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89 Cards in this Set

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Glycogen is best demonstrated by the use of:
PAS with and without diastase
Amyloid can be demonstrated with:
Congo red
The Schiff reaction demonstrates:
A good control for the Mayer mucicarmine stain is:
A good control for glycogen is:
To increase the specificity for amyloid, Congo red stains should be examined by which microscope?
Of the following, which is the best fixative for glycogen?

a) Zenker
b) Orth
c) acetic acid
d) absolute alcohol
d) absolute alcohol
Periodic acid is used in the PAS technique as a/an:
The crystal violet stain for amyloid is a/an:
polychromatic stain
Acid mucopolysaccharides are demonstrated by:
alcian blue
The reliability of the Schiff reagent may be checked by adding which of the following to a small aliquot of the schiff solution?

a) sodium iodate
b) formaldehyde
c) potassium metabisulfite
d) diastase
b) formaldehyde
A fluorescent dye used for the demonstration of amyloid is:
thioflavin T
The alcian blue stain performed at pH 1.0 demonstrates:
sulfated acid mucopolysaccharidess
Substances stained positively with the colloidal iron will be:
Schiff reagent is a/an:
reduced solution of basic fuchsin
Diastase digestion increases specificity for:
Colloidal iron is used for the demonstration of:
acid mucopolysaccharides
A mucicarmine stain would be most helpful in the diagnosis of:
Adjacent sections are stained with PAS, one with and one without diastases digestion. A positive result on the one without digestion and a negative result on the one with digestion indicates the presence of:
T/F: Glucose, sucrose, and other oligopolysaccharides can be demonstrated easily in tissue sections.
T/F: Hyaluronidase is used to digest some connective tissue mucins.
T/F: The routine alcian blue stain is done at pH 1.5.
T/F: Good Schiff reagent should be light pink.
T/F: The end product in the colloidal iron method is Prussian blue.
T/F: Amyloid shows a yellow birefringence following staining with Congo red.
T/F: Glutaraldehyde is one of the recommended fixatives for the PAS reaction.
T/F: The Schiff reaction may show false positively following chromate-containing fixatives.
T/F: Glycogen-containing tissue fixed in Bouin solution may show resistance to diastase digestion.
T/F: The addition of acid to the crystal violet staining solution reduces background staining.
T/F: 4um to 6um sections are recommended for crystal violet stains.
What reagents are used to show acid mucopolysaccharides?
-alcian blue, pH 1.0

-alcian blue, pH 2.5

-colloidal iron
What reagents are used to show amyloid?
-Congo red

-crystal violet

-thioflavin T
What reagents are used to show carboxylated acid mucopolysaccharides?
-alcian blue, pH 2.5

-colloidal iron
What reagents are used to show glycogen?

-periodic acid

-Schiff reagent
What reagents are used to show neutral polysaccharides?
-periodic acid

-Schiff reagent
Which reagents are used to show sulfated (only) acid mucopolysaccharides?
-alcian blue, pH 1.0
No staining of the glomerular basement membrane can be seen microscopically on a control section of kidney. This may be the result of:
inadequate oxidation
Marked nonspecific background staining is noted on a section stained with the PAS technique. This could be the result of:
fixation with glutaraldehyde
Very weak staining is noted on a PAS-stained control section of liver. One problem-solving action is to:
check the Schiff reagent with formaladehyde
Sections of small intestine show orange goblet cells that are partially obscured by the yellow background. This is most likely the result of:
overstaining with metanil yellow
Control sections stained with Congo red show only yellow, and no green, birefringence. This could probably be corrected in the future by:
ensuring that the sections are cut at 8um to 10um
what are examples of neutral epithelial mucins
stomach mucin
Paneth call granules
What are examples of COOH and OSO3H acid connective tissue mucins
Chondrotin sulfate A, B, C
Reagent order in PAS
metabisulfite rinse
Harris hematoxylin
What is the Schiff reagent made of
basic fuchsin (pararosaniline)
Factors affecting PAS stain
amount of 1,2 glycols avaliable
reactivity of Schiff reagent
The PAS is what type of reaction
1,2 glycol to aldehyde
Fixative for PAS
10% NBF
methanol- blood
Which fixative is not good for the removal of glycogen in the PAS with digestion stain?
picric acid fixative will be most resistant to glycogen removal
Facts about mucins
mucins: stain with basic dyes
precipitated by acetic acid
soluble in alkaline solutions
What forms a compound in the Mayer Muccicarmine stain?
Aluminum forms a chelation with carmine; compound has a + charge attaches to acid groups of mucin.
Which stain detects epithelial mucins?
Mayer Muccicarmine
What is muccicarmin composed of?
aluminum hydroxide
Steps of Mayer Muccicarmine stain
Weigerts Iron Hematoxylin
Menatil Yellow
Which stains detect glycogen?
Best Carmine
What is important in the Best Carmine reaction?
high pH basic
ammonium maintains high pH
Procedure for Best Carmine
Harris Hematoxylin
What is the differentiating solution in Best Carmine?
Types of connective tissue mucin stains
Alcian Blue
Colloidal Iron
If there is weak stainig in Alcain Blue, what may cause this?
complete hydration of slide necessary b/c alcaniphilic structures hydrate slowly
weak staining will result if not properly hydrated
steps of Alcian Blue pH2.5
Acetic Acid
Alcian Blue w/ acetic acid
Acetic acid
nuclear fast red
What does the acetic acid in Alcian Blue do?
Acetic acid prepares the tissue to stain, protects pH changes, and prevents nonspecific staining
steps of Alcian Blue pH1.0
Alcian Blue w/ HCl
nuclear fast red
Which connective tissue stain can will not work with a chromate fixative?
Collodial iron
What reactions occurs in Colloidal Iron stain?
Colloidal ferric iron at low pH binds;
Prussian blue detects the iron bound to the tissue
Steps of colloidal iron
acetic acid
colloidal iron
acetic acid
Potassium ferrocyanide hydrochloric
nuclear fast red
Whaich stain differentiate between connective tissue mucins and epithelial mucins
Alcian Blue w digestion
Alcian Blue/ PAS stain demonstrates
differentiate between connective tissue (acid) mucins and neutral mucins
What helps to enhance amyloid staining?
alkali pretreatment makes more site avaliable for dye binding
How to examine Congo Red results
see results under polarized light
Results of Congo Red stain
Green birefringence
Cut size for amyloid Congo Red tissue
6-10um, if thinner will not show green birefringence
Steps for Cyrstal Violet stain
Crystal violet
Apathy Mounting Media
What prevents bleeding of the cyrstal violet stain
potassium acetate or sugar
(mounting apathy medium contains sugars)
How is the background diminished in Thioflavin T stain
Background nuclear staining is quenched by staining with aluminum hematoxylin (Mayer Hematoxylin)
Which of the following will bind to acid mucosubstances and may then be demonstrated by the Prussian blue reaction?
a) diastase
b) dimedone
c) colloidal iron
d) hyaluronidase
c) colloidal iron
Parallel sections are stained with PAS, one with and one without diastase digestion. When the staining results are evaluated, the digested section demonstrates:
sites where glycogen was removed
Acid mucosubstances and neutral mucosubstances can be differentiated by stained with both
Acid mucosubstances and neutral mucosubstances can be differentiated by stained with both alcian blue and PAS
In the colloidal iron method of staining, the principle of the reaction is believed to be the formation of an ionic bond between ferric iron and the free carboxyl group of the:
acid mucopolysaccharides
In order to suppress background and non-specific staining, a Congo red solution frequently contains:
sodium chloride
In metachromatic staining, the strong acid mucosubstances can be distinguished from weakly-acid mucosubstances by varying the:
Carmine and aluminum chloride combine to form Mayer:
The PAS reaction is useful for the demonstration of:
neutral mucopolysaccharides
Microscopic inspection of a PAS-stained control section for fungi reveals very palely stained fungal organisms, making identification difficult. A likely cause for this problem is the:
use of depleated Schiff reagent
The acid used in the Prussian blue reaction is:
Tissue from which of the following organs should be selected as a control for the alcian blue technique (pH 2.5)?
a) skin
b) kidney
c) muscle
d) colon
d) colon
An alcian blue stain at pH 2.5 has been requested, but no alcian blue is available. Which of the following procedures could be performed to give equivalent results?
a) Luxol fast blue
b) periodic acid-Schiff
c) colloidal iron
d) mucicarmine
The major disadvantage of using crystal violet technique for the demonstration of amyloid is that:
the preparation is not permanent
What is potassium ferranocyde hydrochloric used for
Colloidal Iron