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68 Cards in this Set

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What % protein does a nursing puppy need?
33% DM basis
What % protein does a mature adult dog need?
What % fat do mature adult dogs need?
What % fat do nursing puppies need?
41.8% DM basis
What is the largest intestinal organ?
Where does blood come from when it goes through the liver?
GI, spleen, and pancreas
Where do toxins and nutrients from the GI go?
Pass through liver and then go to systemic circulation
Where does detoxification occur?
What does spleen do?
Destroy old RBC's
Where do old RBC's go after being destroyed by spleen?
To liver to be removed (only remnants are left after they leave the spleen)
What does pancreas send to liver?
Insulin, glucagon, and other hormones
Liver is strategically placed between what 4 things?
Pancreas, spleen, GI, and systemic circulation
What vein drains the GI, spleen, and pancreas into the liver?
Portal vein
What is splanchnic circulation?
GI, spleen, and pancreas circulation
What artery supplies the liver with oxygenated blood?
Hepatic artery (coming off the celiac artery)
Which veins unite to make the portal vein?
Splenic vein and cranial mesenteric vein
Does portal vein have high or low oxygen?
What are parenchymal cells of liver made up of?
What are hepatocytes arranged into?
Classic lobule
What does the hepatic artery break down into once it enters the liver?
Hepatic arterioles
Where do the hepatic arterioles travel to?
Every corner of classic lobule (hexagon)
What do these hepatic arterioles bring in?
Oxygen, nutrients, metabolites
Where are sinusoids located in the hepatic lobule?
They extend from the corner of lobule to the central vein
What drains into the sinusoids?
Blood from portal vein and from hepatic artery
Where does 70-80% of the blood coming to the liver come from?
Portal vein (the rest from hepatic artery)
What escapes from the sinusoids? (and is exposed to hepatocytes)
Plasma, which contains glucose, toxins
What do the hepatocytes do with the plasma that is leaking from the sinusoids?
They will take up glucose, toxins, etc. from plasma
What happens to the plasma that doesn't drain back to the sinusoids after contacting the hepatocytes?
Convert to lymph and drain towards periphery of lobule (away from center of lobule)
What is the space of disse?
The space b/w hepatocytes and sinusoids
What happens in the space of disse?
This is where hepatocytes exchange with the sinusoids
Where does bile come from and where does it go?
Hepatocytes secrete bile into the area b/w hepatocytes (opposite side from space of disse). Bile moves outward from center of lobule to periphery of lobule.
What is centrifugal flow vs. centripedal flow?
Centrifugal is flow from central vein to periphery of lobe and centripedal is from periphery to central vein.
What drainage systems are on the corners of lobule?
Lymphatic and bile duct
What are the 4 systems present on each corner of hepatic lobule? ("portal triad" = portal area)
Portal vein input, hepatic artery input, lymphatic drainage, bile drainage
In what direction does blood, lymph, and bile drain?
Blood drains from portal area through sinusoids to central vein. Lymph & bile drain toward portal area.
Central veins come together and drain into which vein?
Sublobular veins come together and make which vein?
Hepatic vein
Hepatic vein drains into what vein?
Caudal vena cava, which goes back to the heart
Where do bile ducts drain into?
Bile ducts in portal areas come together and drain into left & right hepatic ducts, which come together to form the common hepatic duct
What makes up the common bile duct?
Common hepatic duct meets with cystic duct (from gall bladder) and both make up the common bile duct
Common bile duct meets with the pancreatic duct (in pancreas) and drains into the duodenum through the _______________
Major duodenal papilla
What are sinusoids made of?
Fenestrated endothelial cells (hole-y)
What are Kupffer cells?
Derived from macrophages. They line the sinusoids. They filter out toxins, remnants of old RBC's, etc.
Describe hepatocytes.
They are large cells with many faces. As age increases, # of nuclei increases. One face of hepatocytes faces sinusoids (space of disse). It has many microvilli to increase surface area.
What is biliary caniculi?
A gap between the hepatocytes' membranes
What is drained from hepatocytes to biliary caniculi?
Where does bilirubin come from?
From broken down RBC's from spleen
How does bilirubin get into biliary caniculi?
Bilirubin comes from blood, goes through sinusoids to space of disse, and is brought into hepatocyte through membrane. Its conjugated with gluconic acid and activately secreted into biliary caniculi.
What else goes through the same transport system as the bilirubin?
How many mitochondria are in hepatocytes?
800-1000 per cell
What else does a hepatocyte contain?
A lot of lysozomes, peroxizomes, RER, SER, golgi apparatus
What are some hepatocytes' functions?
Destroy toxins, produce lipids & lipoproteins, synthesize plasma proteins
What are stellate cells?
Fat- & vitamin A-storing cells. Aka ito cells. Found in space of disse.
What does inflammation do to stellate cells (ito cells)?
Inflammation stimulates them to lose their fat & become myofibroblasts --> secrete collagen --> liver becomes fibrotic --> cirrhosis can occur
What 3 things do hepatocytes synthesize?
VLDL (very low density lipoproteins), LDL, and HDL
What are VLDL and LDL carriers of, respectively?
VLDL are carriers of triglycerides. LDL are carriers of cholesterol.
What is bile made up of?
Bilirubin, cholesterol, IgA, and bile acids (cholic acids and cheno-deoxy cholic acid)
How is the portal lobule structured?
Portal area is in the center connected by 3 central veins. Bile drains toward center of portal lobule.
How can liver be viewed as endocrine organ?
If seen from hepatic lobule (endocrine secretion into blood)
How can liver be viewed as exocrine organ?
If seen from portal lobule (liver is secreting bile)
Hepatocytes near central vein have [rich or poor] oxygen supply compared to hepatocytes near periphery
What are the 3 zones in the acinus?
Zone 1 has most oxygen (closest to periphery). Zone 3 has least zone (closest to central vein). Zone 2 is in between those 2.
If there is ischemia to liver, cells in which zone will start dying first?
Zone 3
WHich zone gets the most nutrients from GI, glucose, insulin?
Zone 1
What zone is affected first when there is inflammation (i.e. hepatitis?
Zone 1 b/c its exposed most to neutrophils and macrophages
What is the liver's exocrine function?
Making bile
What is the liver's endocrine function?
Secretes substances into blood, such as albumin, lipoproteins, etc.
What is the liver's metabolic function?
Converts glucose to glycogen & will synthesize glucose if glucose level is down