses, and David in the Old Testament; the "new" covenant with God is effectuated by Jesus; marriage is considered, theologically, to be a covenant between husband and wife.
a particular or local church defined according to a set geographical area (more info). A diocese is headed by an "Ordinary" bishop. An archdiocese is an administrative entity to which several smaller dioceses ("suffragan") are associated.
Doctor of the Church
a saint (e.g., St. Francis de Sales) of eminent doctrine and remarkable holiness of life whose writings are declared by the pope to be trustworthy as guides to salvation
the study of what it means to be and to exist as "church"
study and dialogue among the Christian churches/denominations; to be distinguished from "inter-religious" dialogue, which concerns non-Christian religions
an appearance or a "coming to light" by which something mysterious is made known or recognized/understood
properly, one of the four writers of a "gospel" in the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John); commonly, someone who preaches about the "good news" of Christianity.
s the process by which the good news of salvation is made known to others, either those who have never heard of Jesus Christ or, in a "new" or "second" sense, to those who have fallen away from belief in Jesus Christ. (link to links) In this process, various aspects can be emphasized:

* Catechesis refers to the pedagogy of training people in the specific details of the faith. (link to links)
* Inculturation refers to the method of working in and through the various elements of a particular culture (rather than imposing the message from the outside).
* Kerygma refers to the essential kernel of the message of Jesus that is made known in evangelization.
* Mission refers to the need for and the activity of evangelizing as being essential to who/what the Church is.
fundamental option
the notion that a life of Christian perfection is primarily about a basic choice for God; as long as one's fundamental option remains for God, other decisions about particular actions should, in theory, correspond to that fundamental option, but are less morally significant
general audience
a public gathering with the pope, regularly held on Wednesday mornings, during which the pope offers a brief reflection and greetings to the visitors from around the world.
the place of the "skulls," traditionally given as the place of Jesus' death on the cross
a supernatural "enabling" given by God that makes possible the transformation of human life (supernatural grace) and the doing of salutary deeds (actual grace)
theories of understanding and interpreting things, whether linguistic (texts) or non-linguistic (art, actions, etc.)
belief that the authority of the Church, as instituted by Christ, is given to and maintained by the Pope, and the bishops in communion with him
Holy See
the official name of the Roman Catholic Church in as much as it operates as a governing (juridical) entity in the political world of nations
a focus on the human being as enjoying pre-eminent status in the world, with attention to human creativity (the arts), human knowing (the antiquities), and human potential (freedom).
n which self-knowledge is relegated to a more confined context where doubt begins the reflective process (Descartes) and brute experience underscores social interaction (Hobbes & Locke)
in which the human species is considered according to fundamental, instinctual drives for power (Nietsche) or sex (Freud) or economic well-being (Marx)
in which the human mind, human qualities, and even religious faith are able to be explained entirely by means of physical laws
in which meaningfulness is found in human capabilities alone, and fulfillment in material objects of human production
in which meaningfulness is to be found within the boundaries of this age and this world itself
in which all human concerns are understood and address without any reference to the divinity
in which all human concerns are understood specifically in relation to God.
worship of a false god; allegiance to someone/something not deserving of it
intellectus fidei
the understanding of the faith and its articulation in the various forms of theology
intrinsic evil
an action that is, by its very nature, incapable of being ordered to what is good and, therefore, is something wrong in and of itself, always and everywhere, no matter the person's intentions or the consequences.
liturgical year
the calendar of worship that includes various "seasons" during the year:

* Advent - the four-week period before Christmas; a season of hope for the "coming" of the Messiah
* Christmas - the period from December 25th through the Baptism of the Lord, celebrating the Incarnation
* Lent - the period from Ash Wednesday to Holy Thursday; a season of penitence
* Triduum - the three days of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, celebrating the Passion
* Easter - the period from Easter Sunday through Pentecost, celebrating the Resurrection
* Ordinary time - all other times of the year
the official teaching authority of the Church, "ordinarily" exercised by the pope as head of, or together with, the college of bishops (collegiality). The papal magisterium is communicated in a variety of documents, each having distinct doctrinal authority.
Apostolic constitutions
solemn, formal documents on matters of highest consequence concerning doctrinal or disciplinary matters, issued by the pope in his own name. They are published as either universal or particular law of the Church. (Examples: the Constitution on the Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium; Constitution on the Catechism of the Catholic Church.)
Apostolic exhortation
a papal reflection on a particular topic that does not contain dogmatic definitions or policy directives, addressed to bishops, clergy and all the faithful of the entire Catholic Church. Apostolic exhortations are not legislative documents. (Example: Familiaris Consortio, on the Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World.)
Apostolic letter
a formal papal teaching document, not used for dogmatic definitions of doctrine, but to give counsel to the Church on points of doctrine that require deeper explanation in the light of particular circumstances or situations in various parts of the world.
may be a simple statement of the law, which must be interpreted according to the existing law; or an authoritative declaration that is retroactive and does not require further promulgation; or an extensive declaration, and must be promulgated according to the law.
a statement involving Church law, precepts or judicial decisions on a specific matter. It is an ordinance given by one having the power of jurisdiction (such as a bishop within his particular diocese, the head of an office of the Roman Curia, or the pope), acting administratively to promote compliance with the law. A decree announces that a given document or legislative text is in effect.
a formal apostolic letter issued by the pope usually addressed to the bishops, clergy and faithful of the entire Church. Example, Humanae vitae, concerning the Church’s teaching on birth control issued in 1968 by Pope Paul VI.
explains or amplifies a document that has legislative force, such as apostolic constitutions, and states how its precepts are to be applied. (e.g., Liturgiam authenticam, on liturgical translation, an Instruction on the correct implementation of the Constitution on the Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium.
instituted arrangement or regular method, rules (as in Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani).
Motu proprio
a legislative document or decree issued by the pope on his own initiative, not in response to a request.
the process whereby the lawmaker communicates the law to those to whom the law has been given.
confirms the review of documents that are submitted by a conference of bishops to the relevant office (dicastery) of the Holy See. Recognitio is required before the provisions of documents that modify universal law may come into effect. Recognitio thus signals acceptance of a document that may have legislative force.
the "song" of Mary during her visit with Elizabeth about the conception of Jesus
one who is killed on account of his/her faith
the mother of Jesus and, therefore, "mother of God" who is celebrated for her role in the history of salvation
the historical period (6th-15th centuries) that includes, among other things, the barbarian invasions of the Roman empire, the spread of Islam, and the split between Eastern Orthodox (Greek) and Roman Catholic (Latin) Christianity
natural law
the basic moral guidance (law) in life that can be known naturally by reason (even without revelation)
a form of teaching used by Jesus
in Old Testament history, refers to the event in which the angel of God "passed over" the houses of the Israelites to kill the first-born of the Egyptians; in Jewish rituals, the memorial celebration of the Exodus (more info); in New Testament history, is applied to the death of Jesus (more info)
the historical period (2nd-5th centuries) that concerns the early Church "Fathers" after Christianity separated from Judaism and becomes established as the religion of the state (the Roman empire)
he teaching, from the monk Pelagius who lived around the time of St. Augustine, that original sin did not taint human nature and, therefore, that our human freedom is capable of choosing good or evil, without any divine assistance or grace.
Petrine ministry
the work of the pope for the universal Church, which he exercises as the successor to the apostle Peter.
an indifference to the specific understandings of God; differing from atheism ("denies" God), agnosticism believes that a god may, indeed, exist, but in reality that does not really matter or affect us
the denial of the existence of God, either theoretically (the thought that there is no God) or practically (paying no attention to whether God exists or not)
claims sense experience as the ultimate source of knowledge; theologically, it concerns the idea that knowledge is sense- or fact-based (e.g., measurable), which faith is not
believes that knowledge depends on, or is contingent upon, the specific historical time and place in which it is expressed
the philosophy of nothingness
considers decision-making based on usefulness; defines morality not in terms of what is good but of what is advantageous
the notion that God has an eternal plan for the world and guides it to fulfillment
Roman Curia
the bureaucratic departments of the Holy See, by which the affairs of the universal Church are administered. The Curia is headed by the Secretariat of State. Offices include congregations, councils, tribunals, and other administrative units
baptism, reconciliation, eucharist, confirmation, annointing of the sick, holy orders, marriage
* original sin - the fundamental fault of humanity that lies in our tendency to go our own way rather than God's; the situation into which all humans are born
* mortal sin - sin that involves serious matter, fully known and fully intended
* venial sin - sin that does not involve serious matter or is not fully known or not fully intended
Vatican Council II
the second gathering of the world's bishops (council) that took place at the Vatican from 1962-1965, during which sixteen documents (link) on Church teaching were promulgated.