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128 Cards in this Set

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date: Germany invades france
date: Pearl Harbor (specific)
Dec 7, 1941
date: Yalta
date: death of FDR
date: HIroshima
date: Marshall Plan approved
date: Communist China victorious
date: North Korea invades South Korea
date: Brown vs. Board
date: Little Rock
date: Sputnik
date: Civil Rights Act of ____

empowered federal law enforcement agencies to act to outlaw racial discrimination in voting employment and public accommodations
Oswald Spengler
German philosopher, Wrote Decline of the West in 1919-1922

civilizations go through stages of rise and fall (like organisms); west currently in decline/dying state

part of post WWI, depression pessimism
Arnold Toynbee
Wrote A Study of HIstory in 1939

history contains a cycle of the rise and fall of different leaders

most important factors are not economic, but personal leadership/spiritual forces

generally not accepted by most historians
On the eve of 1940, why did everything appear so bleak (3 main general reasons outlined in class)
1. Legacy of the Great War (destructiveness of war, collapse of dignity, doubt in god)

2. Economic Depression

3. Intellectual Pessimism (Sci Fi=apocalyptic, historians like Spengler and Toynbee see west in decline, revival of marxist thought)
Grapes of Wrath, 1939
Sinclair Lewis
It Can't Happen Here 1935
Life Magazine 1936
H G Wells
The Shape of Things to Come 1933
Legacy of the Great War
Collapse of...
the Victorian Mindset
Dignity of the Individual
Purposeful God
Superiority of Western Civilization (tore itself apart)
Economic Depression of the 30s characterized by
misery in city and country side
pessimistic economists: low growth models
pessimistic politicians: coping with political instability
Different attitudes of intellectuals/thinkers on the eve of 1940s
-sci fi: apocalypse looms
-historians: end to whig history (things always get better)
-spengler and reactionaries: west in decline
-cyclical: Toynbee (decline of west, rise of others)
-marxist revival (worsening conditions will result in revolution)
Executive Order 9066
evacuation of the Japanese
Battle of Midway

end of jap hegemony in the pacific
Selective Service System 1940
first peacetime draft

created by Congress
The Supreme court unanimously upholds the criminal convictions of japanese citizens for curfew violations in what case and in what year?
Hirabayashi v. United States

What aided corporate expansion during world war II
-cost + contracts (govt guarantees profit, covers starting costs)
-demise of sherman anti trust act (limited size of corporations/monopolies)
-business-government cooperation
What factors contributed to social and cultural homogenization during WWII?
-decline of regionalism and ethnic communities
-emergence of mass media
-geographical mobility
The united states created a unified identity during WWII primarily by...
defining themselves in opposition to the Japanese

(if read with this side first, what did america gain by doing the above)
Earl Warren
attorney general of Cali

demanded evacuation of japs

later was instrumental in Brown v Board
General John DeWitt
wrongly reported a 30 plane Japanese incursion over San Fran on the day after Pearl Harbor

called for the internment of aliens--stressed importance of racial identity
Harlan Fiske Stone
1941 named chief justice of supreme court by FDR

Republican, presided over jap internment cases
Henry L Stimson
Secretary of War (Taft)
Secretary of State (Hoover)
1940 Secretary of War (FDR)

Stimson doctrine: US would not recognize territorial gains ensuing from aggression (1932 when Japan invaded Manchuria)
Wendell Willkie
Republican nominee for president in 1940

supported selective service and aid to Britain

after defeat to FDR, helped work towards lend-lease, UN establishment, civil rights
John Maynard Keynes
Book: General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (1936)

in times of unemployment and deflation, massive government spending necessary to improve economy
Felix Frankfurter
supreme court justice (1939)

earlier: worked under Stimson
-helped found civil liberties union
-supported zionist movement
Frank Murphy
1940 appointed to Supreme Court

mayor of detroit, gov of michigan

new deal supporter, democrat
Atlantic Charter

whats it about?
announced in...?

promotes the sovereignty of individual nations and peaceful cooperation between states (Britain doesn't like because it wants to keep its imperial empire, Russia doesn't like because it wants a sphere of influence/control--aka poland conflict, etc)
Casablanca Conference
Jan 1943

FDR and Churchil pledged that Axis states must give unconditional surrender
Teheran Conference
Nov-Dec 1943
FDR Churchill Stalin: settle plans for cross-channel invasion of france

Stalin agrees to help pacific war vs Japan after nazi fall

all agree to UN
Yalta Conference
Febr 1945

big three agree to divide Germany into four zones of occupation

stalin reluctantly promises to allow democratic Polish elections (though he doesn't follow through)
Harry Hopkins
FDRs personal negotiator with Britian and Russia (allows the White House to dominate foreign policy)
Jean Darlan
concluded armistice with the allies prior to operation torch (nov 1942)
operation torch
accomodation with fascists

British-American invasion of French North Africa in World War II during the North African Campaign, started November 1942.

favored by british, who didn't like the idea of invading france immediately
operation sledgehammer
plan to directly invade france in late 1942 (in order to relieve pressure on Russia)

UK against it, didn't have the time or massive forces ready yet
June 1944
Henri-Philippe Petain
French general named to head of new Vichy government when Hitler's government took over france

ruled 2/3 of france according to German dictates
Leo Szilard
didn't want to use the bomb, favored international control of atomic weapons
J Robert Oppenheimer
left wing politics in 1930s

1942 Leslie R Groves gives him task to design atomic bomb for manhattan project
Leslie Groves
military officer

headed the manhattan project after heading all military construction in US
Enrico Fermi

professor at columbia

worked on self sustaining chain reaction for a bomb
Harold Urey
Columbia U prof

gas-diffusion process for separating U235 from U238
Ernest Lawrence

headed electromagnetica separation project for separating U235 from U238

plants for this project located in Oak Ridge, Tenn
Arthur Compton
U Chicago

supervised plutonium production at Hanford, Washington
Otto Han
1938 splits radium

german physicists

starts the whole drive to get the bomb before Germany
First a bomb (test)
what kind?
July 16 1945

Trinity test at Los Alamogordo

Lublin Poles were on the side of Russia or the west

became puppet govt in 1945
Harry Truman
took over president after FDR dies in 1945

Truman Doctrine: containment

Marshall Plan

only elected once: 1948
Henry Agard Wallace
ran for leftist progressive party during election of 1948, over a million votes

opposition to cold war

previously had been secretary of commerce for Truman, but resigned
Reinhold Niebuhr
emphasized "otherness" of god

believed faith transcended reason and was rooted in a nonrational reality

wrote Nature and the Destiny of Man
Faith and History
Dean Acheson
Acheson Lilienthal Plan for control of atomic energy 1946

secretary of state under truman 1949053

archiect of containment strategy

accused by McCarthy of being a dupe of the Communists
Acheson Lilienthal Plan

first call for UN supervision of "weapons of mass destruction"

UN security council would make extensive power to make weapons decisions
James Forrestal
first Secretary of Defense

military control of atomic weapons

strengthened National Security Council

persuaded George Kennen to publish "X article" (about threat of soviet union and need for containment)

Truman makes him resign when he finds out that he supports dewey
James Byrnes
Supreme court justice 1941-2

resigned to direct war mobilizaiton

1945-7 secretary of state under truman

opposed racial integration as governor of SC
W Averell Harriman
ambassador to the USSR 1943-6

stresses need for firm hand in dealing with USSR

works with marshall plan
George Kennan
X Article

advisor to Dean Acheson

ambassador to Soviet Union, but they demanded his recall

opposed vietnam war

Father of Containment
Long Telegram (X Article)
George Kennan wrote secretly

calls for containment of Soviet Communism
Andrey Zhdanov
Communist leader, killed most likely in Stalin's purge of 1948 (the "leningrad affair")

imposed cultural controls, formed propoganda organization Cominform (opposed by Kennan)
Ivan Pavlov
Pavlov's dogs

human motivation based on reward reflex
Trofim Lysenko
believed that better fertilizers could improve genetics of crops (wrong)

"environmental genetics"
Iron Curtain speech
1946 Churchill
Civil War in Greece
British leave in 1946, can't afford to support

US supports, victorious

us props up non dem government--ok as long as its not communist

prompts truman doctrine
Truman Doctrine

Stalin uses communist ideology as a weapon by using...
Andrei Zhdanov's propoganda
Pavlov's studies on human behavior
Lysenko's alternatives to genetic determinism
Communist take over of Czechoslovakia in 1948 showed the west that
Communist expansion was a real threat

increased support for Marshall Plan, Truman Doctrine
Berlin Blockade and airlift
Point Four Program
like the marshall plan (gives economic aid) except to poor countries like Iran, nicarauga,etc
april 1949
The Jacob Arbenz example
Guatemalan leader, democratic but with socialist/marxist tendencies by 1940s

CIA supports military coup when Arbenz secretly gets Soviet weapons
first prez of Czechoslovakia republic

doesn't belong to any party, not a communist

1948 found dead after purge of communist officials in government
George Marshall
Secretary of State 1947

inspired European Recovery Plan (Marshal plan)

retired in 1949 but called back to serve as Secretary of Defense
Korean War
Truman intervenes in june 1950

1951 april MacArthur fired for wanting to invade china

forces "crisis of containment" when Truman chooses ideology over military strategy---very unpopular

ends 1953 under eisenhower
Battle of Inchon
"MacArthur's finest hour"

decisive, necessary victory for UN in Korea War
Syngman Rhee
leader of South Korea after WWII

supported by West

calimed right to reunify Korea

wouldn't have actually had the democratic elections he promised to (us knows this but supports anyways)
Kim Il Sung
North Korean chief of state 1948-94

1945 chairman of soviet-sponsored peoples committee of North Korea
Chiang Kai-shek
West supported opposition leader in China


US loses battle for non-soviet China
proposals involved in limiting Atomic warfare
Acheson-Lilienthal initiative
Baruch proposal
Gromyko Counter proposal
Bernard Baruch
Baruch Plan

advisor to government on economic and mobilization issues
Baruch Plan
revised Acheson-Lilienthal plan

put weapons under supervision of UN general assembly

plan rejected by Soviets, Gromyko responds with un realistic counter proposal
Edward Teller
most responsible for the super bomb (the Hydrogen bomb)

involved in later "star wars' (strategic defense initiative under reagan)
John Von Neumann
worked on bomb development at Los Alamos

work on one of the first computers (MANIAC) that made the H bomb possible

GAME THEORY ("Theory of Games and Economic Behanvior") -- base of econometrics

helps instill cold war panics
David E Lilienthal
chairman of US Atomic Energy Commission by Truman

champions civilian, not military control of program
Massive Retaliation
nuclear strategy, 1952 by Secretary of state John Foster Dulles

By relying on a large nuclear arsenal for deterrence, President Eisenhower believed that conventional forces could be reduced while still maintaining military prestige and power and the capability to defend the western bloc.
Dwight Eisenhower
president after Truman (starting 1952), defeats isolationist Robert Taft in his own party and Adalai Stevenson of the Dems

military general during WWII

in 1950 organizes NATO forces

settled Korean War

supported massive retaliation policies of his Sec of State Dulles
John Foster Dulles
Secretary of State in1953 under Eisenhower

massive retaliation

defender of nationalist china, south vietnam government of Ngo Dinh Diem, US involvment in Middle east
Robert A Taft
runs against truman in Repub party

wants return to isolationism, rejects Truman's aggressive foreign policy
NSC 162/2
"New Look" -- foreign policy under Eistenhower

NSC 162/2 stated that the United States needs to maintain "a strong military posture, with emphasis on the capability of inflicting massive retaliatory damage by offensive striking power", and that the United States "will consider nuclear weapons as available for use as other munitions."
Klaus Fuchs
manhattan project physicist who allows info to be spread to soviets

arrest right before mccarthy's speech
McCarran Act
communists in the US need to register

oct 1950
Soviets detonate A bomb and H bomb in...
1949, 1953

much earlier than expected
Army-McCarthy hearings
destroy McCarthy's legitimacy

1954 April-June

Joseph McCarthy
US Senator in Wisconsin 1946

Tydings Committee investigation of subversives until 1953
1953 chair of Senate Committee on Government Operations

went too far when he began to investigate communists in the army
Elizabeth Bentley
American who joined the communist party after italy experience

lover to Colonol Bykov aka Jacob Golos who was a soviet secret agent

was an informer for the soviets until golos' death, when she began to work for FBI
Whittaker Chambers
secret agent for soviets until 1937 (dissilusioned by purges)

senior editor of Time, ardent anti-communist

1948 named Alger HIss as communist sympathizer

wrote witness
Alger Hiss
prominent advisor in state department

indicted for espionage after pumpkin patch documents

convicted for perjury for earlier denying contact with chambers
Julius Rosenerg
brother in law confesses that Julius had provided diagrams on implosion and lens mechanism for plutonium bomb in 1945

executed with wife in 1953
Owen Lattimore
advisor to president, china

accused by McCarthy after communist china wins out

charges dismissed
Richard Nixon
famous because of membership on House Committee on Un American activies (brought Hiss Alger debate to the table)

Vice president under Eisenhower
C Wright Mills
believed that America's celebration of itself during the 1950s had vitiated the raidcal left and contributed to the absence of political dissent

didn't believe that american society could effect meaningful reforms

student activists in 1960s find a leader in C Wright Mills

wrote: The Power Elite
Richard Hofstadter

Columbia history; sought to view american history through a psychological perspective

wrote: Social Darwinism in American Thought, Age of Reform

objects to anti-intellectualism, unthinking dogmatism

pro-New Deal, anti-progressive, populist
Benjamin Spock
"Baby and Child Care" 1946

training children to conform

bible of mothers and domestic life
David Riesman
The Lonely Crowd 1950

other directed man dominates inner directed man (self motivated)

though it seems like consensus, really there is profound isolationist feelings among individuals (society not as homogenous as it wasnts to be)
William H Whyte Jr
wrote: The Organization Man 1956

emphasized how white collar organization/hierarchy had become the dominating personality of society (rather than blue collar hard work,etc)
Daniel Bell
The end of ideology
Warren court instructs federal courts to implement desegration _______
with all deliberate speed

WEB DuBois
helped found he NAACP

sought civil and political equality
Thurgood Marshall
black lawyer in Brown v Board Case

argued that seperate educational facilities were inherently unequal

first black supreme court justice
Orval Faubus
gov of Arkansas

called national guard in order to prevent desegregation

closed schools 1958-9
1955-6 Bus Boycott brings him to fame
Founded South Christian Leadership Conference
1957-65 demonstrations in south
1964 nobel peace price
assassinated 1968

CORE congress of racial equality
Roy Wilkins
head of NAACP, advocated racial change through judicial intervention

succeeded Du Bois as editor of NAACP's "Crisis" magazine
James Meredith
first black student to attend ole miss 1962 (U mississippi)

leads to riots where many die, fed troops have to come

1966 solitary "March against fear through deep south"
Stokeley Carmichael

advocate of Black Power after Meredith was shot

official in Black Panther party

later moves to Guinea in africa
Lunch counter sit ins begin in
Voting Rights Act

outlawed discriminatory voting practices that had been responsible for the widespread disenfranchisement of African Americans
Freedom Riders

Civil Rights activists who rode on interstate buses into the segregated southern United States

protesting 1960 Supreme Court decision Boynton v. Virginia which upheld
Birmingham bombing

Letter From Birmingham Jail

I have a dream speech

James Baldwin
Fire Next time

By 1964 only ___% of black students in the south attend school with whites
1% of students integrated