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72 Cards in this Set

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Name: Trapezius
O: Occipital bone, spines of C7 and all Thoracic vertebrae
I: spine and acromion of scapula, lateral clavicle
A: Extends, elevates, rotates and retracts scapula; secondary: extends head
What is the name of muscle #2?
N: Latissimus Dorsi
O: Via thoracolumbar fascia, the lower 6 thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, iliac crest
I: intertubercular sulcus of humerus
A: Extends, adducts and medially rotates arm
Name: Supraspinatus
O: supraspinous fossa of scapula
I: greater tubercle of the humerus
A: Abducts and stabilizes humerus
N: Infraspinatus
O: infraspinous fossa
I: greater tubercle of the humerus
A: Lateral rotation of humerus
Name: Teres Major
O: Posterior surface of inferior angle of scapula
I: Lesser tubercle of humerus
A. Synergist to latissimus dorsi (extends, adducts and medially rotates arm)
Name: Teres Minor (synergist to infrasinatus)
O: Lateral border of scapula
I: Greater tubercle of humerus
A: Lateral rotation of humerus
N: Subscapularis
O: Subscapular fossa of scapula
I: lesser tubercle of humerus
A: medial rotation of humerus, stabilizes shoulder joint

N: Rhomboids (major and minor)
O: spinous process of C7-T5
I: medial border of scapula
A: Stabilize scapula
N: Pectoralis Major
O: clavicle, sternum, costal cartilages
I: greater tubercle of humerus
A: Flexes, adducts and medially rotates arm
N: Serratus anterior
O: Ribs 1-8
I: anterior aspect of medial (vertebral)border of scapula
A: Protracts and rotates scapula superiorly and laterally ("Boxer's muscle")
N: Deltoid
O: clavicle, acromion and scapular spine
I: deltoid tuberosity of humerus
A: abducts arm
N: Biceps Brachii
O: coracoid process, supraglenoid tubercle
I: radial tuberosity
A: flexes elbow, supinates forearm
N: Brachialis
O: distal anterior humerus
I: coronoid process of ulna
A: flexes forearm
N: Triceps Brachii
O: Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula, posterior humerus
I: Olecranon process of the ulna
A: Extends forearm
N: Pronator teres
O: medial epicondyle of humerus
I: Lateral radius
A: Pronates and flexes forearm
N: Flexor carpi radialis
O: medial epicondyle of humerus
I: Base of the 2nd and 3rd metacarpals- tendon easily seen to guid taking pulse of radial artery
A: Flexes wrist; abducts hand
N: Palmaris Longus
O: medial epicondyle of humerus
I: palmar aponeurosis
A: Tenses skin and facia of palm; weak flexor of wrist
N: Flexor carpi ulnaris
O: medial epicondyle of humerus
I: pisiform and hamate and fifth metacarpal
A: flexes wrist, adductshand
N; Brachioradialis
O: lateral supracondylar ridge
I: styloid process of radius
A: flexes forearm
N: Extensor carpi radialis (longus & brevis)
O: supracondylar ridge and lateral epicondyle of humerus
I: Base of 2nd and 3rd metacarpal
A: extends and abducts the wrist
N: Extensor digitorum communis
O: lateral epicondyle of the humerus
I: Posterior surfaces of distal phalanges of digits 2-5
A; Extends fingers and wrist, abducts fingers
N extensor “digiti” minimi (“lateralis” in cat)
A extends 5th digit
N: Extensor carpi ulnaris
O: lateral epicondyle of humerus
I: 5th metacarpal
A: Extends and adducts wrist
#6 (Deep Muscle 1/3)
abductor pollicis longus m. (6).
N Abductor pollicis longus
A Abducts and extends thumb
Deep group
Deep muscles:
N Abductor pollicis longus
A Abducts and extends thumb

2)N Extensor pollicis brevis
A Extends thumb

3)N Extensor pollicis longus
A extends thumb
green tape
Frontalis (green tape)

N Frontal belly
A raises eyebrows

*Special Note: Epicranius:
Bipartite muscle consisting of a frontal belly and occipital belly attached by galea aponeurotica (an aponeurosis, which is a sheet of connective tissue; a flat tendon)
N Orbicularis oris
A Closes and puckers lips; kissing/whistling muscle
N Orbicularis oris
A Closes and puckers lips; kissing/whistling muscle
N Orbicularis oculi
A Closes eye
N Risorius
A Draws corner of lip laterally; synergist to zygomaticus
N Levator labii superioris muscle
A Raises upper lip
N Zygomaticus (major and minor)
A raises corners of mouth, smiling muscle
N Buccinator
A Compresses cheek (for whistling and sucking)
N Temporalis
A Closes jaw
N Masseter
O zygomatic arch
I angle and ramus of mandible
A Prime mover of jaw closure; elevates mandible
Top arrows
Superior rectus Top arrows

N Superior rectus
A Rotates eyeball superiorly and medially (elevates and adducts)
bottom arrow
Inferior rectus (bottom arrow)

N Inferior rectus
A Rotates eyeball inferiorly and medially (depresses and adducts)
Right Arrow
Rt Arrow
N Medial rectus
A Rotates eyeball medially (adducts)
Rt Eye
N Lateral rectus
A Rotates eyeball laterally (abducts)
Superior oblique (arrow pointing to white ligament)

N Superior oblique
A Rotates eyeball inferiorly and laterally (depresses and abducts)
bottom arrow
Inferior Oblique

N Inferior oblique
A Rotates eyeball superiorly and laterally (elevates and abducts)
N: Sternothyroid
O: manubrium
I: thyroid cartilage
A: Pulls larynx and hyoid bone inferiorly (depresses)
N: Sternohyoid
O: manubrium and clavicle
I: hyoid bone
A: Depresses hyoid and larynx
N Thyrohyoid
O thyroid cartilage
I hyoid
A Depresses hyoid or elevates larynx
N: Digastric “two bellies”
O: Mandible and mastoid process
I: By a connective tissue loop to hyoid bone
A: Open mouth and depress mandible
N Mylohyoid
O Mandible
I Hyoid
A Elevates hyoid
* Sternocleidomastoid

• Clavicle (medial)
• Sternum (manubrium)

• Mastoid process

• Unilateral: rotates head to opposite shoulder
rotation of head so face turns to opposite side
• Bilateral: flexion of head

When incluced with N Erector Spinae- iliocostalis, longissimus, and spinalis muscles- Muscles of the Neck and Vertebral Column: Head Movements and Trunk Extension
N Psoas major
O lumbar vertebrae
I lesser trochanter of the femur
A Prime mover in thigh flexion and in flexing trunk
N Iliacus
O Iliac fossa
I lesser trochanter of the femur
A Prime mover in thigh flexion and in flexing trunk
N Sartorius
O anterior superior iliac spine
I tibia
A Flexes, abducts and laterally rotates thigh; flexes knee
N Adductor longus
O pubis near pubic symphysis
I linea aspera
A Adducts, flexes and medially rotates thigh
N Adductor MAGNUS (= "adductor FEMORIS" in cats)
O ischium and pubis
I linea aspera of femur
A Adducts, flexes and medially rotates thigh
N Pectineus
O pubis
I posterior femur
A Adducts, flexes and medially rotates thigh
N: Gracilis
O: pubis
I: medial tibia
A: flexes knee and adducts and medial rotates thigh
What is the group name for Anterior Muscles of Thigh?

What muscles is this group composed of?
Anterior Muscles of Thigh - Quadriceps femoris = Group name (composed of 4 muscles)

1. Rectus femoris
2. Vastus lateralis
3. Vastus medialis
4. Vastus intermedius
N Rectus femoris
O anterior inferior iliac spine
I patella and tibial tuberosity
A Extends knee and flexes thigh at hip
N Vastus lateralis
O Greater trochanter
I patella and tibial tuberosity
A Extends knee
N Vastus medialis
O linea aspera
I patella and tibial tuberosity
A Extends knee
N Vastus intermedius
O proximal femur
I patella and tibial tuberosity
A Extends knee
N Tensor fasciae latae
O iliac crest and anterior superior iliac spine
I iliotibial tract-The fascia lata that ensheathes all the muscles of the thigh
A Steadies trunk on thigh
N Gluteus maximus
O ilium, sacrum, coccyx
I gluteal tuberosity of femur
A Major extensor of thigh
N Gluteus medius
O ilium
I greater trochanter of the femur
A Abduction and medial thigh rotation
N Semimembranosus
O ischial tuberosity
I medial condyle of tibia
A Extends thigh, flexes knee
N Semitendinosus
O ischial tuberosity
I medial aspect of proximal tibia
A Extends thigh, flexes knee
N Biceps femoris
O ischial tuberosity and femur
I fibula and tibia
A Extends thigh, flexes knee
N Gastrocnemius
O medial and lateral condyles of femur
I via achilles tendon onto calcaneus
A plantarflexes foot; flexes lower leg
N Soleus
O head of fibula and tibia
I calcaneal tendon onto calcaneous
A Plantarflexes foot
N: Tibialis anterior
O: lateral condyle and tibial shaft
I: medial cuneiform and first metatarsals
A: Prime mover of dorsiflexion
N Peroneus (fibularis) longus
O head of fibula
I First metatarsal and medial cuneiform
A Plantarflexion and foot eversion
N External intercostals
A raises ribs for inspiration

FYI: Deep Muscles of the Thorax: Breathing w/ Internal intercostals & Diaphragm
N Internal intercostals
A Depresses ribs for forced expiration

FYI: this muscle along with the external intercostals & the Diaphragm are the breathing muscles
N Diaphragm (innervated by phrenic nerve: " C3, C4, C5- keeps the
diaphragm alive")
O cartilages of lowest ribs, lumbar vertebrae
I central tendon
A Prime muscle of inspiration (flattens on contraction)